Coming out of what was, for many, a stressful and draining week, Sunday morning kicks off with a burst of creativity. On Sunday at 8:45 a.m...

Your Horoscope This Week

Coming out of what was, for many, a stressful and draining week, Sunday morning kicks off with a burst of creativity. On Sunday at 8:45 a.m. EST, the Moon wanes into her third quarter in proud Leo. We can scratch our itch in a positive way by writing down how we’d like to express ourselves and celebrate our talents. Passionate Venus opposes warrior Mars on Monday. This transit tends to bring out our competitive nature, so we’ll have to be ready to check our attitude as these planets clash.

It's easier to think of the big picture on Tuesday, when the Sun forms a trine with dreamy Neptune. This transit offers us the opportunity to connect with our spiritual sides and find ways to redirect our energy to help others. Communication-ruling Mercury moves into truth-seeking Scorpio on Tuesday too, encouraging us to find solutions that may help us move forward. Fair warning: Mercury is moving through his post-retrograde shadow period until November 19, so we’ll have to beware of burnout.

On Thursday, lucky Jupiter forms a conjunction with transformative Pluto, creating conditions conducive to new success. It’s a prosperous transit, but we’ll have to be wary of stepping on anyone’s toes and consider how we can give back or help out those who are less fortunate.

We're ready to regain our momentum beginning Friday, as ambitious Mars stations direct in Aries. We’ll be ready to move forward with the lessons we learned since September, when the warrior planet started moving in reverse. But we’ll have to continue acting with care until January 2, when Mars finally clears the post-retrograde shadow period. 

On Saturday, the Sun creates a sextile with transformative Pluto and another with Jupiter. There's a sense that energy is building up, but the overall spirit of the day is still optimistic and easygoing. We’ll be able to enjoy the day while relaxing with loved ones.

March 21 to April 19

How do you handle disagreements, Aries? You may have a conflict of interest with colleagues or friends on Monday, as materialistic Venus opposes ruling Mars. If the frustration is getting to you, find a healthy way to burn off this nervous energy. On Tuesday, routine-ruling Mercury moves into Scorpio. You've got the chance to revamp your entire schedule to maximize efficiency. On Friday, ruling Mars stations direct in courageous Aries, unlocking your natural confidence. Try not to bite off more than you can chew, and let yourself evolve as Mars winds up his post retrograde shadow period on January 2, 2021.
April 20 to May 20

Ready to get savvy with your spending, Taurus? On Tuesday, money-ruling Mercury moves into strategic Scorpio. You've got a beautiful opportunity to figure out your finances as the messenger planet moves direct in Scorpio. On Friday, inner growth-ruling Mars stations direct in enthusiastic Aries, helping you to find equilibrium and harmony. Focus on creating a practice that supports your spiritual side as the warrior planet completes his retroshade period on January 2, 2021. Invest time in reaching out to your network, and tidying up your zoom call stage on Saturday, as the domestic-ruling Sun in your 7th house of partnerships, contracts, and business creates a sextile with transformative Pluto. You may have some surprising conversations that help you achieve new goals.
May 21 to June 20

Are you considering how you can share your wealth with others, Gemini? On Sunday morning, the money-ruling Moon wanes into her third quarter in generous Leo. Offer your money, or time, to an organization that makes a meaningful impact. Ruling Mercury moves into intelligent Scorpio on Tuesday, helping you to find pockets of time that could make a difference to your days. Care for yourself on Thursday, as affection-ruling Jupiter forms a conjunction with wellness-minded Pluto. This day is all about self-love and reconnecting with your physical body. 
June 21 to July 22

Enjoy the simple things, Cancer. You're in the mood to stop and smell the roses on Thursday, as routine-ruling Jupiter forms a conjunction with pleasure-seeking Pluto. Use this favorable transit to share your passions with the world, and enjoy connecting with people who help you grow. If you've been feeling held back in your career goals, have faith that you're evolving into your next set of skills, as status-minded Mars stations direct in passionate Aries on Friday. Take your time as you explore opportunities and flex new muscles while he completes his post-retrograde shadow period on January 2. On Saturday, the material-ruling Sun in your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, and romance forms a sextile with routine-ruling Jupiter. It’s a good day to run errands — or have a small adventure. Grab a friend or loved one to join you as you enjoy this beautiful day. 
July 23 to August 22

You've got a lot of love to share with the world, Leo. On Sunday, the Moon wanes into her third quarter in passionate Leo. This energy can make you feel rushed or as though you're not being heard; be kind to yourself, and have faith that people are picking up what you're putting down. Study up on your finances starting Tuesday, as money-minded Mercury makes his way into analytical Scorpio. You'll be sure to build clarity on your spending as the messenger planet completes his retroshade period on November 19. On Saturday, the ruling Sun in your 4th house of family, instincts, and foundations creates a sextile with domestic-ruling Pluto. Spend free time with loved ones to recharge your emotional batteries. 
August 23 to September 22

