Our energy may feel erratic on Monday, when messenger Mercury forms a square against innovative Uranus. Our ideas and words can get tangle...

Your Horoscope This Week

Our energy may feel erratic on Monday, when messenger Mercury forms a square against innovative Uranus. Our ideas and words can get tangled as the planets of communication and unexpected changes clash against each other. On the bright side, we’ll feel extra creative. While we’ll have to be intentional about considering our thoughts before sharing them with others, we can also use this transit to think outside of the box. 

On Tuesday at 12:44 p.m. EST, the Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Taurus. This transit can cause us to rush others — and ourselves. One way to tap into patience is to focus on listening to the emotions that come up during this transit; this will let us move forward with purpose.

Power struggles may arise on Thursday, when warrior Mars creates a square against controlling Pluto. The confrontation between these planets can influence us to challenge authority figures or, conversely, we may feel challenged by others. It may feel unnatural, but we’ll find a happy medium during this movement by playing by the rules and avoiding burning bridges. 

Starting Saturday, disruptive Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus, encouraging us to shift our focus towards creating internal change. We may feel frustrated with our progress, but if we focus on solidifying our values as the planet moves in reverse, we’ll be ready to put our best foot forward when Uranus stations direct again in Taurus early next year.
March 21 to April 19

Be open to new ways of doing things, Aries. Keep a cool head on Monday, if things aren’t going the way that you’ve planned. Routine-ruling Mercury forms a square against enigmatic Uranus at the beginning of the week, bringing little surprises your way. Handle them with grace and embrace your flexibility. Be patient with loved ones on Tuesday, when the domestic ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Taurus. Open yourself to their perspective during this transit, and mind your words. Continue trying to avoid confrontation on Thursday, when ruling Mars creates a square against transformative Pluto. These planets want to stir things up. Consider the repercussions of your actions before getting into it with an authority figure.
April 20 to May 20

Consider your desires, Taurus. You may need to reassess your needs on Monday, when materialistic Mercury forms a square against career-conscious Uranus. Instead of pushing for more, see if you can work with what you’ve got and stretch your money further. Use this transit to get creative with your budget. Be mindful of your words with loved ones on Thursday, as inner growth-ruling Mars creates a square against affectionate Pluto. If you’re in a relationship, you may feel the urge to challenge your partner over your belief systems during this intense transit. Take time to cool down and understand their point of view. If you’re single, this transit could pull you away from people who do not share your worldview — try not to write anyone off. Looking to level up? You may need to take a break from ascending the ranks starting Saturday when status-ruling Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus. Use this transit to work on your professional skills, and be ready to pursue glory again in mid-January, when Uranus stations direct in Taurus.
May 21 to June 20

Are you feeling a little constrained, Gemini? You may be inspired to transform your home on Monday when domestic-ruling Mercury creates a square against creative Uranus. If you share your space with others, make sure that you’re on the same page before taking drastic measures. On Tuesday, you may be tempted to spend. Resist the urge: Your financial-ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Taurus makes you want to act fast, when it would be more prudent to exercise some caution. Fly under the radar on Thursday, as feisty Mars forms a square against routine-ruling Pluto. We’re in the mood to cause a little drama when these planets clash — work to keep the peace whenever possible.
June 21 to July 22

It’s okay to tuck into your crab-shell, Cancer. Stick close to home on Monday, when spiritual Mercury creates a square against innovative Uranus. Take the time that you need to sort through your thoughts and feelings as these planets challenge each other. Meditate on your emotions, and keep a journal as you work through this difficult transit. Be kind to yourself on Tuesday, when the ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Taurus. It can feel as though your to-do list is miles long during this moon phase. You’ll want to dive in STAT, but fight that instinct and take a few minutes to write a to-do list first; it’ll pay off. On Thursday, career-ruling Mars forms a square against pleasure-seeking Pluto. This transit tends to raise prickly feelings with others. Be kind to your coworkers and ask for help when you need it. 
July 23 to August 22

Are you having a hard time expressing your feelings, Leo? On Monday, money-minded Mercury forms a square against passionate Uranus. Watch for arguments about material things. To avoid them, be extra-generous, even if you feel like hoarding (unusual for giving Lions). Energetic Mars creates a square against domestic-ruling Pluto on Thursday, creating a confusing vibe in your space. Find harmony by tidying up and ordering in some comfort food. On Saturday, affectionate Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus. You may be less interested in PDAs and grand gestures while the planet of change moves in reverse. The time will be well spent processing your emotions; early next year, when Uranus stations direct in Taurus, you’ll be ready to enjoy a new sense of romance. 
August 23 to September 22

