Creating a new article via the Article Creator New page Showing Rabbits == Steps == # Showmanship is one of the most common things for ...


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Showing Rabbits

== Steps ==
# Showmanship is one of the most common things for showing rabbits.There are multiple steps in showmanship.One of the hardest one is flipping the rabbit over to show the teeth and the sex of the rabbit.The  main reason is rabbits feel like the position they are in is a sighn of death.It is a survival instinct to try to flip over or squirming to try to get out.If they do try to flip over wich is more common than squirming they could break their back and die.
# When you show a rabbit in front of a judge with other people it is like the complete opposite from showmanship.The judge takes the rabbit from you and just looks it over he may ask you questions,but otherwise it is really just doing nothing.

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