Are you ready to begin moving forward again? Messenger Mercury stations direct in sensitive Cancer on Sunday, helping us clear up miscommun...

Your Horoscope This Week

Are you ready to begin moving forward again? Messenger Mercury stations direct in sensitive Cancer on Sunday, helping us clear up miscommunications and re-enter our routines. Before you begin rushing back into your old ways, reflect on how you've grown during this transformational period. Continue to take it easy while Mercury moves direct through this post-retrograde shadow period, which lingers until July 26. We're ready to connect with our inner artists on Sunday, as the Sun creates a trine with dreamy Neptune in retrograde. It's easier for us to understand our influences during this transit, and is a great day to open ourselves up to new ideas and goals. Practice patience on Sunday at 7:28 p.m. EST, as the Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Aries. We're feeling antsy and ready to act, but this transit is best spent in meditation. The time is best spent making sure that we’ve got all of our affairs in order before starting a new project. On Tuesday, the Sun opposes lucky Jupiter in retrograde. We’ll want to pay attention to how we accept praise, and work on our modesty as these heavenly bodies work against each other. We may need to confront our need for comfort on Wednesday, when the Sun opposes powerful Pluto in retrograde. This challenging transit provides an opportunity to embrace flexibility, and focus on growth. 
March 21 to April 19

It's easier for you to find your way, Aries. You're entering a new way of life starting Sunday when routine-ruling Mercury stations direct in sensitive Cancer. Try not to bite off more than you can chew, as Mercury will remain in a post-retrograde shadow period until July 26. It could be tempting to get home-improvement projects started on this day, as the domestic-ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Aries. Use this creative energy to brainstorm what you'd like to accomplish before busting out your toolbox. Be ready to share praise with others on Tuesday as the creative-ruling Sun opposes intellectual Jupiter. Make sure to give credit to everyone who helps you to accomplish your goals during this transit. 
April 20 to May 20

How's your relationship with cash, Taurus? You've been allowed to heal your spending habits during Mercury's retrograde. The money-ruling planet stations direct in Cancer on Sunday, encouraging you to grow your confidence in your finances. Lean on your intuition and continue to be careful, as Mercury's post-retrograde shadow period can cause continued interruptions until July 26. Learn to accept a humble attitude around family on Tuesday, while the domestic-ruling Sun opposes abundant Jupiter. Work on your listening skills with loved ones on Wednesday, as the Sun opposes affectionate Pluto. It's critical for you to work on your people skills during these transits. 
May 21 to June 20

Learn to trust yourself, Gemini. You're ready to begin a new journey of self-discovery starting Sunday, as ruling Mercury stations direct in psychic Cancer. Take a moment to review how far you've come since the messenger planet moved in reverse. Mercury may be moving direct, but he's still in his post-retrograde shadow period, which can cause misunderstandings until July 26. You could have a eureka moment on Sunday, when the Sun in your 2nd house of value forms a trine with career-ruling Neptune. Open yourself to receiving new gifts, and use this transit to come up with your next brilliant idea. Also on Sunday, focus your energy on planning, as the money-ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in ambitious Aries. Avoid the temptation to act quickly, as these Moon phases are best spent collecting your thoughts. 
June 21 to July 22

Make time for meditation and reflection, Cancer. Your spiritual side begins to bloom on Sunday, while inner growth-ruling Mercury stations direct in Cancer. Take your time in this new journey, as Mercury's post-retrograde shadow period lasts until July 26. The money-minded Sun creates a trine with lucky Neptune on Sunday, helping you to become more aware of your blessings. Use this transit to pay it forward and brighten up someone else's day. You could be inspired to get the ball rolling on an exciting new idea on Sunday, but you should save your energy. The ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Aries, making this transit a better time for getting organized.
July 23 to August 22

Are you connecting with your intuitive side, Leo? You could have the chance to better understand your desires starting Sunday, as materialistic Mercury stations direct in sensitive Cancer. Allow yourself to continue healing past habits while money-minded Mercury moves through his post-retrograde shadow, which ends on July 26. You could have a moment of clarity on Sunday, as the ruling Sun in your 12th house of inner growth creates a trine with dreamy Neptune in retrograde. Write down your feelings, and come back to them a week from now to see if they still resonate with you. On Wednesday, the Sun opposes domestic-ruling Pluto, bringing up power struggles with family members. Make sure that you're ready to enter a discussion with a cool head before you begin to solve your issues.
August 23 to September 22

