There's a strange feeling of magic in the air on Monday, when charming Venus forms a trine with warrior Mars in retrograde . We're ...

Your Horoscope This Week

There's a strange feeling of magic in the air on Monday, when charming Venus forms a trine with warrior Mars in retrograde. We're feeling more attractive and inspired as these two planets complement each other — this transit encourages us to become more social and rediscover our sexual energies. Channel this positive spirit into your artistic side, and see what you're able to create. It's been a long journey for our sense of self-esteem and progress, but we're ready to move forward on Tuesday, when strict Saturn stations direct in dedicated Capricorn. The ringed planet has helped us to make new rules for our lives during his retrograde path, which he’s been traveling since May. Consider how far you've come with hard work, and enjoy a little support from Saturn as you forge ahead. Ego-focused Mars in retrograde creates a square with commanding Saturn on Tuesday as well. It could be challenging to muster up enthusiasm during this transit, especially when in the presence of authority figures. Keep your schedule simple and stick to working solo if it's possible for you. A feeling of power and excitement washes over us on Thursday, as the emotion-ruling Moon waxes full in energetic Aries at 5:05 p.m. EST. Balance this powerful energy by directing your attention towards your partnerships and relationships. We continue to express our love through acts of service starting Friday, when romantic Venus makes her way into organized and reliable Virgo. If you're in a relationship, this transit could express itself through a new attitude towards shared responsibilities, or even bringing your connection to the next level. Ensure that you're ready to communicate your desires instead of just hinting at them during this transit.
March 21 to April 19

It's time to tap into your potential, Aries. You're ready to begin a new career journey starting Tuesday, when status-ruling Saturn stations direct in hard-working Capricorn. Use the new rules you've created for yourself when the ringed planet went retrograde back in May — you've got everything you need to succeed. Be careful not to butt heads with colleagues on Tuesday, as ruling Mars in retrograde creates a square with professional Saturn. You need to know when to pick your battles as these planets clash. You could be inspired to tackle your files and finances starting Friday, as money-ruling Venus makes her way into organized Virgo. Use this helpful transit to make sense of your paperwork or budget, as your attention to detail is improved.
April 20 to May 20

Get ready to soak up information like a sponge, Taurus. You could gather a wealth of information starting Tuesday, when education-ruling Saturn stations direct in disciplined Capricorn. It's easier for you to retain knowledge as the ringed planet moves forward; make a list of the things you'd like to learn. Protect your sweet spirit and avoid getting caught in any dead-end conversations on Tuesday, as inner growth-ruling Mars in retrograde creates a square with intellectual Saturn. It can be difficult for us to understand differing points of view, especially during this combative transit. It may be a good idea to table your thoughts and revisit the topic when you've got a cooler head. It's a breeze to get organized starting Friday, as routine-ruling Venus makes her way into meticulous Virgo. Your new laser focus will come in handy as you prioritize your responsibilities. Now, you'll have to decide how you'll spend all this extra time you've earned.
May 21 to June 20

Learn to trust your intuition, Gemini. It's time for you to embark on a new path starting Tuesday when rule-making Saturn stations direct in hard-working Capricorn. This transit encourages you to become more self-reliant and confident — it's time to take the lead. Be careful with your words on Tuesday, as self-consuming Mars in retrograde creates a square with strict Saturn. You may feel that people are easily agitated, so do your best to keep the peace with a calm attitude. You're blessed with abundance on Thursday when your money-ruling Moon waxes full in enthusiastic Aries. Use this transit to be thankful for your blessings, and share the wealth where you can. 
June 21 to July 22

You've got plenty of love to share, Cancer. It's easy to make time to connect with your partner, family, and friends starting Tuesday when affection-ruling Saturn stations direct in sensitive Capricorn. Reflect on how you've spent your emotional energy since Saturn went retrograde back in May: How have you grown? It's time for you to enjoy a sense of ease as the ringed planet moves forward. On Tuesday, career-ruling Mars in retrograde creates a square with passionate Saturn. If you’re faced with roadblocks or frustration on this day, it could be tempting to let your sharp tongue strike. Summon your strength, and try to take the path of least resistance as these planets clash. Refocus your energy towards creating harmony in your space on Friday, when domestic-ruling Venus makes her way into efficient Virgo. You'll be filled with pride as you bring beauty to your home.
July 23 to August 22

Your flexible nature serves you well, Leo. You've been able to take on an unpredictable schedule since routine-ruling Saturn moved retrograde in May of this year. In that time, you've been able to adapt your schedule and carve out a new path. The ringed planet stations direct in focused Capricorn on Tuesday, helping to take some pressure off your shoulders — it's time to hit cruise control. Prioritize me-time on Tuesday: Mars in retrograde creates a square with schedule-savvy Saturn, and it may begin to feel like a battle to assert yourself, so do your best to fly under the radar. There's a conflict between the desire for action and authority figures today — avoid unnecessary stress where you can. You're able to see the bigger picture and adjust for the future starting Friday, as career- and status-ruling Venus makes her way into precision-obsessed Virgo. You've got a flair for detail, so show off your newfound skills by supporting your team.
August 23 to September 22