What do you do when things don’t go as you’ve planned, Virgo? Work on creating backup plans before Monday when status-minded Mercury forms a square against routine-ruling Uranus. It’s time for you to think on your feet as this transit throws you curveballs. You could learn something crucial about your desires on Thursday, when sensual Mars creates a square against truth-revealing Pluto. If you’re in a relationship, make sure that you communicate these needs with your partner so that you can get what you want. If you’re single, figure out how you can treat yourself with this new knowledge. You may need to simplify your to-do list starting Saturday, when schedule-ruling Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus. Use this transit to tweak your calendar in order to make time for what matters. You’ll be down to take on new challenges starting early next year, when Uranus stations direct in Taurus.
September 23 to October 22

Are you ready to change, Libra? On Monday, as inner growth-ruling Mercury forms a square against innovative Uranus. Block out distractions and invest your time in self-discovery as these planets clash. Make time to listen, and embrace the quiet as you evolve. You could be feeling impatient with work on Tuesday, as your career-ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Taurus. Get organized first, then dive in, or you risk wasting the day on distractions. Continue to be patient on Thursday, when love-ruling Mars creates a square against materialistic Pluto. If you’re in a relationship, you and your partner may have different ideas about where your shared assets should be spent. Work to find compromise instead of getting hot-headed. If you’re single, this transit could express itself through extreme selfishness — work to get out of your head whenever possible.
October 23 to November 21

Are you feeling a bit cramped, Scorpio? On Monday, messenger Mercury forms a square against domestic-ruling Uranus, bringing with it a cloud of confusion. The antidote: the great outdoors. The fresh air can clear your thoughts. Expect a few speed bumps in your schedule on Thursday, when routine-ruling Mars creates a square against ruling Pluto. People are challenging each other for power as these planets clash, so work to avoid conflict so that you can avoid a hassle. Domestic Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus on Saturday, putting you in the mood to nest. Get cozy, and save any big home improvement projects for when Uranus stations direct in Taurus on January 14, 2021.
November 22 to December 21

Are you craving a little action, Sagittarius? On Monday, passionate Mercury forms a square against change-making Uranus. You may feel inspired by exciting new ideas, but write them down before acting them out — this challenging transit can cause confusion and misunderstandings. Protect your inner self on Thursday, when energetic Mars creates a square against spiritual Pluto. You may have a difference of opinion with someone over matters near to your heart. It’s fine to explain your way of thinking, but try not to lash out. Uranus, the planet of change, stations retrograde in Taurus on Saturday, bringing the tempo of your life down a little. If you let yourself slow down, you may be surprised by how much you’ll be able to learn about yourself. 
December 22 to January 19

Aim to save cash where you can, Capricorn. You may feel pressured to spend a little extra dough to avoid inconveniences on Monday, when routine-ruling Mercury forms a square against money-minded Uranus. Plan ahead by giving yourself more time to get things done: Set your alarm a little earlier on Sunday. It could feel as though things are out of your control on Tuesday when your affection-ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Taurus. Use this transit to work on loving yourself more fully, and treat yourself to a little indulgence. On Saturday, materialistic Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus. When the planet of innovation moves in reverse, he asks us to focus on how we can better care for ourselves — rather than on what material goods we need. Money matters will be simpler to handle in mid-January, when Uranus stations direct in Taurus.
January 20 to February 18

Do you have a million things to get done, Aquarius? Take a moment to consider what needs your attention first on Tuesday, when the routine-ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Taurus. Your task list will feel easier to accomplish once you spend time reassessing your priorities. You may need to bite your tongue at work on Thursday, when warrior Mars creates a square against status-minded Pluto. This transit can drum up power-struggles with authority figures — be careful as you navigate hot tempers and differing opinions. You may notice your energy wanes starting Saturday, when ruling Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus. Use this reverse transit to heal your hidden self, and strengthen your soul. Uranus will station direct in Taurus in mid-January, helping you to find your direction. 
February 19 to March 20

Take a second to gather your thoughts, Pisces. On Monday, affection-ruling Mercury forms a square against progressive Uranus. If you feel pulled in a million directions, reach out to loved ones who understand you, and blow off a little steam in a safe space. Collect your thoughts on Tuesday, when your creative-ruling Moon wanes into her 3rd quarter in Taurus. It may feel as though you need to start all of your projects at once — use this moon phase to figure out where you should begin. Use your gentle spirit to your advantage on Thursday, when money-ruling Mars creates a square against transformative Pluto. Avoid being swayed by others who may try to pressure you by setting healthy boundaries.

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