After a chaotic astrological month marked with a couple planetary retrogrades and eclipses , it’s safe to say that we’re itching to turn...

The New Moon In Cancer Promises To Be A “Wild Time”

After a chaotic astrological month marked with a couple planetary retrogrades and eclipses, it’s safe to say that we’re itching to turn over a new leaf and welcome in some fresh, positive energy. The new moon in Cancer on July 9 is here to help us do just that — we’re ready to let things go, move on, and start fresh.

It’s especially hectic right now, says Madi Murphy, co-founder of The Cosmic RX and The Cosmic Revolution, mainly because this is the first new moon after the last eclipse season. But it’s a positive kind of hectic. “Like after a wild storm strikes, yes, there are trees and power lines down but there is also this feeling of clarity as the sun comes through. The world feels a little shinier and full of hope,” she says. That’s the same sensation that this new moon is bringing.

It’s Cancer season, and the moon and the sun are both hanging out in the sign of the crab, bringing us a double dose of that sentimental Cancer energy. Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for, says that this means we’ll be extra focused on all things Cancerian: our homes and our pasts, especially. Cozy up and watch some of your old favorite movies, dig through your family photos, and enjoy looking back at your old memories — sometimes, reminiscing is the best way to successfully start anew.

Lisa Stardust, the author of Saturn Return Survival Guide and The Astrology Deck is calling this luminary “a wild time for us to move forward with our dreams.” The reason is that this new moon connects with Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion, which she says this will stir up some bold energy and encourage us to embrace our individuality, rebel against the status quo, and rebuild our lives (if we want to). “It’s also a time to seek out the kind of relationships that we want,” Stardust continues. “If we want to rebuild and reconnect with others, this is an ideal time to change the structure. We are defining our comfort zones and the rules in which we find solace, which means that we will be making decisions and plans based on the relationships that we feel can grow.”

This developmental energy isn’t just for growing relationships, though. Cancer is a sign that’s great at initiating things, so Montúfar says that this new moon is ideal for getting projects off the ground that will bloom over the next six months. But, there’s a caveat. “Because this moon is opposing Pluto in Capricorn, with this new beginning also comes an ending,” she says. “Pluto’s involvement in this lunation will help us get rid of something in order to make room for something new.” You know the saying — when one door closes, another one opens. Those are the vibes we’ll be feeling this week.

Montúfar also says that this new moon will connect with Neptune and the asteroid Pallas in dreamy Pisces. “These two help soften the intensity coming from the opposition with Pluto,” she says. “Neptune provides creative inspiration, while putting us in touch with our dreams. Pallas brings the gift of intuition as a form of strategy.” 

Leslie Hale, psychic astrologer for, agrees, and adds that as this moon trines Neptune, we may feel more compassion for others, and our intuition may seem spot on. “Dreams may be vivid and memorable,” she says, adding that this connection may “represent spiritual or metaphysical pursuits.” Make use of that dream journal this week — you never know what your subconscious mind may be trying to tell you.

The main things we can do for ourselves right now is honor our deepest feelings, prioritize what makes us feel safe and secure, take care of our home, and set healthy boundaries, Murphy says. Do all those things — or, at least, try — and this new moon will be smooth sailing.

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