We’ve walked through fire, and it’s only made us more aware of our strength. On Sunday, powerful Pluto stations direct in determined Capric...

Your Horoscope This Week

We’ve walked through fire, and it’s only made us more aware of our strength. On Sunday, powerful Pluto stations direct in determined Capricorn. When Pluto goes direct, he helps us better understand our potential. We’ll have a chance to reflect on how we’ve grown in our ability to empathize with others and support our communities during the past several challenging months. It could be difficult to focus on Wednesday, when chatty Mercury opposes dynamic Uranus in retrograde. Embrace the chaotic energy. Letting our mind wander, taking the chance to play, and nurturing our creative sides as these planets oppose each other will get us further than trying to power through. On Friday, fiery Mars in retrograde forms a square against transformative Pluto. We may be tempted to battle against authority figures or create conflict where it isn't needed, but we should aim to take the path of least resistance. Our patience is tested on Friday evening, when the Moon wanes into her third quarter in hyper-sensitive Cancer at 8:39 p.m. EST. It may feel as though a deadline is swiftly approaching, and that we’re unprepared for what's next. We’ll have to work against our instincts to rush, and instead pause and take a few deep breaths. We're blessed with a fresh start on Saturday, as flirtatious Venus creates a trine with innovative Uranus in retrograde. We may find ourselves attracted to unconventional beauty, new people, and creative arts during this sweet transit. It’s a good day for love — to link up with someone who makes our heart skip a beat, or to get a little creative in the bedroom.
March 21 to April 19

Bend but do not break, Aries. You may find yourself working to be extra flexible on Wednesday, when routine-ruling Mercury opposes daring Uranus in retrograde. Be prepared for the unexpected, and use this unconventional transit to brainstorm new ways to get things done easily. On Friday, Moon wanes into her third quarter in moody Cancer, causing emotions to run high. The spotlight will be on your home life, specifically how you manage shared responsibilities. Take the time you need to chill out and make a list of what you'd like to get done during this moon phase. You may feel tempted to buy something unusual on Saturday when materialistic Venus creates a trine with chaotic Uranus in retrograde. If you’re trying to save, try to sate the urge to spend by checking out new art and connecting with nature instead. 
April 20 to May 20

How do you feel after facing your fears, Taurus? Celebrate your new capacity for love starting Sunday, as affection-ruling Pluto stations direct in trustworthy Capricorn. Reflect on how the planet of power has taught you to rely on yourself and others during his retrograde period, which started in late April of this year. Get ready to share these positive feelings with family and friends as you become a rock for others to rely upon. On Friday, inner growth-ruling Mars in retrograde forms a square against passionate Pluto. This transit creates plenty of opportunities for crossed wires; you may find yourself in disagreements with people you care for. Work to listen instead of raising your voice as these planets clash. You may have a burst of inspiration on Saturday, as routine-ruling Venus creates a trine with status-minded Uranus in retrograde. Use this helpful transit to rethink how you can simplify your schedule to make more time for your passion projects.
May 21 to June 20

You've got this, Gemini. You're ready to get things done starting Sunday, as routine-ruling Pluto stations direct in hard-working Capricorn. The planet of rebirth moves forward, helping you better understand how to move through this new world. It could be a little challenging to summon your energy on Friday, as Mars in retrograde forms a square against schedule-savvy Pluto. Do your best to fly under the radar during this challenging transit. Try not to let your emotions lead your decisions on Friday evening, as the Moon, which governs your finances, wanes into her third quarter in emotional Cancer. You could be tempted to invest in a half-based or spend your extra cash on a knee-jerk decision. Take time to calm your thoughts, and be strategic with your money during this tumultuous transit. 
June 21 to July 22

Enjoy your evolution, Cancer. You may notice that the way you seek entertainment and fun has changed drastically since pleasure-seeking Pluto stationed retrograde in Capricorn back in late April of this year. Where you find enjoyment in the world has changed during Pluto's reverse motion. Get ready to step into a new phase of happiness starting Sunday, as Pluto moves direct in Capricorn. Career-ruling Mars in retrograde forms a square against whimsical Pluto on Friday, dampening your effervescent attitude. Hang in there — although work may feel like a chore, you'll be ready to get going once the weekend hits. You're bursting with excitement for the future on Friday, as your ruling Moon wanes into her third quarter in imaginative Cancer on Friday night. Consider lining up some plans in advance so you have plenty of action to keep you satisfied.
July 23 to August 22

Prioritize strengthening your foundations, Leo. Things at home may have felt a little challenging since April, when domestic-minded Pluto stationed retrograde in Capricorn. On Sunday, Pluto moves direct again, and you’re ready to settle into an easier rhythm. Be careful with your words on Wednesday, as materialistic Mercury opposes affection-ruling Uranus in retrograde. Try to keep the mood light during this transit; people in general are sensitive, especially surrounding their personal style. An opportunity that you once thought was off the table could pop up unexpectedly on Saturday, when career-ruling Venus creates a trine with passionate Uranus in retrograde. Use this transit to make new choices for yourself
August 23 to September 22

