We start our week off with high hopes. On Sunday, the Moon waxes into her first quarter in social Libra on Sunday at 4:15 a.m. EST. We may...

Your Horoscope This Week

We start our week off with high hopes. On Sunday, the Moon waxes into her first quarter in social Libra on Sunday at 4:15 a.m. EST. We may be tempted to project our expectations onto others, and we can expect miscommunications as the Moon forms a square against a retrograde Mercury. We’ll have to practice patience, and give others the benefit of the doubt. Ambitious Mars creates a sextile with taskmaster Saturn as well, making it much easier for us to stay focused. Tuesday is a busy day, celestially: Generous Jupiter forms a conjunction with powerful Pluto Retrograde, drawing our attention outward, toward our communities. It’s a good day to meditate on how we can make small steps towards creating a healthier world. We may also see the results of some changes we set in motion long ago, as a retrograde Mercury creates a sextile with transformative Uranus, inviting us to revisit perspective-shifting conversations, and helping our words carry more weight with others. Finally, the Sun is conjunct with Mercury retrograde in sentimental Cancer, which may imbue the day with a sense of nostalgia. We might feel tempted to pull out the photo album for a happy walk down memory lane. On Wednesday, the Sun forms a sextile with dynamic Uranus, a transit that opens the mind to new possibilities, and a retrograde Saturn makes his way into hard-working Capricorn. When the ringed planet moves in reverse, he asks us to take more responsibility for our actions. This day spurs us to be ultra conscious of our impact on the world — not a bad lesson to learn right now. 
March 21 to April 19

How are you re-adjusting your goals, Aries? You've got the opportunity to change course in your career on Sunday, when ruling Mars creates a sextile with status-minded Saturn in Retrograde. Retrogrades are good times to look back, so revisit your old five-year plan, and see if it still supports your current goals. Experiment with your schedule on Tuesday, when the pleasure-seeking Sun forms a conjunction with routine-ruling Mercury in Retrograde. Use this favorable transit to figure out how you can create a better flow for your week. Keep a dream journal handy on Tuesday night, as inspiration could strike early Wednesday when the creative-minded Sun in your 4th house of instincts forms a sextile with change-loving Uranus. You never know what your unconscious could bring you.
April 20 to May 20

Clear your mind, Taurus. Open yourself to deep healing on Sunday, when inner growth-ruling Mars creates a sextile with intellectual Saturn in Retrograde. Take time to inform yourself of your personal history, and reflect on how you can be a force for change. Materialistic Mercury forms a sextile with status-minded Uranus on Tuesday, helping you to stand up for your worth, and better understand how you can meet your needs. Use this transit to brainstorm on how to create abundance for yourself and your community. On Wednesday, the domestic ruling Sun in your 3rd house of communication creates a sextile with career-minded Uranus. It’s a good time to revisit your work-life balance. Set boundaries with your schedule so that you can enjoy time with family and friends when you're off the clock. 
May 21 to June 20

Try not to rush yourself, Gemini. On Sunday, the Moon waxes into her first quarter in Libra, creating a square against domestic Mercury. This can create a frantic, impatient energy. Try to find a way to relieve pressure — even if it’s just taking a deep breath. On Tuesday, romantic Jupiter creates a conjunction with routine-ruling Pluto Retrograde. Remember, this transit is all about nostalgia: Recreate an old favorite date night with your beau, or practice a little self-love by reflecting back on how much you’ve grown. Meanwhile, ruling Mercury forms a sextile with enigmatic Uranus, encouraging you to be creative. 
June 21 to July 22

Don't be so hard on yourself, Cancer. On Sunday, the Moon waxes into her first quarter in social Libra, and the ruling Moon forms a square against spiritual Mercury. This transit is a good time to shift into a more positive, balanced mindset. Your ambitions are supported on Tuesday when career-minded Mars creates a sextile with passionate Saturn in Retrograde. Look back to the high points in your professional journey, and use the information to create a plan for your future. Routine-ruling Jupiter in Retrograde also forms a conjunction with pleasure-seeking Pluto in Retrograde on Tuesday. Think back to some old hobbies you used to enjoy, and consider revisiting them. 
July 23 to August 22

Indulge in earthly pleasures, Leo. Take some time to get tactile and get your hands dirty on Tuesday, when materialistic Mercury creates a sextile with passionate Uranus. You may be inspired to create art — or dream up some exciting solutions for a work-related issue. Keep a notepad handy to jot down your thoughts. You could be called to assist a humanitarian cause on Tuesday, when the ruling Sun in your 12th house of inner growth forms a conjunction with money-minded Mercury Retrograde in Cancer. Ask yourself about your motivations before diving in, to make sure you’re helping because you know it’s right and now for the prestige. You could be ready to take on new responsibilities starting on Wednesday when routine-ruling Saturn Retrograde makes his way into disciplined Capricorn. The ringed planet is asking you to make your own rules now — act with purpose.
August 23 to September 22

