We’re called to inspire real change in the world on Sunday, upon the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in sensitive Cancer at 2:41 a.m. EST. Th...

Your Horoscope This Week

We’re called to inspire real change in the world on Sunday, upon the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in sensitive Cancer at 2:41 a.m. EST. This powerful new phase allows us to set new goals for ourselves and inspires us to consider the impact of our actions. Our eyes are opened to a new reality beginning Tuesday, while Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, stations retrograde in psychic Pisces. We're being given a chance to acclimatize to our new reality and sit with our emotions. We’ll officially let go of the idea of "the way things used to be,” and we’ll feel as though we’ve tapped into a new well of inner strength, which we can use to support others. Charming Venus stations direct in chatty Gemini on Thursday, making us feel more open to bringing love into our lives, and ready to reintroduce playfulness into our relationships. We’ll take pleasure in spontaneity starting Saturday, when warrior Mars makes his way into his favorite sign of Aries. We're feeling more confident, competitive, and energized — but we may also be tempted to act selfishly, so take time to step outside of your own desires during this transit. 
March 21 to April 19

Consider how you'd like to manifest stability in your home, Aries. Sunday's Solar Eclipse in Cancer creates a clash between your creative-ruling Sun and domestic-ruling Moon. Use this transit to meditate on how you'd like to create a positive change in your living situation. Materialistic Venus stations direct in quick-witted Gemini on Thursday. Her retrograde path has offered you lessons to manage your money better; now is the time to put those theories into action. On Saturday, Mars makes his way into Aries. It's easier to find your voice and trust your intuition as the warrior planet energizes your sign. 
April 20 to May 20

Get ready to take on new responsibilities, Taurus. You're called to consider the impact of your voice on Sunday, while the domestic-ruling Sun in your 3rd house of communication creates a Solar Eclipse in sensitive Cancer. Use your newfound perspectives to shift your thinking and adjust accordingly. The air lightens starting Thursday, as ruling Venus stations direct in witty Gemini. You've got the chance to open up your heart to new people, expanding your social circle. Mars, which governs inner growth, makes his way into energetic Aries on Saturday, helping to invigorate your spiritual side. Invest time in creating a mindfulness practice that helps you to heal. 
May 21 to June 20

Think about what abundance looks like, Gemini. Meditate on what is necessary for you to survive on Sunday, upon the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in domestic Cancer. The Sun in your 2nd house of finances opposes the money-minded Moon, placing your desires against your needs. You could see your work from a new perspective beginning Tuesday, when Neptune, your overseer of status and career, stations retrograde in intuitive Pisces. This transit allows you to open yourself to new challenges and grow from your mistakes. Neptune symbolizes dreams and illusions, so when he moves in reverse, new realities are presented to us. If you see something that you've been ignoring, now is the time to change course. 
June 21 to July 22

Reflect on your nurturing spirit, Cancer. You may be feeling inspired to share your gifts with others on Sunday upon the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Before you offer to help others, make sure that you're taking steps to avoid burning out. This powerful transit can help you to manifest change. Engage your creative side at home on Thursday, when domestic-ruling Venus stations direct in Gemini. If you're looking to bring more beauty to your space, consider adding a new plant or getting busy gardening. It's easy for you to speak up at work starting Saturday, when status-minded Mars enters ambitious Aries. You've been given a chance to influence others while the warrior planet boosts your entrepreneurial spirit. 
July 23 to August 22

How would you like to see yourself change, Leo? You could be ready to take the first steps towards creating a more conscious self on Sunday, upon the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in Cancer. The Sun in your 12th house of inner growth is asking you to set an intention that helps you to open your heart and mind. Now is the time to take responsibility for yourself and start fresh. You're ready to take the lead again at work on Thursday when Venus, which governs status, stations direct in chatty Gemini. Use this beautiful transit to enhance your leadership skills by listening carefully to feedback from your co-workers. Re-invest time into your network by reaching out to your colleagues and seeking out assistance so that you can support each other. Clean up your online presence and update your resume while Venus lends you her charm.
August 23 to September 22