How do you handle obstacles, Virgo? Your patience may be tested at work on Wednesday, when status-minded Mercury opposes routine-ruling Uranus in retrograde. It seems as though everyone has lost their train of thought, including you. Try to tap into this chaotic energy by spending your time on creative projects. It could feel challenging to express your inner power on Friday, as sensual Mars in retrograde forms a square against power-seeking Pluto. Use this transit to work on becoming more self-reliant — and avoid confrontation at all costs as these planets clash. Invest in yourself and enjoy a little self-care on Saturday, when money-ruling Venus creates a trine with wellness-minded Uranus in retrograde.
September 23 to October 22

Have you been paying attention, Libra? You've been blessed with a few helpful lessons since money-ruling Pluto moved retrograde in Capricorn late last April. The planet of rebirth has encouraged you to be more careful with your finances so that you can thrive moving forward. You'll be ready to make more informed decisions with your hard-earned cash starting Sunday, as Pluto stations direct again. Try to avoid superficial matters on Friday, as passion-ruling Mars in retrograde forms a square against materialistic Pluto. It could be challenging for you to get excited about anything during this confrontational transit — take time to yourself to recollect your thoughts, and protect your energy. Inspiration could strike when you're ready to wind down for the weekend, so keep a notebook handy for any brilliant ideas. Your career-ruling Moon wanes into her third quarter in artistic Cancer on Friday, getting the wheels in your brain moving — stay sharp.
October 23 to November 21

How have you grown, Scorpio? It's important to reflect on how your journey has been shaped since late April of this year when ruling Pluto stationed retrograde in Capricorn. The planet of transformation, encouraging you to find your own way in the darkness. Pluto moves direct on Sunday in determined Capricorn, helping to reveal how you've re-shaped your life and attitude. Maintain a calm approach when dealing with others on Friday, as routine-ruling Mars in retrograde forms a square against ruling Pluto. This meeting of planets demands confrontation but also guarantees a loss if you engage. Be smart with your time and energy, and rise above negativity. Stick close to home and enjoy quiet time with loved ones on Saturday, when affection-ruling Venus creates a trine with domestic Uranus in retrograde. This is a lovely day to relax and get cozy. Try your hand at an autumn DIY project, or enjoy nature during this beauty-loving transit. 
November 22 to December 21

Open up your heart, Sagittarius. You may have felt closed off while inner growth-ruling Pluto moved retrograde in Capricorn late last April, but you've had the chance to get to know yourself better during that dark period. And on Sunday, as Pluto moves direct again, you’ll be able to consider how you've changed and healed your hidden self. Quiet your mind on Wednesday, as status-ruling Mercury opposes innovative Uranus in retrograde. There's a lot of exciting news happening, but there's only so much that you can devote your attention to. Make a list of your priorities, and brainstorm on how you can improve your passion projects. Routine-ruling Venus creates a trine with creative Uranus in retrograde on Saturday, making even the most boring errands fun. Don't be afraid to take the less beaten path, and see where it takes you.
December 22 to January 19

Always have a plan B, Capricorn. You may come up against some financial obstacles on Wednesday, when routine-ruling Mercury opposes money-minded Uranus in retrograde. Get ahead of any potential problems by doing your research and planning your day well in advance. In a relationship? You may feel extra raw with your partner on Friday night, as your affection-ruling Moon wanes into her third quarter in Cancer. This transit can bring up a desire for fulfillment or an unspoken acknowledgment. If you're single, you may notice that this transit stirs up emotions surrounding your relationships with friends and loved ones. Reach out for support, and enjoy a friendly chat on the phone to reconnect. You could find an answer to a need on Saturday, when career-ruling Venus creates a trine with materialistic Uranus in retrograde. Use your ingenuity to create solutions for yourself and others.
January 20 to February 18

Are you ready to get back on top of your game, Aquarius? You've been given some exciting challenges since career-ruling Pluto stationed retrograde in Capricorn late last April. You're ready to move forward with your newfound knowledge and skills on Sunday, as status-minded Pluto stations direct in ambitious Capricorn. It could feel as though your to-do list is out of control on Friday — take a deep breath. Your routine-ruling Moon wanes into her third quarter in irritable Cancer, creating a need for order. Take baby steps towards accomplishing your goals and celebrate small victories. Chill out and relax in your space on Saturday as home-loving Venus creates a trine with ruling Uranus in retrograde. Use this transit to enjoy old memories and invite a few close friends to play games and unwind.
February 19 to March 20

Try not to let your emotions get the best of you, Pisces. You could easily lose your train of thought and get frustrated on Wednesday, as passionate Mercury opposes dynamic Uranus in retrograde. Sit back and listen carefully to others before you decide to step into a conversation. Be conservative with your cash on Friday, as money-minded Mars in retrograde forms a square against power-loving Pluto. People may try to tell you what to do with your cash during this transit, so try to steer conversations away from material matters as these planets clash — have faith in yourself and your ability to make the right financial decisions. Your creative-ruling Moon wanes into her third quarter in individualistic Cancer on Friday night, helping your mind to dream up exciting new ideas. Write everything you want to accomplish, and come back to this list when you're feeling more focused.

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