I don't know about you, but this pandemic has me spending completely differently. Where I would usually be putting money toward eating o...

This Is How Money Diaries Readers Are Spending Their Money During The Pandemic

I don't know about you, but this pandemic has me spending completely differently. Where I would usually be putting money toward eating out and subway passes, I've instead been oscillating between saving every single penny and splurging on Animal Crossing merch and sweatpants that I think will make me happy.

As the pandemic sweeps into its seventh month, COVID purchases are becoming less about lavish spending and more about reevaluating necessities in a world that has forced us inside. We wanted to know, what exactly is important to you in 2020, and who better to ask than Money Diaries readers. Ahead, Money Diary readers tell us about their biggest purchases since COVID hit.
Name: Sophia
Age: 31
Location: Virginia

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
I am on the waitlist to purchase a freestanding aerial rig ($2,425, including shipping) and have already started collecting the apparatuses (aerial silks and an aerial hoop) and hardware needed (around $400).

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
At the beginning of COVID, my aerial studio closed. It has since reopened on a limited schedule with small classes, but I personally think that COVID will get worse again before it gets better, and gyms and workout studios may close again. I had also been planning to buy one eventually anyway (I was originally thinking next year or the year after), so it seemed like the right time to just do it. It's half backup plan, half planned purchase.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?
I got on the waitlist this summer and it was about a three-month wait. It actually hasn't arrived yet. I started thinking about it at the beginning of lockdown (so, March) but spent a while waffling on it.

Do you regret it?
Nope! As I said, I had been wanting to get one for a while. If anything, I regret waiting as long as I did since the waitlist is so long and it's going to start getting cold soon. But the rig is something I'll use for a long time, and the timing of buying the apparatuses and hardware actually worked out well as my studio is allowing us to use our own apparatus to minimize the need to clean their equipment so much, so the silks and the hoop will be somewhat dual purpose.
Name: Kayley
Age: 33
Location: San Francisco, CA

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
A dog! My partner and I rescued a puppy we met right at the start of shelter in place in our county.

How much did it cost?
$5,000 (including adoption fees and medical bills, the actual adoption fee was $250)

What made you make this purchasing decision?
We've been discussing getting a dog for at least a year, and I've basically been talking about getting one for years. There were a couple of things that pushed us over the edge: 1. Our super dog-friendly living situation as well as the fact that we'd be working from home all the time — kind of ideal when dealing with a new puppy and 2. Meeting our puppy at a rescue event! She was so impossibly sweet I fell in love with her immediately and knew we had to at least try to adopt her.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?
About 1 month in. We signed up and were ready to adopt her right at the start, but the dog rescue was inundated by adoption requests so we had to wait about three weeks to actually adopt.

Do you regret it?
No! A puppy is an immense amount of responsibility and has also proven to be quite costly despite our best budgeting assumptions going into adoption, but she's brought us so much joy and love during these difficult times we'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Name: Anya
Age: 30
Location: Seattle, WA

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
A Dyson hairdryer with all the fixings: it comes with several attachments for blowouts and hair curling.

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
I've been extremely low maintenance my entire life when it comes to hair and makeup (my routine is wash and air dry). After I turned 30, I wanted to look put-together in a pinch and a pandemic wouldn't stop me. No more struggling to tame my curls into a poof cloud with cheap drugstore styling brands while my arm atrophied from holding up a styling tool for an hour.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?
I made it in July, a few months after I moved into a new apartment.

Do you regret it?
I don't regret it. Despite the pandemic and all the other unknowns, I have control over my hair — and it looks the best it's ever looked in my entire life. It was a splurge, but it was worth it.
Name: Melissa
Age: 31
Location: New Jersey

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
A house

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
I was very determined to buy a house in 2020 but was waiting for one at the right price in a very specific area. While moving in the middle of a pandemic was not really what I had in mind, the perfect house came along, interest rates were amazing, and it seemed like the right time to jump on it.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?
I actually went under contract for another home in April but backed out after a terrible home inspection. By the time I found my new home and went under contract, it was June and I was able to close in July. While I could have made it work in May, which was the date to close on the first home, I'm glad that I ended up moving over the summer instead. Things in my area were a little better by then so my extended family was able to help me move and see my new home.

Do you regret it?
I'm thrilled to be in my own home. I was so fortunate to get exactly what I wanted at exactly the right price. While I definitely had anxiety in the spring, this was definitely the right decision for me. Plus, being able to buy in my preferred area means that I'm very close to family, so even though we all wouldn't be under one roof if we do go under lockdown again this fall, we are all close enough to be able to help each other and see each other safely.
Name: Tabitha
Age: 23
Location: Virginia

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
Breville Espresso Maker

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
I knew I'd be buying a lot of coffee without a good coffee maker, and it was on sale. Plus, the $1,200 in stimulus money was pretty much guaranteed (and it did come through).

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?
So early — about two weeks after I started working from home.

Do you regret it?
Not at all. I still buy coffee once or twice a week for the walk and interaction but for a while, all the shops were totally closed so it wasn't an option. Even now that they're open, I'm saving a ton of money making my own most days and I'll keep using it after I'm back in the office. It's holding up well and I wanted it before but couldn't justify it. I paid it off with stimulus money and put the rest in savings.
Name: Fiona
Age: 27
Location: Singapore

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
Celine Micro Belt Bag in Grained Leather

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
I got my bonus and commissions for the previous quarter and figured I would treat myself to a new work bag to celebrate the new year. Plus, I hadn't bought a designer bag in two years.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?

