It’s time for us to open our eyes. The Lunar Eclipse reaches its fullest point in security-minded Capricorn in the early-morning hours of...

Your Horoscope This Week

It’s time for us to open our eyes. The Lunar Eclipse reaches its fullest point in security-minded Capricorn in the early-morning hours of July 5 (between midnight and 1 a.m. EST). A light is being shone on aspects of our lives that we were once unaware of, and it’s critical to pay attention. New paths will be revealed, though we may need to dedicate some quiet time to a mindfulness practice to see them. Luckily, the Eclipse supports our intuition and encourages us to finally let go of old ways of thinking or acting that are holding us back. 

The Lunar Eclipse is supported by a trine with change-loving Uranus, which may compel us to discuss our innovative ideas. But it opposes thoughtful Mercury, which can cause some confusion or fogginess — so take time working through your emotions and feelings before you speak, and listen carefully to others. 

The Moon is void-of-course on Tuesday, and she will remain void for a full day, until Wednesday afternoon. Void Moons are known for halting action and promoting introspection, so these are great days to sit with your emotions, to heal, and to collect your thoughts. The Moon enters Aries on Saturday at just past 1 a.m. EST, stirring up a more active, ambitious energy. 

Be careful with your words on Wednesday, when messenger Mercury forms a square against warrior Mars. It’s easy for us to get fired up against each other. Avoid jumping to conclusions during this transit. Work to be patient with others — then blow off steam by dancing out your feelings, or going for a quick run to clear your thoughts.
March 21 to April 19

Reflect on your responsibilities, Aries. On Sunday, the arrival of the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn may reveal some to-dos you’d been overlooking. What you want and what you need may feel at odds, while the entertainment-seeking Sun in your 4th house of foundations opposes the domestic-governing Moon. Relax at home on Tuesday, as the domestic Moon is void-of-course. Take it easy until Wednesday afternoon, when she moves into sensitive Pisces. Don’t sweat the small stuff on Wednesday, when routine-governing Mercury forms a square against ruling Mars. Burn off nervous energy with a calming stretch, or a solo walk in nature. 
April 20 to May 20

You can learn a lot through listening, Taurus. Open yourself to feedback from loved ones on Sunday, after the domestic-ruling Sun in your 3rd house of communication opposes the Moon in Capricorn during the Lunar Eclipse. Your career is at the forefront during this transit, as the Eclipse forms a trine with status-ruling Uranus. Think outside of the box when it comes to your work, and you could dream up an elegant new solution that helps you find more freedom. Listen carefully to others and avoid closing yourself off to opposing views on Wednesday, when materialistic Mercury creates a square against inner growth-governing Mars. It’ll take some work as these planets clash, but strive to open a dialogue. 
May 21 to June 20

Open yourself to abundance, Gemini. You may find ways to make your money go further upon the arrival of the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on Sunday, when the cash-minded Moon opposes the Sun in your 2nd house of value. The Moon also opposes ruling Mercury, which can bring up feelings of doubt; push through anyway. On Tuesday the Moon is void-of-course all day, creating the energy you need to really dig into your budget. On Wednesday, ruling Mercury forms a square against warrior Mars. This energy is ripe for misunderstandings, and it’s easier for us to hurt each other’s feelings, so think before you speak. 
June 21 to July 22

Adopt an attitude of gratitude, Cancer. The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn occurs on Sunday, as the money-ruling Sun in your first house opposes your ruling Moon, encouraging you to celebrate your gifts. This transit is opposed by Mercury, which governs inner growth, making it a fruitful time for you to push yourself. Look at how you can share your blessings, perhaps. Save your energy on Tuesday, while the Moon is void-of-course. Working during an introspective and centering void-of-course Moon is best spent on core tasks, not world-changing feats. Start small during this transit. Then on Wednesday, Mercury forms a square against career-ruling Mars. You may become short-tempered with colleagues, so work solo if you can, and if not, be intentional about your professional interactions. 
July 23 to August 22

Are you ready for your worldview to shift, Leo? Keep your third eye open on Sunday, during the arrival of the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. The Sun in your 12th house of vulnerability opposes the Moon, providing you with new information to help you grow. This transit is complemented by a trine with love-ruling Uranus, encouraging you to open your perspective to understanding others. Take care to be cautious in conversations surrounding cash on Wednesday, when materialistic Mercury creates a square against excitable Mars. People are in a mood today, so it’s best to steer clear of signing agreements, making big purchases, or discussing heated subjects. 
August 23 to September 22

