The week could kick off with a little whiplash. On Sunday, the Sun forms a square against enigmatic Uranus, setting the stage for sudden cha...

Your Horoscope This Week

The week could kick off with a little whiplash. On Sunday, the Sun forms a square against enigmatic Uranus, setting the stage for sudden changes that may feel a little overwhelming. We’ll get through it by taking the time to understand our evolution and allowing ourselves to be fluid during this transit. The Moon waxes full in intelligent Aquarius on Monday at 11:58 a.m. EST, creating a square with unpredictable Uranus. It’ll be a challenge to keep a cool head during this powerful transit, but we’ll be able to use the excitement to reflect upon our growth. Exercise empathy, as others may be experiencing intense changes.

We should be prepared to forgive ourselves on Monday, while messenger Mercury opposes taskmaster Saturn. It's easy to focus on our mistakes and shortcomings as these planets clash — take a deep breath and look at the bigger picture. It could be tempting to act impulsively on Tuesday, when warrior Mars creates a square against abundant Jupiter. Make sure that the juice is worth the squeeze, and take extra time to make decisions during this transit. Chatty Mercury makes his way into Leo's charismatic sign on Tuesday, helping to elevate our thoughts and words. For anyone who’s wanted to amp up their public speaking skills or try their hand at acting, this is an excellent opportunity to get in front of an audience or a camera.

We're feeling more in tune with our emotions starting Friday, as charming Venus enters the sensitive sign of Cancer. The planet of love and beauty encourages us to protect ourselves and express our most honest feelings to those closest to us.
March 21 to April 19

Are you feeling a little scattered, Aries? You may need some time to collect yourself on Monday, when routine-ruling Mercury opposes career-conscious Saturn. You may feel compelled to get organized quickly, but it's in your best interest to slowly understand your thought process and work through your mistakes. You're ready to get out of your slump on Tuesday, when schedule-savvy Mercury enters luxury-loving Leo. Indulge yourself in staying motivated with rewards for a sense of accomplishment. You deserve a break — enjoy it. Affectionate Venus makes her way into intuitive Cancer on Friday, helping you to set better boundaries with your nearest and dearest. Use this transit to focus on healing and embrace your sensitive side.
April 20 to May 20

Are you working on getting your finances in order, Taurus? You're ultra-critical of your spending habits on Monday, when money-minded Mercury opposes intellectual Saturn. Try to focus on one project at a time, avoid getting confused during this transit, and remember to be kind to yourself. You're ready to approach your finances with a new sense of abundance starting Tuesday, as financial-minded Mercury moves into luxe Leo. You can handle conversations about cash with tact and grace and are feeling more generous with others. Routine-ruling Venus enters thoughtful Cancer on Friday, inspiring you to invest more of your time into self-care. It's time to focus on how you can protect your time to support your wellbeing.
May 21 to June 20

Expect the unexpected, Gemini. On Monday, the money-minded Moon waxes full in Aquarius and creates a square with enigmatic Uranus. This transit can bring change-making news to you, encouraging you to adapt and evolve. You may feel as though your to-do list needs an overhaul on Monday, when routine-ruling Mercury opposes rule-making Saturn. Try not to be too hard on yourself and work through the tasks that you've been putting off. You're feeling more confident by Tuesday, as Mercury slides into the proud sign of Leo. Enjoy using your newfound charm to delight your friends and family during this transit — you're the center of attention.
June 21 to July 22

It's time for you to ride the wave, Cancer. Use your tough crab shell to surf through uncharted territory on Monday, when the ruling Moon waxes full in Aquarius and creates a square with unpredictable Uranus. Emotions run high during this transit, and anything is possible. You're feeling bold at work on Tuesday, when career-governing Mars squares against routine-ruling Jupiter. Be cautious in your planning, and avoid making rash decisions as these planets clash against each other. Instead, harness this energy to build up your confidence to carry you through the week. Creature comforts attract you starting Friday, when domestic-overseer Venus sashays into Cancer. Enjoy sticking close to home this weekend.
July 23 to August 22

Having a difference of opinion, Leo? You may demand to do things your way on Sunday, when the ruling Sun in your 1st house of self, first impressions, and appearance creates a square against passionate Uranus. Work to manage your temper and listen carefully to others during this proud transit. Your attention to your finances shifts on Tuesday, when money-minded Mercury strides into Leo. Watch for overspending, but don't be afraid to splurge a little on yourself — it's all about balance. Career-governing Venus enters intuitive Cancer on Friday, helping you to take care of your goals. Make time to nurture your ideas and artistic spirit while Venus moves through this creative sign.
August 23 to September 22

