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Entertain Your Bird While You're Gone

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Are you thinking of getting a bird but are worried about it being bored while you're gone? Do you have a bird but your schedule is really busy? Here are some tips on how to keep your bird happy and entertained while you're out of the house.

== Steps ==
# Think about your schedule.
#* If you are going to be gone for several hours a day and don't spend much time at home, a bird may not be right for you. The same goes for people who travel frequently.
#* Never get a bird impulsively. If you will not be able to spend at least five hours with your bird a day, consider if you really have enough time for a bird.
# Buy lots of toys.
#* Toys are the main source of entertainment for your bird while you're gone. If you're getting a new bird, though, don't overwhelm it. You can always increase your toy collection over time.
#* Make sure to switch out your toys every few weeks so your bird doesn't get bored with its current ones.
# Play soft music.
#* Set up a device near your bird's cage. Do not put it in the cage; that's your bird's space.
#* Play gentle and calming music. You can even search for music made specifically for animals or birds.
#* Make sure your device has a long battery life or is plugged in while you're gone.
# Consider getting another bird.
#* First of all, don't think this is an alternative for spending time with your bird. It still needs lots of attention and love from you.
#* Think about if a second bird will suit your lifestyle. It is double the responsibility, so put lots of thought into it.
#* There are many benefits to getting a second bird. Your bird will definitely not be as bored while you're gone. It will be a lot less lonely.
#* There are also many things to consider. Remember, if they bond together, they will probably not form a bond with you. It will require double the cleaning and possibly a bigger cage. Birds can be aggressive to each other, so you have to be careful about which bird you get.
# Have someone come and check on your bird.
#* If you have a neighbour or friend that lives nearby, ask them to stop by once in a while to take your bird out of the cage and play with it.
#* Make sure that this person knows how to handle a bird properly and is familiar with your bird.

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