America Ferrera graced the 2020 Oscars red carpet as a nominee for her leading role in How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, which is nominated for Best Animated Feature. The 35-year-old actress looked stunning in a crimson Alberta Ferretti gown with ruched sleeves, that pregnancy glow, and statement accessories — namely, the custom Jennifer Behr gold headpiece she wore across her forehead.
Ahead of her appearance on the carpet, Ferrera posted a preview of her head-to-toe look, giving an explanation of the deeper significance of the woven accessory and its placement. “For the final farewell to 12 years of How to Train Your Dragon and my Berkian Warrior Queen Astrid, tonight, I bring my own warrior ancestors with me, the indigenous Lenca tribe of Honduras,” she wrote in an Instagram post.
Ferrera’s Instagram post featured a 4-part gallery of images, two of her stunning Oscars beauty look and two that paid homage to her Honduran ancestors.
According to accessories designer Jennifer Behr, the symbolic headpiece was a collaboration between her, Ferrera, and the star’s glam team, including stylist Karla Welch and hairstylist Aviva Perea. “America is Honduran, and wanted to create a headpiece that would allow her to carry her warrior ancestors with her,” Behr wrote on Instagram following the star’s debut. “We crafted a custom brass halo inspired by Honduras’s most famous warrior, who is memorialized on the country’s currency.”
To complete the look, her hairstylist partnered with Suave to create a beautiful canvas that put the accessory front and center. “We wanted to keep America’s hair super sleek and shiny with a center part,” Perera explained. “The goal was to keep her long, super-straight hair movable, while maintaining smoothness. At the end, I attached the headpiece and off she glided to the Awards.”
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