Welcome to week two in February, or the great Aquarian clusterfuck of 2021. That’s right, this week, six planets are transiting Aquarius and...

Your Horoscope This Week: February 7, 2021

Welcome to week two in February, or the great Aquarian clusterfuck of 2021. That’s right, this week, six planets are transiting Aquarius and things are bound to get a little — if not a lot — weird. There’s the new moon on February 11th, which has been in a show-down with Mars in Taurus for a while, encouraging an anxious tension between our emotional needs and our ability to get them met. It’s the kind of transit that doesn’t know what insecure attachment is, but it’s willing to explore the concept. Then, there’s Mercury retrograde in Aquarius which, in addition to being generally troublesome, makes a square to Mars in Taurus. Technological breakdown is expected, communication breakdown is likely, emotional breakdown is highly possible, and, if you’re not exhausted already? You’re one of the lucky ones. Then there’s Jupiter and Saturn, both in Aquarius, with the former making a wide square to Mars and the latter making a tighter square to Uranus, aspects we’ll be feeling the push and pull of for quite some time. It’s amazing how much the human spirit can take on and make do with. But, despite all indication to the contrary, not only can we get through this, we can access a great deal of magic within the chaos — which is, after all, where magic most often resides.

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Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Sometimes you’ve got to strive to find it, the little signs that say, “Keep going, you’re on the right track.” And sometimes the universe conspires in your favor — creating small openings that lead to major gates. You got the keys keys keys. To what? A different timeline. A promising opportunity; or, a chance to get to know your strengths in some altogether new way. The trick is recognizing the breadth of your offering, the one made for you and the one you are being called to make. It’s not a narrow field and it’s not rootless either. It’s a big energetic commitment, but it will feed you for a long time.
Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you’re obligated to do it. Not for cash, not for clout, not for some projected idea you’ve been privately nurturing of other people’s expectations for you. Perhaps it’s time to start motivating yourself with something other than your obligation or self-criticism. Perhaps, this week, you can meditate on the fact that being good at many things naturally is evidence that you are someone who flourishes in an open field. Put those stories of Taurus people and their single-mindedness to the side. A bull won’t graze the same field happily for long. You need beauty, variety, and complexity.
Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

What if you didn’t have to account for or smooth out the details of the past before you made your current position known and felt? What if, given the state of things, it would be perfectly acceptable for you to let old dogs lie, regard the water under the bridge, or whatever idiom you think works best for you? The mishigas (מְשֻׁגָּע) of the past that clouds your ability to relate to the people you once considered your people, it’s yours to put behind you any time you want. That is, if you’re still yearning for those connections. But, if you’ve left the water and the dogs and the whole scene behind, then maybe it’s time to accept that letting go means moving on.
Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

When you’re sentimental, it’s hard not to betray yourself. Like eating food that our bodies can’t process, for instance, because you long for a time when your body worked differently. Or, giving your energy to someone who doesn’t respect your efforts. Perhaps within the act of self-betrayal is a kind of willfulness, a refusal to accept what IS in hopes that what is will change into what we imagined it was. Of course, if something like gluten wrecks your system, the solution seems clear-cut. It’s harder to know your limits with people. This week, when temptation strikes, try your best to acknowledge how interacting with something or someone makes you feel. Even if changing your behavior takes time, giving yourself emotional respect is a worthy goal.
Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Whether the drain you experience is more figurative/energetic or is a very literal low in your bank account, it’s never too late to begin the replenishing process. The first step, and often the hardest step, is recognizing that whatever’s put you in the red won’t be the same thing that balances your accounts. If acknowledging that means acknowledging that you didn’t accomplish what you set out to do, so be it. Your state of progress isn’t indicative of your abilities, and being down on yourself only holds you back. The world is in transition and transitions create uncertainty. Focus on your accomplishments this week, however small. The more you recognize what works, the more you’ll know where to put your energy.