Do you feel as though you're being distracted by others, Virgo? Status-minded Mercury opposes pleasure-seeking Saturn on Monday, creating an air of confusion in your work. Take a deep breath, and do what you do best — get organized. Find your focus and work alone to complete your projects. You're ready to take the lead at work starting Tuesday, when career-ruling Mercury slides into influential Leo. Use this transit to regain your confidence and take charge. Prioritize your comfort beginning Friday, when materialistic Venus moves into home-loving Cancer. Take a look around your space and consider how you can improve the flow of your home.
September 23 to October 22

How do you handle surprises, Libra? Keep your eyes peeled for the unexpected on Monday, as the career-ruling Moon waxes full in forward-thinking Aquarius and creates a square with chaotic Uranus. The energy will be high, so make sure that you're able to roll with it — find a solution and listen to your intuition. Inner growth-governing Mercury makes his way into warm-hearted Leo on Tuesday, encouraging you to open up with friends and family. Share your cosmic questions and discuss deeper meaning during this favorable transit. Ruling Venus makes her way into sensitive Cancer on Friday, helping you get in touch with your emotions. Learn to listen to your heart and protect your energy whenever possible.
October 23 to November 21

You may feel as though you're butting heads with loved ones, Scorpio. Take a moment to unwind and understand your family's point of view on Sunday, when the career-ruling Sun creates a square against domestic Uranus. Allow yourself to become flexible, and take advice from those who want to help out — you don't have to do it alone. Emotions run high on Tuesday, when routine-governing Mars forms a square against materialistic Jupiter. Be careful not to let your ambition take over during this transit, as these actions can result in mistakes with money. Affectionate Venus enters intuitive Cancer on Friday, helping you to connect with your sensitive side. Give your stinger a rest, and challenge yourself to expose your softer side.
November 22 to December 21

Make sure that you've got your ducks in a row before acting, Sagittarius. Ambitious Mercury opposes money-minded Saturn on Monday, creating a bit of confusion in your book-keeping at work. Take things slowly, and analyze any potential mistakes on the horizon. You'll have a clearer head for making decisions at work starting Tuesday, when Mercury moves into confident Leo. Enjoy helping out your colleagues, and offering to take the lead during this transit. It's time to get cozy starting Friday, as routine-ruling Venus speeds into sensitive Cancer. Enjoy connecting with loved ones, elevating your space, and enjoy your favorite summer meals while the planet of love and beauty inhabits this domestic house.
December 22 to January 19

Are you getting your wires crossed, Capricorn? Try to take everything in stride on Monday, as routine-governing Mercury opposes ruling Saturn. It may feel like things aren't running smoothly, but this is just a bump in the road. Take some time alone to figure out where mistakes are being made and move forward with confidence. You're able to find your flow on Tuesday, when schedule-savvy Mercury speeds into the charismatic sign of Leo. Give yourself a boost by treating yourself like royalty — you deserve it. You may feel inspired to start an artistic project starting Friday, when career-minded Venus moves into creative Cancer. Use this transit to protect your drive, and nurture your ambitions.
January 20 to February 18

Are you feeling restless, Aquarius? The passionate Sun forms a square against ruling Uranus on Sunday, encouraging you to make a positive change in your life. Be careful with your words today, as it can be tempting to lash out against loved ones. Take a moment to reflect on how your days are structured on Monday, when the routine-governing Moon waxes full in Aquarius and creates a square with innovative Uranus. You have the chance to change up your schedule if you're willing to be flexible. If you're craving some serious down-time this weekend, you'll be happy to hear that domestic-minded Venus enters home-loving Cancer on Friday. Connect with your loved ones and enjoy creating delicious meals to enjoy while charming Venus makes herself at home in the sensitive sign of Cancer.
February 19 to March 20

Let your intuition take the lead, Pisces. You may come to a sudden realization about how your internal process should change on Monday. The creative-minded Moon waxes full in independent Aquarius and creates a square with change-loving Uranus. Avoid getting stuck in a rut and get out of your way by accepting new ways of thinking. Try not to let greedy thoughts take over on Tuesday, when materialistic Mars forms a square against career-ruling Jupiter. It can be tempting to go overboard — watch how you present yourself to others at work as these planets clash against each other. Affectionate Mercury speeds into charismatic Leo on Tuesday, lending you the wit to charm your crush or partner. Enjoy this romantic transit and flirt up a storm.

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