This week we find ourselves deep into June and deep into Mercury Retrograde . While the eclipses have come and gone , their influence over ...

Your Horoscope This Week: June 13, 2021

This week we find ourselves deep into June and deep into Mercury Retrograde. While the eclipses have come and gone, their influence over us is far from over and emotional after-shocks are to be expected — especially for sensitive babes whose stars line up with these solar events. Goddess bless Geminis especially, but not exclusively. Of course, it’s not all tears for fears in the atmosphere, especially with Mars sliding into Leo on the 11th. There’s a little bit more incentive to show up, show out, and have a friendly showdown if you’re feeling inspired.

Friendly competition is a fire sign pleasure, and it’s a worthy counter-energy to the Saturn/Uranus square that perfects on the 14th. The tension between these planetary bodies and their impulses — to build and/or to break down — is in itself nothing new, but this recurring transit flows over our Earthly experience in Aquarian waves, bringing new perspectives and approaches each time just to keep it interesting. 

A quarter moon in Virgo on the 17th might have us feeling a little more critical, but no less desiring of a meaningful connection. It’s a great week to nurture the people and projects in our lives that give us a sense of purpose, and honor the parts of us that used to judge, but are now ready to learn instead.
Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Rooted somewhere deep in that wild heart of yours is a feeling that’s been marinating for some time: There’s more to life than this daily grind, and you have more to do here than check off other people’s boxes. While certain aspects of your work/life balance might have found a natural and acceptable cadence, that feeling is far from gone; it might even be growing. This week, try your best to tune into the areas of your life where you find yourself breaking your commitments to others, flaking out, and feeling overwhelmed or underappreciated. Sometimes, when we’re too scared to make big changes, we act out in small ways. Don’t let that transformative energy get distracted.
Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

While it may be tempting to play the role of someone who’s always sure, someone who stays steady on their course and never doubts their purpose, it’s not a role that’s required of you. And, if you find yourself wondering who it is that people expect you to be, or whether anyone sees how hard you work to forge your own path, you don’t have to wonder. You can rest assured that not only is your hard work palpable, it’s admired by those who love you and wish only the best for you. As for who people expect you to be, surely you know by now that well-meaning expectations are just educated guesses waiting on life to deliver the proof. You can let life deliver it. In the meantime, make plans with people who help you feel valued — no matter what state you’re in.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

You know that meme, “If you’re cold, they’re cold, bring them inside”? Well, imagine a giant picture of Geminis everywhere with the tagline: “If you’re tired, they’re tired, give them some rest.” Eclipse season is no joke, no matter how good you are at making jokes. Whether you’re exhausted physically or feeling more of an emotional drain, your state of being is valid and deserves your respect. Yes, bills are real, children need care, and projects have timelines, but getting rest is imperative — even if it isn’t always possible in the most clear-cut sense. Is there a mantra you can use this week that will help you prioritize your rest? Is there a ritual you can initiate that will root you in your wellness practice?Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

As Venus continues to transit Cancer, it’s valuable for you to stay open to whatever sweetness the world offers you. Staying open to sweetness isn’t a passive venture, it requires clearing bitterness from its path. The quarter moon in Virgo on the 17th is sure to have you narrowing your eyes critically — especially when it comes to communiques and new connections. And, while there’s nothing wrong with a little analysis, it can be a waste of your precious energy and a distraction from the much harder work of changing your own behavior rather than compelling others to change theirs. Cancer, if you bite into a fruit and it’s not ripe with sweetness, you have permission to set it down and go eat something else.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Mars gets comfortable in Leo this week and while you might not need any more fire in your life, it couldn’t hurt. Fire is fire, after all, and those who know how to work with it know how to use it to create things. Fire’s purifying qualities might be just what the doctor ordered, though, and there are certain living things — like partnerships — that benefit from its cleansing power. If you’re feeling more assertive and charged with desire to express yourself, it’s only right. And, there’s no reason to fight the feeling. Just do your best to check in with yourself and make sure that your self-assertion is rooted in self-love rather. And if it’s not, take a beat to ask yourself what it is rooted in.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

With your ruling planet still retrograde in the sign of Gemini, it’s best practice for you to keep all new developments to a minimum and tend to what’s already in the works. You might find that this tending has you reconsidering your schedule and, as Maxine Waters taught us to do, reclaiming your time. Time is the word of the moment, because time is not renewable. You only have so much of it and the more you give away to others the less you have for yourself. Time for just yourself is key in helping you figure out your next moves in this wild and precious life. For this reason amongst many others, any time you wish to redistribute toward yourself will be time well-spent. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Many writers swear by their routines and “morning pages.” People with children squeeze creative time into the dark hours of morning as well as night, when all is quiet and the mind is invited to speak a little louder. If a regimented schedule works for you, let it. But, if you have found those allotted hours wanting something else, have heart. While it’s true that the internet can provide you with many tips and tricks to overcome those creative blocks, the truth is that sometimes creativity looks less like performance and more like beginning a new personal archive. The images and ideas that come to you are working on you. In holding them, you help them do their work.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

For many of us, the past year was a study in intimacy building, in negotiating what a relationship can and can’t do for us and what — if anything — we should expect from others. This week, you might find yourself returning to those questions once again. Seclusion is always available to you, Scorpio, but it’s not your main tool anymore. The time you’ve spent making a home inside yourself has transformed you. Now, it’s a home that is more than capable of welcoming guests, if you want them. You needn’t fling the doors wide open; discernment is your gift. But, it might feel good to step out into the world, to let yourself be seen before you let yourself be shared.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

It would be nice if Jupiter’s short stint in Pisces meant you could spend more time daydreaming and less time laboring. Chances are, however, that you have just as much on your plate now as you did before, if not more so. In this case, Jupiter’s expansive nature might translate into an expansive understanding of the way your work benefits the home you are making for yourself in the world. Strategizing your schedule and attending to lists can be a drag, but sometimes a drag is necessary to get a cart to the top of a hill. Don’t let the mundanity of your task stop you from seeking support. You chose this work for a reason, a reason that will compel others to assist you.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Whether we agree to it or not, we live in a culture that values relationships at the cost of personal growth. Because we were raised by movies where the marriage plot lies under all other plots, where the person who chooses to write a new narrative is a cautionary tale. Because there are few stories that account for those of us who were always on the margins. Rarely do we catch a glimpse of the larger story, the human story of relationships that were meant to spark and fade, of partnerships that change shape. This week, when you find yourself wondering if anyone shares your values, and if what you’ve held onto is worthy of praise, breathe deeply. Trust your story and the people who find their way into it. That’s the only real narrative.That’s real love.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Human beings love structure, even the most free-wheeling, wilderness-dwelling ones amongst us. Structure is useful because it teaches us how to identify extremes and monitor our energy; it’s good to set a limit for yourself, good to know your own parameters. That said, there’s always room for a little bit of indulgence, a little day trip into resplendence town. Especially since the only thing humans love more than structure is sensual experience. The trick is to recognize when you’re choosing indulgence, and then work it into the structure rather than using it to escape. This week, attend to pleasure like it’s part of the budget — put aside the necessary funds.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Of course what you want for yourself is changing. How could it not? You are far from the person you were a year ago, and it’s only right that the space you take up in the world shifts to accommodate that. While it might seem like you’re navigating the same old landscape of connections and opportunities, you are done with trying to find home and belonging in places where you don’t feel secure expressing yourself and your needs. Try to remember that nothing is set in stone, and compromising yourself will cost you a lot more than breaking a bad contract. The more you allow yourself to want more, to imagine more, the more becomes available to you. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano

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