The second week of August begins with a
new moon in Leo on August 8th . The effects of this lunation and the aspects that inform it are sure to follow us all the way to the second Aquarius full moon on August 22nd. This new moon makes a square to Uranus in Taurus, an aspect that promises at least a little chaos.
Both Leo and Taurus are proud forces , and both can be stubborn when it comes to getting their way.
But, while squares can point to a conflicting approach rather than a clash, whether the chaos that’s possible is a sudden unexpected change or an intense upending, not unlike the Tower card in the Tarot, remains up in the air — literally. Whether you bear witness to the tensions of the stars or not, this week is a great time to think about the lessons our fixed signs offer us and each other.
As we move forward, empowered by Leo’s passionate desire to create something meaningful, we leave our sense of collective identity, only to return to it again soon. Once Venus in Virgo makes a trine to Pluto in Capricorn midweek, what we value and what we want for ourselves aches to be reflected in what we do for others. It’s up to us to rebuild the world we need, to recognize the systems built against us and how they’ve come to live inside us.
Here, the words of Toni Morrison come to mind: “If you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else. This is not just a grab-bag candy game.”
Aries Sun & Aries Rising
Leo season usually treats you right, and this one should be no exception. Not that living’s easy, exactly. After all, easy never lasts long when you’re around —not when chasing a challenge offers up that fleeting feeling of being fully alive. With Mars under the stars of Virgo, it’ll serve you well to scale those challenges down and get your thrills checking off long-lingering items on the list rather than adding new ones. Surely there’s some thrill in the lightness of taking care and clearing your agenda. If not, then perhaps the thrill will come with the promise of what that clearing provides: space for you to think less about what you owe others and more about what you owe yourself.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising
It’s hard not to fall into a capitalist mentality, even if you were raised differently. So many of the things we consume position production as a kind of proof of our worthiness and our commitment. Who are you if you don’t create something of use? And yet, we don’t look at or question other living things this way. Many avocado trees have been grown from a pit knowing they’ll never flower and fruit. When the shadow of self-doubt falls on you, tune into what plants and animals have taught you about purpose, about production, and about pleasure, too. The living world creates when it’s ready, when it’s needs are met — and not a moment sooner.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising
Sometimes there are no obvious rewards. Sometimes the effort you put into understanding the world and the people in it — the time you take to see others as they are and not as you want them to be — can’t and won’t be accounted for or acknowledged. And, in times like these, it’s in your best interest to remember that your attention is a form of love. In that way, it’s a sacred offering. The new moon in Leo rejoiced in your third house, initiating a ritual and a prayer, that serves not as a plea to fully know anyone or anything, but to take part in the life cycles of ideas and identities — to celebrate them. Your bearing witness is proof of their realness, and your witness requires no proof.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising
There’s lots of hustles out there, Cancer. Most of the hustles that make us hard are inherited ones. Most of the hustles that get us down also teach us who we are and what we value in others. Sometimes, the agreements we make in relationships can feel like a kind of hustle, and sometimes these agreements are the only kind we know how to make. But, it’s important to recognize when the hustle is holding you back rather than acting as a stepping stone to your next big move. While this warning is especially applicable when it comes to how you line your nest, it’s no less applicable to the relationships you rely on for security. Power, especially in money form, degrades bonds when it is not seen as a mutual resource.
Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Leo Sun & Leo Rising
There’s a good chance that the new moon in Leo has a lot to say to you. There’s a good chance that the days following it will be full of its echoes. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, with making big plans and big statements. But, it might be worthwhile to consider the new moon’s position between two full moons in Aquarius. Aquarius is a fixed sign, just like Leo, and Aquarian energy is no less intense. Whereas Leos can mistake themselves for the Sun, though, Aquarians know that every star in the sky is bright, beloved, and destined to die. Let the lessons you’ve learned in relationships guide what you speak into the world and what you stand for. Not just the ones you’ve weathered, but the ones you’ve witnessed, too.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising
With both Venus and Mars transiting Virgo, your ardent efforts might feel like the natural approach to getting what you want, but opposing forces outside your control could leave you feeling thwarted. Perhaps it’s best to imagine an upcoming aspect and how it might work for you. Venus in Virgo makes a trine to Pluto in Capricorn on August 11th. A trine reminds us how different aspects of our lives exist in relationship to each other. What can Venus in Virgo teach you about what you value in yourself and who you wish to attract? How can those teachings clarify how you express yourself? How can they transform the boundaries you’ve built to protect the child in you?Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Libra Sun & Libra Rising
Although August has just begun, there’s a good chance you’ve already got September on your mind. It’s hard to hold your horses when you’re a cardinal sign associated with the part of the year many of us associate with new beginnings — not just the people who observe Jewish High Holy days, but also school children, and those of us who remember being one. While it’s great to give yourself something to look forward to, it’s also important to stay in the present and tend to the small stuff. Do your best to pay attention to moments of daydreaming and avoidance that seem to crop up just when the to-do-list list most needs to-doing. Is there a way to work the big stuff into the little stuff? To make your big dream a part of your little life?Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising
As a sign known for great feats of transformation, it can feel stultifying to attend to the smaller feat of being a responsible human being. However, underneath the ennui, there often lurks a general fear of letting yourself down by letting others down. Following Sunday’s new moon in Leo, you might find yourself in a position that requires more of you. Not just your time and your attention, but your passion. Disappointing others is a story. It keeps you from claiming your own expectations for yourself. Try to remember all the work you’ve done to recognize your strengths and what you bring to the table. Remind yourself how good a challenge feels.
Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising
Jupiter might have felt right at home transiting Pisces, one of the Zodiac’s least direct signs. But, surely, it had you giving more than a few mixed signals. With Jupiter’s return under the stars of Aquarius, you can look forward to feeling a little steadier and a lot more sure. For Sagittarius risings, whose third house is ruled by Aquarius, this is especially true when it comes to expressing your truth. When Mercury in Leo makes an opposition to Jupiter in Aquarius on the 10th, tensions around differing beliefs can lead to difficult conversations. Try to remember that being accountable to yourself is an act of self-love, not ego. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising
Surely you’ve noticed it by now, dear Sea-Goat, a sea change in you, a transformation of your sense of self. Perhaps you’ve noticed it the way it comes, in waves, pulling back a little and then gaining momentum as it rushes rhythmically forward. This week, as Pluto in your sign makes a flowing trine to Venus in Virgo, it would serve you well to reflect on the beliefs, teachings, and value systems you once used to chart your future goals. Which of these are applicable to who you are now? Which of these are still compatible with your understanding of the world? It’s time to apply what still works with intention, and leave the rest in the past.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising
Maybe putting yourself first isn’t supposed to feel good. Maybe it’s not all “treat yourself” and sweet plans with people who help you feel adored. Maybe putting yourself first, this time around, is less about the nectar of present-day pleasures and more about the daily scheduled maintenance of the foundation you are building for yourself. And yes, it might feel like rolling an unruly rock up a never-ending hill. And yes, it might have less to do with paperwork and more to do with reinforcing your personal boundaries. There are some things, some practices, that take time to feel good. But, when they do, they expand what feeling good is and can be.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising
Of course you value the relationships you nurture. How could you not? In the presence of others, you are attentive and accommodating, adept at perceiving what those closest to you might need to feel seen and cared for. But, what you value about yourself in relationships is not all that you value about yourself, nor should it be. In the solitude of your own becoming, the river within you should have space to flow freely just as often as it moves over the emotional topography of others. The more space you give yourself to wander, to move to your own rhythm, the lovelier it will feel to show up for others, because you’ll recognize the pace you take with them is temporary and just a small part of your own trajectory.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
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