There’s no official start date to cuffing season , but I think Daylight Savings Time is a pretty good kickoff. Once it starts getting dar...

These 3 Zodiac Signs Are About To Have The Best Cuffing Season Ever

There’s no official start date to cuffing season, but I think Daylight Savings Time is a pretty good kickoff. Once it starts getting dark before 5 p.m., all we want to do is stay inside and snuggle with someone. And while experts are saying COVID-19 is making cuffing season more intense than ever, we believe it should be a fun, sexy time of year — not a draining scramble to find a match. Luckily, the planets can offer some clues about how to navigate the next few weeks in the least stressful way possible.

That’s right: Taking a peek at the planetary movements can help us see how cuffing season will play out this year, says Eva White, a licensed psychic practitioner, tarot card reader, and astrologer at

She says the first thing we should be aware of is Mercury retroshade, the post-retrograde confusion we’re in now, that will drag on until November 19. White says that the retroshade can create emotional turmoil and miscommunications. And let’s face it: This week has been plenty tense and confusing anyway, as we await the results of the November 3 election. Not many of us are thinking all that much about finding love at the moment — we’ve got bigger fish to fry.

But according to White, the second week of November may offer a better opportunity for anyone looking for a romantic connection. On November 12, Jupiter will conjunct with Pluto (the third and final time this happens this year), she notes. During the time around this transit — from about November 10 to 20 — people may be pickier about their matches. That sounds negative, but it can be a good thing; everyone is looking for exactly what they want. “Jupiter is the planet of aspiration, accomplished goals, and truth. It pushes to us analyze where we are in our dating lives and accept the need to take action toward love and relationships,” White explains.

On November 17, Mercury will approach Uranus for the final time this year. Leading up to this alignment, White says that single folks will experience a “reality check,” and may be especially compelled to swipe right on people they think will be a good long-term match. 

Another good day for love is November 21, when Venus moves into Scorpio. This transit lets us connect with others. “Venus, the goddess of love, helps us to accept our emotional needs and as she moves into Scorpio, we will feel a sense comfort in communication,” White explains. “We’ll feel less judgment from one another, and more authenticity from romantic partners.”

Three signs will benefit significantly from this particular transit: Aries, Taurus, and Pisces. “With an Aries, it’s as if there’s this loving and nurturing emotion and connection that pops up,” White says. Tauruses, on the other hand, will be more focused on cementing their relationships — possibly taking the situationships they already have and make them more serious. “A Taurus doesn’t really want to go from one person to another,” she says. “They kind of want to take what they have and build on it.”

Pisces, on the other hand, will still be reaping the rewards of Venus’s transit through Libra, where it spent time before its move into Scorpio. This period gave the water sign a boost of confidence, which may ultimately help them heal any emotional disconnect or hurt they were feeling earlier this year.

The month ends with a major eclipse — the last of the year — on November 30, White says. The lunar event will bring with it a feeling of it’s-now-or-never in our relationships, she says. This is when you and your cuff will either settle into a proper winter relationship, or call things quits entirely.

That sink-or-swim energy will continue into December. Saturn moves into independent Aquarius on the first of the month, and Jupiter follows on December 19. “This is very similar to what we’re going to feel about the eclipse on November 30,” White says. In this case, we might feel frustrated by something we’re not getting from our partner, and how they react could make or break the match. Something to consider around this time: Are you expecting your new boo to read your mind, or can you voice your desires more directly?

Setting aside zodiac signs for a moment, the fact remains that right now, many of us are craving positive, fulfilling connections more than ever before, after months of isolation and social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. But things are looking up. “I expect that many people, regardless of the restrictions we’ve had, will find love and will adapt to different methods of communication,” White says. Just remember to be safe: If you do meet someone you want to turn into a snuggle buddy, make sure to discuss a what it means for each of your respective social pods before meeting up for the first time.

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