We’re sinking deeper into ourselves this summer. The Leo New Moon on August 8 gives us a chance to align our lives with goals that speak t...

Your August Horoscope Is Here, & These Dates Could Bring You Your Deepest Desires

We’re sinking deeper into ourselves this summer. The Leo New Moon on August 8 gives us a chance to align our lives with goals that speak to our hearts. Meanwhile, inquisitive Mercury is making movies: It enters analytical Virgo on August 11, then shifts into Libra on August 30. These two Mercurial transits will allow us to understand social and personal matters on a deeper level. On August 16, sensual Venus sashays into Libra, which is one of its favorite signs, giving your love life a happy glow. Relationships and money will take a spin when revolutionary Uranus starts its retrograde journey in Taurus on August 19. This  planetary moonwalk will last until January 18, 2022, and during this time, we’ll seek adventure and change in different parts of our lives. The seasonal Blue Moon occurs on August 22 in Aquarius. We will be cosmically urged to break free from the status quo and situations that have lost their luster. The Sun also runs into Virgo on August 22, ending the month on a reasonable, practical, and logical note that will carry into September. 


Your bank account has been up and down for the past several months, and this financial situation is about to get a little less stressful. Longing to access cash fast? Playing the lotto or making a major monetary investment during August 8’s New Moon in Leo will give you a chance to increase your bank account. Roll the dice or place a big bet (responsibly, of course — don’t put on the line what you can’t afford to lose).You may also be inspired to gamble on yourself and a creative project you’re starting that will prove to be lucrative in the future. Regardless, the results will unexpectedly increase your finances during Uranus’s planetary moonwalk that commences on August 19. Give everything time to percolate, and you will begin to see progress in such endeavors during August 22’s Blue Moon in Aquarius.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano


Get ready to rock, Taurus! August is gonna shake up your relationships. The tug between the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus will bring more attention to your personal partnerships during the Leo New Moon on August 8 and the Blue Moon on August 22. Don’t fret just yet. These key dates in August will end up motivating you to become more invested into your current situationship. Yes, there will be tense moments along the way (particularly in the first week of the month). Being the determined and loyal bull that you are, this may wind up healing your relationships rather than ending them. Being willing and able to talk matters out on August 30 when chatty Mercury enters social and diplomatic Libra allows you to kick off September on a high note.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano


Fortunately for you, Gemini, August is wellness month. This is good news because you are in need of R & R. More than ever, you’re wanting to curl up and decompress at home. When Mercury enters Virgo on August 11 and again the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22, you’ll opt to take long baths and chill with Netflix instead of hitting the party scene and being social. There is nothing wrong with having personal time, just be sure to not take these moments for granted and to use them to your advantage. By the time Mercury swings into Libra on August 30, you will be cool like a cucumber and not stressed by much (at least for the time being). You deserve this!Illustration by Stefhany Lozano


It may be hard to keep your head above water this month, due to all the splashing your peers are causing around you —but, you’ll be able to. As long as you choose to not get caught up in the drama and stay away from gossip on the 11th (when chatty Mercury enters quick-thinking Virgo), then you will be able to crawl through August unscathed. Your new vibe will be tested, however, when rebellious Uranus turns retrograde on August 19 and during the Sun’s shift into Virgo on August 22. Instead of focusing on what everyone else is doing and saying, use the energy to improve your life for the better. There is an amazing transformative opportunity on August 8’s New Moon and August 22’s Blue Moon, if you’re open to it.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano


Real talk, Leo! Have you been dreaming of your exit strategy from your current partnership? Or, envisioning a whole new career path for yourself? Luckily, you will get the chance to push the restart button during August 8’s New Moon. This energy will carry you far to August 19, when Uranus retrograde brings you an unexpected professional opportunity that can change your life in amazing ways. Matters of the heart will take on a different direction than you initially thought during August 22’s Blue Moon. This lunar phenomenon may urge you to let go of a long-standing intimate relationship or alliance that is not aligning with your current views. Unfortunately, you’ve outgrown them and their purpose in your life.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano