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

If there’s some part of you that’s been doubting the truth of your experience, this week is a great time to give yourself the validation you’re waiting on. If you’ve found yourself in a difficult or uneven situation, remind yourself that you’re not someone prone to exaggeration or hyperbole. There’s no reason to play down your discomfort. However, just because a situation has become unbearable doesn’t mean you can’t bear it — you can. That’s the trick of it, the conundrum. If you’re committed to enduring a scene that doesn’t serve you in hopes that someone else will cals it quits or take the reins, you can endure. But what will that cost you? And what does it prove?
Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Sometimes, when my mind feels restless and my body aches and I can’t seem to freakin’ mellow out, I call my body-witch friend Georgia. Georgia likes to remind me that anxiety, like all things, is part of a system. Part of a fight or flight response, anxiety isn’t meant to collect in your body and get stored like some terrible preserves. It needs to move through us. A deer, surviving the headlights, shakes itself out and runs. You, dear Libra, could benefit from giving yourself physical attention this week — a little physical release. Orgasms count, IMO, but I’m no expert! There are no simple solutions to mental distress, so think of this as self-support instead. The body does keep the score, but nobody said you can’t choose what kind of scores it’s keeping.
Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

First, you’ll have to admit that it’s over — whatever wound you’re nursing like it’s a living thing that can regain its power. You know that nothing can go on in a state of near-death forever. So, whether what you’re laying to rest is a relationship or a version of yourself you keep waiting to become again, you’ll find that letting go is a relief. It’s incredible how much of ourselves and what’s before us we can’t perceive when we’re dragging a pillar of salt behind us. This week, try your best to stick to the present moment whenever possible. What pleasures are available to you now? What isn’t working? What do you want for yourself? What can you do about it?
Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Try to pace yourself this week, Sagittarius. Even if the commitments keep piling up. Even if, despite your best efforts to stay on track or use a planner, the universe seems invested in pummeling you with a hailstorm of deadlines, commitments, and troubles that need shooting. The weather is what it is, and sometimes you just can’t predict or prepare for when it arrives. Since you can’t control what’s happening around you, it’s best practice to focus on what you can control. Namely, your reactions and responses. This includes, but is not limited to: blaming yourself, pretending you can handle more than you can, refusing to ask for help or relief. Ask for that extension, respect your own limits, remember that you’re at least half human.
Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

It’s tempting to take it all on, especially when you’re no stranger to shouldering a burden. But, Capricorn, if there’s any way you can off-load even a little bit of what’s coming down the pike this weekend, you’ll be better for it. Of course, it seems obvious enough: less stressors, less stress. But, there’s something else to consider. While over-extending, over-committing, and generally over-doing it might have gotten you through quite a few rough periods in your life, your spirit is no longer interested in putting your emotional needs on the back burner. You know it too, and if you don’t know it then you haven’t been taking yourself and your heart seriously. Isn’t it time you turned your attention that way; who else but you is strong enough?
Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

If you haven’t celebrated your birthday yet then you’re about to. Of course, birthdays are complicated in the time of COVID and especially difficult for signs that privilege the company of friends. If you’re grieving community this week or if you’re feeling distant from loved ones, consider the offering on the underside of this year’s solar return. You are getting to know yourself, Aquarius. You are coming face to face with the parts of you that have flourished in the shadow of your solitude. You are beginning to recognize that, despite your best efforts, you have nurtured stories about who you are and what you can do that were just that — stories. They don’t have to be yours anymore, if you’re ready to write some new ones.
Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Sometimes, it’s hard to access the good stuff — the generous flow of the universe — even when it’s pouring all around you like daylight. Sometimes we get in our own way, try as we might to stay open and aware. The mind is a kind of trickster, sometimes working in direct opposition to our hearts. Why is that? What cruel programmer hacked our brains to flood us with the detritus of the past — useless facts, obsessive thoughts that no one bid welcome? Well, when you figure it out you can write a complaint, but until then you’ll have to settle for some override codes. Do what you gotta do, Pisces, a breathwork class, a meditation circle, an edible — if it’s not harming anyone, it’s worth a try. Whatever it is that gets you close enough to your magic to reach for it.

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