Are you ready to make moves again, Virgo? Status-minded Mercury stations direct in intuitive Cancer, helping to get the wheels in your brain turning once again. Use this time to strategize, as Mercury inhabits his post-retrograde shadow period until July 26. Find a responsible way to connect with friends on Sunday, as the Sun in your 11th house of friendship forms a trine with affectionate Neptune. Even if it's from a distance, being with your pals will help to revitalize your spirit. Be careful not to be too prideful on Tuesday, when the Sun in your 11th house of goals opposes domestic-ruling Jupiter. Give credit where credit is due, and practice modesty during this transit. 
September 23 to October 22

Are you ready to get back on the same page with everyone else, Libra? Your inner compass is slowly being restored starting Sunday as inner growth-ruling Mercury stations direct in thoughtful Cancer. Make sure that you aren't over-extending yourself, as Mercury remains in his post-retrograde shadow period until July 26. You're ready to realign your goals on Sunday, while the Sun in your 10th house of career creates a favorable trine with routine-ruling Neptune. Take the opportunity to reorganize your workspace and big ideas on Sunday, as the status-minded Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Aries. Avoid sending late-night emails and texts to your coworkers and colleagues, as this transit favors careful planning over hasty action. 
October 23 to November 21

Keep a notebook handy, Scorpio. You could stumble across an exciting new idea to pursue on Sunday when the career-governing Sun in your 9th house of exploration creates a positive trine with dreamy Neptune in retrograde. Use this beautiful transit to revisit old ideas that haven't worked in the past — you could come up with an exciting new solution. Zip your lips when it comes to talking about cash on Tuesday, while the status-conscious Sun opposes materialistic Jupiter. It's better to take a more mysterious approach during this transit. You may need to do a 180 when it comes to your work choices on Wednesday, when the professional-ruling Sun opposes ruling Pluto. Be ready to let go of whatever is no longer working for you. 
November 22 to December 21

Allow yourself to get excited, Sagittarius. Your natural optimism grows starting Sunday when passionate Mercury stations direct in emotional Cancer. You'll be feeling 100% again as soon as we make it through Mercury's post-retrograde shadow, which ends on July 26. The Sun in your 8th house of transformation forms a beautiful trine with domestic-ruling Jupiter on Sunday, helping you to look at your living situation in a fresh new light. Use this transit to flex your creative muscles and revive your home. Practice active listening on Tuesday, when the Sun in your 8th house of dramatic change opposes ruling Jupiter. You'll be exposed to new opinions and information that will mold you in incredible new ways. 
December 22 to January 19

Are you feeling more like yourself, Capricorn? On Sunday, routine-ruling Mercury stations direct in intuitive Cancer, putting an end to the second-guessing that has been plaguing you. Remember that it takes time to build positive new habits, so be patient while Mercury remains in this post-retrograde shadow period until July 26. You could enjoy a heart to heart with an old friend on Sunday, as the Sun in your 7th house of relationships creates a trine with communication-ruling Neptune in retrograde. Take a moment to reconnect with someone, and pick up the phone during this favorable transit. Work to be patient with others on Sunday evening, as the affection-ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in energetic Aries. It can be tempting to bring a bubbly persona to your interactions. Instead, work to match your energy to that of your loved ones. 
January 20 to February 18

When was the last time that you treated yourself to something special, Aquarius? You may want to splurge a little on Sunday when the passionate Sun in your 6th house of health creates a trine with materialistic Neptune in retrograde. This could be a great day to pick up a new pair of running shoes you've had your eyes on or invest in an activity tracker to keep you inspired. Make a plan of how you'd like to reach your goals on Sunday evening when the routine-ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in ambitious Aries. You may need to swallow your pride on Wednesday when the Sun in your 6th house of service opposes career-minded Pluto. Allow yourself to be open to new experiences and focus on building new skills during this transit. 
February 19 to March 20

Don't be afraid to open your heart, Pisces. You're getting stronger every day starting Sunday when affection-ruling Mercury stations direct in psychic Cancer. Be kind to yourself, and remember to enforce boundaries until July 26, when Mercury exits his post-retrograde shadow period. You could be struck with inspiration on Sunday evening when the creative-ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in energetic Aries. Use this transit to collect your thoughts before sharing your ideas with the world. Be careful to accept praise at work on Tuesday, when the Sun in your 5th house of pleasure opposes career-ruling Jupiter. Make sure that you share the love and credit with everyone who helped you out along the way. 

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