Do you regret it?
Yes. Luckily I bought a classic, non-trendy piece that will last for years. But so much for buying a "work bag." I was laid off in April and have struggled to find a job since. While I'm not at the point that I'm struggling to pay rent and make ends meet, an extra $2,000 cash in the bank account would be nice. Given the opportunity, I would not have made the purchase at that point.
Name: Kristin
Age: 28
Location: Dallas, TX

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
Wedding Bands

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
We were getting married and had been saving up for all things wedding related for a while, so we didn't budget ourselves at all when it came to our wedding bands. We got exactly what we wanted.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?
April, so the pandemic was still pretty fresh and we didn't necessarily have the same perspective that we do now.

Do you regret it?
I don't. Our wedding bands will last forever so I'm very happy we both got exactly what we wanted. Additionally, the pandemic caused us to dramatically downsize our wedding to a group of 10 so we saved so much money there that now we're able to roll the rest of our wedding fund into our "fun money" fund for the future.
Name: Rhiannon
Age: 31
Location: Boston, MA

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
I broke my leg skiing one week before COVID locked down much of MA and spent the following five months navigating health insurance, surgeries, hospital visits, and physical therapy. Before insurance, the total cost for my care is about $175,000 and after insurance, my bills equal $8,560.

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
An emergency/broken leg

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?'
It started at the beginning of March and I'm still going

Do you regret it?
No! It was necessary but scary to be going through the health system during COVID.
Name: Samantha
Age: 29
Location: Illinois

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
A Nintendo Switch and the Animal Crossing New Horizons game

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
I loved Animal Crossing as a kid and heard friends and podcast hosts talking about how they enjoyed taking care of their virtual island in the new version of the game that came out earlier this year. With this game, I'm able to connect with friends virtually and "visit" them, which helps me feel more connected.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?
Recently, in early September. For a few months, it was hard to find a Switch to buy, and whenever a store in my area had them in stock they sold out rapidly.

Do you regret it?
Absolutely not, I think it was a great investment for my mental health.
Name: Andrea
Age: 34
Location: Northern California

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
A treadmill

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
I am afraid of going back to the gym and running outside every day was hurting my hips.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?
After six months.

Do you regret it?
Not at all. It wasn't too much. I use it every day and it gives me peace of mind that I won't spread COVID to vulnerable people.
Name: Amanda
Age: 28
Location: Los Angeles, CA

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
A SecretLab Gaming Chair

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
My old desk chair needed to be replaced and since I spend a lot of time sitting down, both working and gaming, I opted for a high-quality gaming chair.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?

Do you regret it?
I only thought about it for a couple of days before buying it but I don't regret it. I could have easily gone with a cheaper chair but I figured why not go the whole way and get something proper that will last a long time!
Name: Anne
Age: 31
Location: Connecticut

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
A Crate & Barrel Dresser

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
My boyfriend and I made the decision to move in together and I had recently been given a bonus. I chose to spend some of my bonus on a new piece to allow for more storage in our bedroom.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?

Do you regret it?
No, I am happy with my purchase. I was fortunate to have this extra income so I used it on something that wouldn't be a part of my normal spending; much like the income wasn't normal income. Also, the piece is beautiful and matches the rest of the set.
Name: Jaime
Age: 25
Location: Arkansas

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
A new refrigerator

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
We needed to replace our refrigerator and decided to use our stimulus check on it.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?
End of May

Do you regret it?
No! Because we got the refrigerator that we had been wanting and our old refrigerator went out literally three weeks after we replaced it. We bought a house last September and it came with a refrigerator, but it was old and we knew it would need to be replaced. Our stimulus check came along at just the right time!
Name: Hannah
Age: 24
Location: Brooklyn, NY

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
I maxed out my Roth IRA.

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
I work as a freelancer and my industry was put on hold. I already had eight months of an emergency fund, so I took all the money from the additional unemployment money and maxed out my Roth IRA. I don't believe in timing the market and interest rates on savings accounts are horrible now. This pandemic made me think about my future and uncertainty and want to save more.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?
June, when unemployment hit my account.

Do you regret it?
No, I intend to open a Solo 401k next.
Name: Sabah
Age: 31
Location: Pakistan

What was your biggest pandemic purchase?
A mattress

How much did it cost?

What made you make this purchasing decision?
Being home all day, every day made me realize that I was not doing my spine any favors sleeping on a sad mat masquerading as a mattress. I looked around and finally, it clicked that "this is my home" and to feel ownership in it means I needed to feel comfortable in it. That means a bed that doesn't leave me hunched over in the morning.

At what point in the pandemic did you make your purchase?
I bought the mattress a couple of months after lockdown started when I started looking around my room and realizing that I needed to make some significant changes to be happy in it. Living with my family, making decor decisions did not seem important, but in the long term your space really does influence your mood and it became necessary for me to change things up.

Do you regret it?
The mattress cost PKR 30,000 which is roughly USD $181. That's not a ton of money if you earn in dollars, but definitely a sizeable chunk when you earn in Pakistani rupees. That being said, I absolutely do not regret it. It is an investment, it's the first mattress I have bought with my own money, and I am proud of myself for having my own back's back.

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