Are conversations surrounding cash hard for you, Virgo? Have patience and take your time to discuss your finances on Monday, while material Venus opposes passionate Mars. If you feel that you have to state your case to someone regarding what you need, take some time to cool down and get the facts to support your argument before moving forward. Your natural leadership talents are being nurtured beginning Tuesday, as career-oriented Mercury moves into determined Scorpio. Find a happy medium that supports your goals and doesn't put off your team members while the messenger planet completes his post-retrograde shadow period on November 19. Your thirst for sensuality increases on Friday, as seductive Mars stations direct in spicy Aries. Take your time as you heat things up, while the warrior planet completes his retroshade on January 2, 2021.
September 23 to October 22

What goals are you wrapping up, Libra? On Sunday, the career-ruling Moon wanes into her third quarter in charismatic Leo. You've got the chance to inspire others with your charm, while getting the job done. Financial talks are favored on Thursday, as communication-ruling Jupiter forms a conjunction with money-minded Pluto. The combination of these planets helps to build trust and spread your influence. Act fairly, as your reputation will precede you. You're beginning to feel more like yourself starting Friday, as passionate Mars stations direct in dynamic Aries. You'll be ready to get back into the swing of things on January 2, when the red planet completes his post retrograde shadow period.
October 23 to November 21

Is there a financial talk coming your way, Scorpio? Use your natural talent for negotiation on Thursday to find the fairest deal as money-ruling Jupiter forms a conjunction with ruling Pluto. Come to the table prepared with your homework done and some pleasant small talk to strengthen your relationship. You're ready to get back on your feet beginning Friday, as routine-ruling Mars stations direct in dynamic Aries. While you may be feeling 100%, you need to take a little more time to heal as Mars finishes up his post retrograde shadow period on January 2 — slow and steady wins the race. Get ready for a confidence-boosting transit on Saturday, as the status-ruling Sun in your 1st house of self, first impressions, and appearance creates a sextile with ruling Pluto. Take some time to get in touch with your hidden self and plot your next big move.
November 22 to December 21

Consider how you handle conflict, Sagittarius. Is there anything that you'd like to do differently? You could have the chance to reassess your approach to a disagreement on Monday when routine-ruling Venus opposes ambitious Mars. Try to remove your emotions from the equation while finding a solution during this energetic transit. You're ready to start training your brain to approach new challenges starting on Tuesday, as passionate Mercury moves into perceptive Scorpio. Practice mindfulness and accept what you cannot control (a tall order at times) as the messenger planet completes his retroshade period on November 19. On Thursday, ruling Jupiter forms a conjunction with inner growth ruling Pluto. You're seeing clearly and are in the mood to share your gifts with others. Take time to collect your thoughts and connect with your spiritual side during this favorable transit. 
December 22 to January 19

If you're working from home, you may need a change of scenery, Capricorn. Try to get outside of your comfort zone and take a break from your workspace on Monday, as career-savvy Venus opposes domestic-ruling Mars. It can feel as though the energy is electric and that colleagues and loved ones are not ready to hear your ideas. Get some space and clear the air as these planets clash. It's time for you to get back to basics on Tuesday, as routine-ruling Mercury moves into strategic Scorpio. You may want to completely revamp your schedule as the messenger planet moves through his post-retrograde shadow period, which ends on November 19. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn what works for you. Any growing pains you may have been having at home are about to get cleared up starting Friday, as domestic-ruling Mars stations direct in excitable Aries. Try not to rush into any new changes until Mars completes his post-retrograde shadow period on January 2.
January 20 to February 18

Need to break out of a rut, Aquarius? On Sunday, the routine-ruling Moon wanes into her third quarter in creative Leo. Spend the morning getting your to-do's completed so that you can kick back before the week begins. It's time for you to focus on manifesting your professional desires on Tuesday, as the love-ruling Sun in your 10th house of career, structure, and public image forms a trine with money ruling Neptune. Once you set your mind to it, anything is possible — have faith in yourself and your natural talents. You're up for another favorable transit on Saturday, as the passionate Sun in your 10th house creates a sextile with status-minded Pluto. Speak from the heart, and people will listen.
February 19 to March 20

How do you protect your gentle heart, Pisces? You're ready to build up your emotional armor starting Tuesday, as affectionate Mercury moves into analytical Scorpio. Let yourself feel intensely and love big while supporting your boundaries as the messenger planet finishes his retroshade period on November 19. Your mind for money is being reformed starting Friday, as financial-ruling Mars stations direct in ambitious Aries. Seek a practical new approach to caring for your cash while the warrior planet completes his post retrograde shadow period on January 2. Now is the time to build healthy spending and saving skills. Challenge yourself to consider new exciting career opportunities on Saturday when the routine-ruling Sun in your 9th house of exploration, adventure, and belief forms a sextile with status-minded Jupiter. Reach out to people who inspire you, and lay the groundwork for a bright new future.

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