Welcome to Refinery29’s  Feel Good Diaries , where we chronicle the physical and mental wellness routines of women today, their costs, and w...

I’m 23, Make 70k A Year, & Spent $210 On My Wellness Routine This Week

Welcome to Refinery29’s Feel Good Diaries, where we chronicle the physical and mental wellness routines of women today, their costs, and whether or not these self-care rituals actually make you feel good.

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Today: Peloton workouts, dog walks, fresh juices, and quality time with friends help this LA woman get through her week.

Age: 23
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Occupation: Sales & Marketing Coordinator
Salary: $70,000

This diary was written in December of 2020.

Day One

6 a.m. — Every morning I wake up at 6 a.m. and I do a mental check-in with myself to see how I slept and what I dreamt about. I then do a quick three- to five-minute meditation before journaling any “sticky” thoughts in my mind. Sticky thoughts are any negative thoughts from the day before that are still there after sleeping and meditating. Journaling tends to help release those from my head before I start the day.

8 a.m. — I purchased a Peloton back in June, and every morning I try to squeeze in a workout if I can. It helps activate my muscles and get me sweating before I start my day. It also helps to release any negative feelings or emotions I have so I can start the day feeling strong and powerful, especially when I’m able to set a personal record. I pay $48 a month for the bike and $35 a month for the Peloton membership (so about $20.75 total for the week).

3:30 p.m. — I received a juicer as a gift from my parents, and I absolutely love it. I make juices mid-day when I feel myself slowing down and starting to get tired instead of drinking caffeine, which will keep me up all night. Today, I make a green juice with kale, spinach, turmeric, celery, ginger, carrots, and apples, and it helps to wake me up and reset me for the rest of the day. I spend about $30 each workweek on juice ingredients.

Daily Total: $50.75

Day Two

7:30 a.m. — I absolutely love switching up my morning workouts between cycling, running, and yoga. Today I did a longer yoga session for 45 minutes. It was intense but I felt so good after. I can see myself progressing and becoming more flexible. It also helps to release unwanted tension in my body. I left this workout feeling refreshed with a clear mind.

12:30 p.m. — I take my dog on three walks a day. Today, I decided to go on a longer walk with him mid-day because he had some extra energy. I love to take a break from working and enjoy the beautiful Southern California weather. It was a great walk that cleared my stress and allowed me to focus on being present and truly enjoy just being outdoors.

6 p.m. — I love to cook! It allows me to unwind after a long day and focus on the simple task of cooking, while also drinking wine and dancing around my apartment to music. I was feeling a little emotionally drained after the day so this helped to let go of the negativity and embrace a more “free” side of myself. It also helped that the dinner turned out delicious — I made chicken with sweet potato fries ($6). 

Daily Total: $6

Day Three

8 a.m. — Every Friday morning I talk with my therapist and it helps me to get out whatever is bothering me and to allow myself to process and move past these thoughts. We work together to find the best ways to mitigate my anxiety. I love ending my workweek with her and starting my weekend in a more confident state. My insurance covers most of my therapy costs, but I pay a $20 co-pay per session.

12 p.m. — If I’m ever feeling like I’ve been inside for too long, I try to head out to grab a coffee from a local shop ($8). It’s easy to feel like a hermit when you live alone during a pandemic so this helps to break up my day. I love getting chai tea lattes, and I was able to work at the cutest coffee shop in Venice Beach which helped me to feel normal again. 

8 p.m. — I need social interaction to survive, especially because I live alone. So I love meeting up with my girlfriends for wine and dinner after a long week. We were able to catch up, vent, make jokes, and just have a good time ($40). I felt so much better once I got home after. I was surrounded by love, light, and positivity and that feeling carried throughout the weekend.

Daily Total: $68

Day Four

9 a.m. — I love bringing my dog to the dog park on the weekends. He loves to interact with the other dogs and I love to be with other dog owners and talk to them. It felt nice to socialize outside a bit and enjoy the gloomy morning with my dog before starting our weekend. He was happy, and that makes me happy.

10 a.m. — After the dog park my pup and I hit a local coffee shop where I get my usual almond milk latte and chocolate croissant ($12). Wellness isn’t just exercising and working out, it’s also allowing yourself to indulge every once in a while. For me, chocolate croissants on the weekend make me so happy and remind me that I’m human and I’m allowed to indulge in sweets every now and then.

5 p.m. — I decided to do an easy 20-minute yoga exercise through Peloton. It loosened up my body and helped me to focus on the present. I tend to have a mind that wanders quite a bit so doing yoga helps me to be in the moment and stop worrying about the past or future.

Daily Total: $12

Day Five

9 a.m. — I was able to sleep in a bit today before I walked my dog around the neighborhood. Usually on weekends we go on longer walks, so we were able to clock in a little over 2 miles which helped to wake my body up and loosen my muscles for the day. It’s also nice to get some fresh air first thing in the morning.

1 p.m. — My friends and I decided to do a picnic in the park where we all brought some snacks and drinks ($25). It was so nice to catch up with one of my friends who I haven’t seen since February. She always makes me feel so loved, so I left with her positivity stuck to me for the rest of the day. I was able to end the weekend on the best note possible.

8 p.m. — I’m a big proponent of FaceTiming with friends, especially at a time like this when physically seeing them is difficult. FaceTiming my friends allows me to stay connected with them and makes me feel normal and happy. These FaceTimes have made my friendships stronger and I honestly don’t know where I’d be without them. This is easily my favorite way to unwind on a Sunday night, while enjoying a glass of wine.

Daily Total: $25

Day Six

6 a.m. — I’m starting off my week with a quick meditation and journaling session to jot down how I felt about the weekend and what my goals are for the week ahead. I love journaling, it keeps me accountable for my emotions and feelings, especially when starting a week can seem daunting with everything I have on my plate. I finished feeling less stressed and ready to take on the day.

8 a.m. — After walking my dog, I hopped on the Peloton for an intense 30-minute ride. It was filled with sweat (and a few tears) because of how physically and mentally demanding it was. I absolutely love these workouts, especially on Mondays when I feel weighed down about the week. I finished my ride feeling so strong and like I could overcome anything the week had to throw at me.

7 p.m. — I loved making dinner after a long Monday, especially something so healthy, clean, and delicious, like tonight’s chicken and kale salad ($8). I cook while dancing around my apartment with a glass of wine, like usual. I really loved being able to make dinner and enjoy it while tuning into a Netflix show.

Daily Total: $8

Day Seven

7 a.m. — Started out my day with a nice and active Peloton yoga flow which allowed me to release all the tension I had in my body and reconnect with the present moment. I left feeling energized and excited about the rest of my day.

12 p.m. — I walked around the neighborhood with my dog during my lunch break and felt so relieved to be outside after a rough few hours with work. I felt so much better just being in the fresh air and walking in the sun. This always energizes me and makes me more motivated.

5 p.m. — I had dinner and drinks with a friend ($40) and it felt so good to reconnect and enjoy a few glasses of wine to end my day, especially during sunset. I left feeling happy and loved. This helps so much with my anxiety and depression! As a social creature I need to do this at least once or twice a week.

Daily Total: $40

Weekly Total: $209.75

Reflection: The most positive part of my wellness routine is therapy, because I’m actively working with someone to stay positive and keep my wellness in check. We work together to find what actively combats my anxiety and depression. My philosophy is to do what feels good for your own mind and body. Nothing is one size fits all, and I feel the same about wellness. It takes a while to learn what your body needs but once you find the perfect recipe for yourself, do that and just keep improving it.

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