Do you define yourself by your goals, Virgo? You may be thinking about how your accomplishments define you on Sunday upon the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in sensitive Cancer. The Sun moves through your 11th house of groups and goals, inspiring you to set a new intention to help you grow emotionally. Be kind to yourself and learn from your mistakes. You've got a better handle on your finances starting Thursday while money-conscious Venus stations direct in curious Gemini. Use this transit to consider how you can create a better relationship with material desires. You could be feeling flirty on Saturday, as sensual Mars enters his own sign of Aries. Don't be afraid to make the first move on your crush. 
September 23 to October 22

Where do you see yourself standing in this new world, Libra? Take time to center your thoughts on Sunday when the Solar Eclipse in Cancer. This transit hones in on your sense of status as the Sun in your 10th house of career opposes your professional-ruling Moon. Create a new goal that supports your growth, and helps to give back to the world. Routine-ruling Neptune stations retrograde in psychic Pisces on Tuesday. The planet of dreams and illusions reveals truth as he moves in reverse, so get ready to have a revelation regarding the way that you've been living, and to tweak your schedule accordingly. Channel your inner hero starting Thursday, when ruling Venus stations direct intelligent Gemini. Seek out new reading materials and unplug from social media to help maintain focus on creating a stronger sense of self.
October 23 to November 21

Adjust your thinking, Scorpio. Spend time meditating on the power of your influence on Sunday upon the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in Cancer. The career-ruling Sun moves through your 9th house of exploration and belief during this event, centering your thoughts on how you can realize change. Consider your goals, and direct your energy towards helping others. If you're looking for love, it's easier for you to become vulnerable with others starting Thursday, as affectionate Venus stations direct in chatty Gemini. Allow yourself to have honest conversations that help to strengthen your relationships. You'll be brimming with energy on Saturday, when routine-ruling Mars makes his way into ambitious Aries. Prioritize your health and get ready to sweat.
November 22 to December 21

How do you approach change, Sagittarius? You may need to prepare yourself to embrace a new perspective on Sunday, upon the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in sensitive Cancer. The Sun in your 8th house of transformation helps to guide your thoughts during this transit. Consider how you can contribute to creating harmony in the world during this supercharged New Moon. Domestic-ruling Neptune stations retrograde in psychic Pisces on Tuesday. Take note of how you care for your space, and the people that you share it with. Be prepared to do the work that helps to maintain your happiness. You're able to get back into the swing of things starting Thursday, when routine-ruling Venus stations direct in quick-thinking Gemini. 
December 22 to January 19

You've got a lot of love to give, Capricorn. Make sure that you're protecting your energy on Sunday, during the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in Cancer. The Sun in your 7th house of rxelationships opposes your love-ruling Moon, bringing up imbalances of power in your partnerships. Set an intention to recalibrate your boundaries during this transit. On Tuesday, communicating-ruling Neptune stations retrograde in psychic Pisces. While the planet of dreams and illusions moves in reverse, he helps us to understand our reality with more clarity. Status-ruling Venus stations direct in inquisitive Gemini on Thursday, inspiring you to take on new challenges. Reflect on your mistakes and move forward with a renewed sense of self. 
January 20 to February 18

What does it mean to take care of yourself, Aquarius? You may feel as though it's time to get serious about your well-being on Sunday, upon the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in nurturing Cancer. The Sun in your 6th house of health opposes your routine-ruling Moon during this transit, encouraging you to sort out any inconsistencies in your lifestyle. Get ready to open your eyes to your financial situation starting Tuesday, as money-minded Neptune stations retrograde in thoughtful Pisces. This reverse movement may reveal what you no longer need, helping you to improve your budget. On Thursday, domestic-ruling Venus stations direct in Gemini. This transit offers you a wonderful opportunity to change up your space
February 19 to March 20

Are you ready to share your gifts, Pisces? You may feel torn about how you spend your energy on Sunday, during the arrival of the Solar Eclipse in Cancer. The Sun in your 5th house of pleasure opposes your creative ruling Moon, putting pressure on your artistic abilities. Avoid getting overwhelmed by meditating on what you can contribute before agreeing to any major projects. Budgeting your time will help you to manage any anxieties. You could be ready to embrace a new reality starting Tuesday, when ruling Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces. Materialistic Mars makes his way into ambitious Aries on Saturday, helping you to be nimble with your finances. Use this transit to consider how you can rake in the extra dough.

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