August 11 allows you to speak up and share the emotions that have been brewing beneath the surface during the Leo New Moon on August 8. This will help you discuss your deep sentiments and become aware of all matters that have been making you suspicious of others. With clarity giving you peace of mind, you will be able to feel confident during your solar return, which begins on August 22. This may dissolve a lot of the doubt that you’ve been feeling for others, as you’ll come to terms with the facts of the situations and relationships in question. You will be happily surprised by the tea that comes pouring out. Not all skeletons are bad — some can be funny stories that aren’t damaging to anyone.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano


August brings you the opportunity to invest your money in what you love, particularly on the 16th and 30th. You may want to reinvest your earnings on August 19, when Uranus retrograde commences. This will allow you to double up on your earnings. Instead of settling for the amount on your paycheck, you can make more by selling creative items from your side hustle or passion projects during the Blue Moon on August 22. Doing so can lead you towards an awesome financial situation, one that will give you a chance to establish a deeper and better sense of security. Don’t go spending your money at once, though. Try saving some your earnings this month to ensure that you aren’t this strapped for cash again.
Illustration by Stefhany Lozano


PSA: This month is going to transform your world in many ways. Being the most transformative sign of the zodiac, you may relish in the personal evolution that you will experience. The Leo New Moon on August 8 and Uranus’s backwards journey that begins on August 19 are both times of professional growth, which may have an adverse effect on your home life. Although it feels good to get the raise and promotion you’ve lusted after for months, you’re realizing that the career path you’re currently on isn’t the one you want.  By the time the Blue Moon occurs on August 22, you’ll be experiencing a personal Renaissance of sorts. Finding what brings you immense joy and pleasure within yourself will be hard, but inspiring. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano


The month of August serves as a cosmic wake up call to reassess your values and restart your relationship with others. While you may be known as being the direct and truthful archer, you will start gaslighting others to avoid confrontation. Use the energy from the Mercurial shift into Virgo on August 11 and the Sun’s ingress into Virgo on August 22 to listen to others. Try considering their feelings and speak your heart’s truth (as usual). Own up to your faults and assist in creating a dynamic in which others can fully express themselves willingly to you. August 16 and 30, when Venus and Mercury, respectively, enter Libra, will create a big shift with others, And August 22’s Blue Moon is going to cement the transformation. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano


If you’re looking to DTR or reevaluate an existing commitment with your special someone, then August is the best month in 2021 to do just that. Uranus’s backwards spin, which begins on August 19, will urge you to revise your situationship and commitment in order to have an effective partnership. Whichever road you choose to take in the romance department, it’s important to note that you are the one who is calling the shots. Meaning, you get to decide what the best avenue to take will be. Do you want to merge with another? Then, August 8’s New Moon in Leo may heighten that desire. Or, do you want to cut ties with your boo? The Blue Moon on August 22 can sever your relationship. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano


ICYMI, you’ve been taking life way too seriously these days. Now is the opportunity to lighten up — especially in your personal relationships. The Leo New Moon on August 8 is your chance to start fresh with friends, lovers, and family. You can put the past behind you then and welcome in new energy. The only thing to watch out for is Uranus’ planetary retrograde, which stretches from August 19 to January 2022 and will urge you to disconnect from old dynamics and situations. This is a moment in time that will change your personal life in many ways (all of which are totally unexpected). You will feel this energy the most during August 22’s metamorphic Blue Moon.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano


The New Moon on August 8 calls for you to get your daily routine in order. After all, you aren’t sticking to a schedule and it’s causing issues in your life. Going to bed at a standard time during the week will ensure that you don’t oversleep for work. Also, you won’t get exhausted during your  working hours if you’re rested. If you don’t stick to this advice, then you will experience burnout by the time the Blue Moon in Aquarius rolls around on August 22. TBH, it’s best for you to start regulating the amount of sleep you get before this happens and sends your vibe downhill. If you do listen to stellar suggestion, then you’ll be ready to mingle again by the end of the month.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano

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