Have you been searching for a way to enjoy more free time, Virgo? Spend time in quiet reflection on Sunday, during the arrival of the eye-opening Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, opposing status-minded Mercury, and the answers may bubble up from within. It’s time to prioritize your happiness over productivity, which means letting go of certain responsibilities. Tempers run high on Wednesday, as career-ruling Mercury forms a square against passionate Mars. Avoid inconsequential arguments and instead, practice mindfulness during this tumultuous transit. 
September 23 to October 22

Work thoughts are inescapable, Libra. On Sunday, the Sun in your 10th house of status, and the career-ruling Moon are at odds upon the arrival of the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. Listen to your inner self, as hidden knowledge makes itself known during this event. You may feel that your values and career path are shifting, thanks to spiritual Mercury’s opposition to this transit. Have faith that change is for the best as the Lunar Eclipse forms a favorable trine with innovative Uranus. Hold off on making any big decisions about your career on Tuesday, though, as the career-ruling Moon is void-of-course until Wednesday afternoon. Use this time to collect your thoughts, and strategize your next move. 
October 23 to November 21

Your mind is abuzz with ideas, Scorpio. During Sunday’s Lunar Eclipse, the status-ruling Sun in your 9th house of philosophy creates an opposition against the Moon in hard-working Capricorn. Avoid distractions and turn inward; a brilliant gem could be revealed to you. You’ll be supported by loved ones due to a favorable trine with domestic-ruling Uranus, so be ready to bounce your ideas off your nearest and dearest. Stick to the basics on Wednesday, as chatty Mercury forms a square against routine-ruling Mars. You may be distracted or frustrated by others during this challenging transit. Focus on the task at hand as these planets clash. 
November 22 to December 21

Do you let your passions control you, Sagittarius? On Sunday, the Moon’s Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn opposes the Sun in your 8th house of transformation. Passionate Mercury opposes this transit; while transformative Uranus creates a favorable trine with the Moon. What this busy day means for you: Change. Your thoughts will turn inward and you’ll become more aware of how you express your feelings; you may also be surprised to see parallels in your romantic and career passions. The change may be uncomfortable, but ultimately, it’s for the best. Take care of who you discuss your ambitions with on Wednesday, as passionate Mercury forms a square against warrior Mars. It’s best to fly solo and work on creative projects during this time. 
December 22 to January 19

Be kind to yourself, Capricorn. You may need to advocate for yourself on Sunday, upon the arrival of the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. The Sun in your 7th house of partnerships opposes your love-ruling Moon, highlighting imbalances in your relationships. At the same time, the Moon opposes health- and work-ruling Mercury, highlighting how you may need to incorporate more self-care. There’s a bright side to this transit, though: It reveals the abundance that grows from your relationships. Monday-minded Uranus also creates a favorable trine with the Moon, helping you to find stability and security. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. Take time to think and enjoy alone time on Tuesday and into Wednesday afternoon, while the affectionate Moon is void-of-course. This is a time meant for healing and rejuvenation. 
January 20 to February 18

Are you spreading yourself too thin, Aquarius? You may notice how you could re-shape your schedule on Sunday during the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. The love-ruling Sun in your 6th house of health, creates an opposition against the routine-ruling Moon, highlighting small tasks that could be throwing you off. You’re ready to change for the better with the help of innovative Uranus’s coinciding trine with the Moon. Stick to simplicity from Tuesday to Wednesday afternoon, while the Moon is void-of-course. Now is not the time to bite off more than you can chew. Indulge yourself a little, and enjoy doing less during this transit. 
February 19 to March 20

Are you feeling a little blocked, Pisces? You may need to work to unwind on Sunday during the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. The Sun in your 5th house of pleasure opposes your creative-ruling Moon, helping to reveal your strengths and weaknesses. Use this transit as an opportunity to learn more about new skills and increase your artistic abilities. You may notice that it’s difficult for you to receive feedback from loved ones, as domestic-ruling Mercury opposes this transit. Take a deep breath and believe in yourself, as the Moon forms a favorable trine with change-making Uranus. Try not to put pressure on yourself from Tuesday until Wednesday afternoon, when the creative-ruling Moon is void-of-course. Now is the time to heal, and let your mind collect new information. 

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