Growing up in the era of glossy magazine subscriptions and glamorous advertisements meant encountering unrealistic beauty standards on th...

Dove’s Self-Esteem Project Is Out To Dismantle Toxic Beauty Standards

Growing up in the era of glossy magazine subscriptions and glamorous advertisements meant encountering unrealistic beauty standards on the regular, from photoshopped bodies to airbrushed pores. Today, we feel that societal pressure (and potential blow to one’s confidence) even more so with the presence of social media and the type of digital distortion available at our fingertips, from face-altering filters to body-editing apps.

That’s where Dove’s Self-Esteem Project comes in, an ongoing initiative started in 2004 by the body-positive beauty brand to empower today’s youth. The project is a self-esteem blueprint for young women, providing tools and resources to help dismantle toxic beauty influences. This includes conversation guides for mothers and mentors on initiating “The Selfie Talk” with loved ones, free workshops for young women on overcoming body image issues, and collaborations with youth activists and media outlets (like us!) to lead the dialogue on living by the Confidence Code, a promise to draw upon our inner confidence and empower others to do the same.

Learn more about the initiative and how you can get involved here, and stay tuned for more on our partnership with the Dove Self-Esteem Project in the coming weeks.

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