Isn't it wonderful when everything falls into place, Virgo? You're noticing your zest for life returning on Tuesday, when pleasure-seeking Saturn stations direct in perceptive Capricorn. You've been carrying a heavy workload since the ringed planet moved retrograde last May — it's time for you to let go of a little responsibility and treat yourself to some much-needed self-care. Keep your schedule free and focus on healing on Tuesday, as sensual Mars in retrograde creates a square with entertainment-loving Saturn. It could feel as though this is the last day that you have to enjoy everything at once — not true. Fight the urge to act quickly and take it slow during this challenging transit. You're ready to enjoy getting your finances organized starting Friday, as money-minded Venus makes her way into organized Virgo. Use this helpful transit to reassess your goals and make way for new opportunities.
September 23 to October 22

What can you do to make your space feel more like home, Libra? You're in the mood to nest starting Tuesday, when domestic-ruling Saturn stations direct in determined Capricorn. Things have been a little topsy turvy since the ringed planet moved retrograde in May and now is your chance to straighten everything out. Make an effort to be kind to loved ones on Tuesday: Passionate Mars in retrograde creates a square with domestic-ruling Saturn, creating a feeling of confusion and frustration. You're feeling on top of your game starting Friday, as ruling Venus makes her way into diligent Virgo. Nothing gets past you during this positive transit. Use your newfound powers for good and help others who miss the finer details. 
October 23 to November 21

Celebrate loving yourself, Scorpio. You're craving a little pampering on Monday when affection-ruling Venus forms a trine with wellness-minded Mars in retrograde. Since the red planet is moving in reverse, he needs a little extra help to stay motivated. Take the pressure off yourself and take things slow on this easy-going day. Keep a cool head as you move into Tuesday, when routine-ruling Mars in retrograde creates a square with rigid Saturn. It may feel as though there is only one way to get things done — if you can, seek out the simplest option to save your strength. If you're in a relationship, you'll feel excited to spoil your partner starting Friday, as romantic Venus makes her way into supportive Virgo. Single? This transit may help you to identify the attributes you seek in prospective dates. Try not to be too hard on anyone, as Virgo can be a little picky.
November 22 to December 21

You've got a fresh new perspective, Sagittarius. Since May of this year, it's been your focus to refine your financial plan. Now that money-minded Saturn stations direct in practical Capricorn on Tuesday, you're able to move forward with fresh confidence in your budgeting skills. You may feel pressured to make a move with your cash on Tuesday, but avoid being swayed. Warrior Mars in retrograde creates a square with financial-ruling Saturn, creating a clash that doesn't support this action. Instead, use this time to learn more about your options. Adjust your focus to revamping your schedule starting Friday, when routine-ruling Venus makes her way into structure-loving Virgo. You're finding better ways to spend your time and make your to-do list more efficient with this encouraging transit.
December 22 to January 19

Take note of what contributes to your most successful days, Capricorn. What is your magical combination? You'll want to recreate the ease that arrives on Monday when status-minded Venus forms a trine with domestic Mars in retrograde. There's no reason that you can't recreate the right atmosphere for your schedule. Enjoy feeling more confident in your abilities starting Tuesday, as ruling Saturn stations direct in ambitious Capricorn. You've had the chance to carve out your own path while the ringed planet moved in reverse back in May — look how far you've come. Your natural talents for perfectionism increase beginning Friday, as career-ruling Venus makes her way into methodical Virgo. If you've got the energy to share, try to lend your supportive spirit to a colleague who needs direction.
January 20 to February 18

Take comfort in knowing yourself, Aquarius. You've done a lot of soul-searching since inner growth-ruling Saturn began his retrograde motion back in May of this year. In that time, you've had to reassess your approach towards strengthening your inner foundations. It's time to relax and recharge starting Tuesday, as spiritual Saturn stations direct in perceptive Capricorn. Work to set healthy boundaries with others on Tuesday, as feisty Mars in retrograde creates a square with intuitive Saturn. Don't let people get to you during this transit, and take a passive approach — it will save you energy best spent for healing. Turn your focus towards your space starting Friday, as domestic ruling Venus makes her way into organized Virgo. Use this transit to conquer your to-do list, and make a cozy space to enjoy autumn in style.
February 19 to March 20

You may develop a taste for the finer things in life, Pisces. You can stay within your budget and treat yourself to something special on Monday when luxury-loving Venus forms a trine with money-ruling Mars in retrograde. It's in your best interest to be conservative with your cash on Tuesday when financial-minded Mars in retrograde creates a square with rule-making Saturn. People in your life may have opinions on how you should be taking care of your assets, but ultimately you know what's best for your situation. Try not to make any impulsive decisions as these planets work against each other. Switch your focus towards artistic pursuits on Thursday, when your creative-ruling Moon waxes full in Aries. While your star shines brightly, you may be called to reflect upon how you've gotten where you are with the help of others. Show some love and appreciation as you pay it forward.

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