It's time to focus on feeling good, Virgo. Plan for a day of sensual bliss on Sunday, when sexy Mars creates a sextile with pleasure-seeking Saturn in Retrograde. Speak up for what you need in the bedroom today, or play around with some new toys. On Tuesday, when domestic-ruling Jupiter forms a conjunction with powerful Pluto in Retrograde. Your attention will turn toward your living space, in a good way — you might feel a fresh wave of energy inspiring you to take on old projects you’d been putting off. Career-conscious Mercury Retrograde also creates a sextile with routine-ruling Uranus on Tuesday. You've got the chance to fiddle with your schedule to support your wellbeing. 
September 23 to October 22

Have patience with your progress, Libra. You may feel as though you're not moving quickly enough in your career on Sunday, when the status-conscious Moon waxes into her first quarter in Libra. Take a moment to reflect on how you can move past these feelings while the Moon forms a square against inner growth-ruling Mercury Retrograde. Challenge your old feelings of comfort, and start fresh. You could have an "Ah-ha!" moment regarding your finances on Tuesday, when communication-ruling Jupiter creates a conjunction with money-minded Pluto in Retrograde. Be open to conversations surrounding money to help you realize the abundance in your life. It could be time for you to add a little structure to your chores at home starting Wednesday, when domestic-ruling Saturn in Retrograde moves through hard-working Capricorn. Sounds boring, but getting serious about tidying up and errands can bring you a real sense of inner peace
October 23 to November 21

You're ready to set up a new schedule, Scorpio. On Tuesday, routine-ruling Mars creates a sextile with a retrograde Saturn, the taskmaster of the solar system. When Saturn moves in reverse, he asks us to create our own rules and take responsibility for our actions. Find new ways to maintain your health and happiness during this transit. It’s also a good day to make a donation to Black Lives Matter or the cause of your choice: Material-minded Jupiter creates a conjunction with ruling Pluto in Retrograde, helping us to understand how we can share power, money, and love with others. If you're not sure where to start, ask for help, and do your research. Your giving mood persists on Wednesday, as the status-minded Sun in your 9th house of philosophy creates a sextile with domestic Uranus. You might find yourself googling how you can help others most effectively. Small steps count — keep taking them.
November 22 to December 21

You’re in a position to create real change, Sagittarius. On Tuesday, ruling Jupiter creates a conjunction with Pluto, which oversees inner growth. You’ll find it easy to listen to others and spot areas where you can help. Meanwhile, affectionate Mercury in Retrograde forms a sextile with transformative Uranus, deepening your desire to shake things up. Reach out to friends to see what their activism looks like right now, and ask to jump on board. On Wednesday, your attention turns to money: Materialistic Saturn in Retrograde makes his way into hard-working Capricorn, shifting your focus toward how you can be more responsible with your cash. Is it time to revisit your budget, or up your retirement contributions?
December 22 to January 19

Simplify your social calendar, Capricorn. Domestic-ruling Mars creates a sextile with ruling Saturn in Retrograde on Sunday, giving you an opportunity to set healthy boundaries with loved ones and to carve out time to improve your home. On Tuesday, routine-ruling Mercury in Retrograde forms a sextile with materialistic Uranus. The stars are setting you up to come across lost items or even cash, so get cleaning. Ruling Saturn in Retrograde makes his way into Capricorn on Wednesday, helping you to redefine yourself. You've got the chance to evolve, as long as you stick to your new set of rules. 
January 20 to February 18

Watch for crossed wires, Aquarius. You may have to be extra clear with friends about your schedule on Sunday. The routine-ruling Moon waxes into her first quarter in social Libra, forming a square against Mercury Retrograde — setting you up for miscommunications and misunderstandings. On Tuesday, as lucky Jupiter creates a conjunction with career-ruling Pluto. You’ll be thinking positively as these planets complement each other, so enjoy. Invite change into your wellness habits on Wednesday, when the passionate Sun in your 6th house of health creates a sextile with ruling Uranus. You're on the path to create a whole new you.
February 19 to March 20

Take your time, Pisces. On Sunday, the creative-ruling Moon waxes into her first quarter in fair-minded Libra. You may feel more hesitant or indecisive than usual. Give yourself some space to seek out real clarity. On Tuesday, career-conscious Jupiter forms a conjunction with powerful Pluto. You may feel a boost of confidence at work; lean in by celebrating your wins, or setting new goals for yourself. Tuesday is also a good time for relationships, as the Sun in your 5th house of pleasure creates a conjunction with affectionate Mercury. See your friends, either from a distance or over the phone.

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