Welcome to the third week of September. Venus is in Scorpio and the nights are getting noticeably longer. The Sun still shines in Virgo an...

Your Horoscope This Week: September 12, 2021

Welcome to the third week of September. Venus is in Scorpio and the nights are getting noticeably longer. The Sun still shines in Virgo and Mars pushes on besides our burning luminary, lighting fires under our cauldrons and warming up those of us with serious burnout. Wood and smoke just might be the theme, then, of this Earth-tinged week, especially when the first quarter moon rises in Sagittarius on the 13th. When the Sun in Virgo makes an opposition to Neptune in Pisces in the early hours of the 14th, it might feel like a lot more work than we imagined to get even a few sparks going, but that’s no reason not to dream big. Perhaps it’s simply the fall of Mercury Retrograde’s shadow, reminding us that while even the best laid plans can go awry, there’s no harm in planning — and especially  in planning for contingencies. 

Mars moves under the stars of Libra on the evening of the 14th, and while our willful planet might struggle under Libra’s synergetic stars, it also reaps the benefit of her mindful approach. When the Sun in Virgo makes a trine to Pluto in Capricorn on the night of the 16th, we’re reminded that being measured when it comes to the magically mundane doesn’t mean relinquishing our indulgences. Ask any Virgo worth their salt (of the Earth) what their nights are all about: You work hard, you play harder.
Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Monday’s quarter moon in Sagittarius should have you starting off this week with a great deal of energy to tackle everything standing between you and your goals. With your ruling planet, Mars, in Virgo, you’re sure to find a suitable outlet for that desire. But, when the Sun in Virgo makes an opposition to Neptune in Pisces on the 14th, you might stumble across a delicious distraction or, conversely, a disastrous one. There’s no reason that you have to spend all week being all work and no play. Play is an essential part of the human experience, as important as touch and rest. Let Mars transit into Libra guide you toward balance. The key is practicing discernment: What types of distraction help complete the cycles of your day? And what types disrupt them?Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

On some fundamental level, you know that choosing between what you owe yourself and what you owe others is a false dichotomy. While it’s true that we live in a shared world where we are accountable to each other, we’re also the primary stewards of ourselves — the only living thing we have real ownership and control over. While your word is powerful, and your collaborations are of great importance, neither bind you to a life of self-negation.This week, if you find yourself torn between prioritizing your own passions and supporting the dreams of those around you, try to locate where each of those impulses lives in you and what feelings they rely on. Is it love or fear? Is there a way for you to nurture your relationships without minimizing your personal ventures?Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

With your ruling planet transiting Libra, you might be more prone than usual to thinking of yourself in relation to others. You might find yourself mirroring more, reflecting the behaviors you see, or filling the gaps that other other people leave between you. As Mercury approaches another retrograde period, it’s a good time to begin reflecting on your interactions with others and taking note of your impulses to respond, to witness, and to allow for space — even if it’s uncomfortable. Underneath this work is a much longer and more in-depth process, a path you are taking toward new ways of connecting and growing with others, new tools for expressing your unmet needs, and freedom from whatever bitterness has held your soft heart captive. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Just because things are ramping up doesn’t mean that playtime’s over, it just means playtime needs a schedule. Mercury isn’t retrograde yet, but the shadow of Mercury retrograde is definitely creeping up. Preparation is in order for Cancer Risings especially, whose third house is ruled by Mercury, but every Cancer babe can benefit from a little more preparation (and, possibly, a little more careful conversation). With the Sun and Mars transiting Virgo, and this week’s first quarter moon in Sagittarius, it’s a great time to make and finalize any plans you might be cooking up to travel and to collaborate with other people. This is especially true if your plans are  part of a bigger vision that you have for yourself involving the kind of work you want to offer the world.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Leo Sun & Leo Rising

While it’s true that there are people out there who seem to be thriving despite the state of the world, it’s also true that no one has gone through this year unscathed. Of course, you know better than anyone the toll of putting on a brave face, a flawless face, and moving forward — even if it takes every last ounce of life energy to do so. Why shouldn’t you want to make the very best of a bad situation? What good does it do to complain and resign oneself to a state of convalescence forever? Whatever you’re dreaming of, you deserve that time to dream. More than just dream of it, though, you have earned the chance to work toward it. Even the most noble of pursuits require a little bit of wilful optimism. You have to believe you can change something about the world —if not for everyone, at least for yourself. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

It’s still very much Virgo season, even if your calendar is so full that you can’t see the actual date underneath all those commitments. And, while the Sun shines on you, it’s up to you to make the best of it. Mercury, your ruling planet, transits Libra, where it spends a good deal of time trying to appeal to everyone involved and offend no one. But, with Mercury Rx only a couple weeks away, the shadow of retrograde is creeping up. Be mindful of the places where flow feels impeded, where obstacles are only likely to keep growing. Be mindful of the temptation to handle everything for everyone when that only leaves you feels scattered and undone. Do yourself a solid and clear some time in your calendar for play and pleasure on the 16th. The more indulgent the better.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Libra Sun & Libra Rising

No one doubts your ability to compromise, to assess a situation as it stands and makes choices that could, ostensibly serve all parties involved. No one doubts that you can, when it comes down to it, live with less. But, what if you’re allowed to want more? To ask for it and get the answers you need, even if those answers only serve to give you clarity about what is and isn’t possible? What would it look like if you accepted your desires as integral to your wellbeing, to what makes you feel seen and valued? If the importance of what you wanted was non-negotiable, if you didn’t have to explain it away or assign logic to it for someone else’s sake, how would that change what you’re currently working on and what you’re saving for?Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

There’s something insidious about the glorification of hustler culture, the process by which many creative people make a product of themselves, and the fact that it’s near impossible to not always be within reach of someone else’s demands. There’s something deeply inhuman about the way our livelihoods, our professions rely on being always online. Such a predicament has even the most resistant amongst us believing that if it’s not public, not published and posted, it doesn’t count. In such a vortex, it can feel like nothing we do matters — not the extra work hours, not the art we make, not the care we offer others, and not our acts of civil disobedience. But that’s only true so long as we treat the un-commodified world as a world without value when, in reality, it’s our richest resource. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

This week begins with a first quarter moon in Sagittarius and the lunation might have you buzzing about your passion projects and brimming with anticipation for what lies ahead. While work obligations and family negotiations could threaten to put a damper on some of that fire, they won’t put it out. You know well enough that while there could be many lives besides this one, this life is the only one you get to be sure of. And, what’s sure is both ephemeral and precious. The powerful process of learning what your energy is worth and what it can amount to has been central to the work you’ve been doing publicly, but it’s also central to the work you’ve been doing privately. It’s only right that you treat your inner world, your flights of fancy, with the same level of reverence.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Not everything has to make sense. You know this. You know that most people only hold enough logic and information to get from one errand to another before what’s known changes shape and the spreadsheets are updated for necessary adjustments. Not everything has to make sense so it’s ok if you can’t make sense of it, if you find yourself losing sight of the bigger picture and losing faith in your own small part. Faith isn’t a constant feeling. It’s a practice, and practice requires patience with yourself, a familiarity with lapse and recommitment. When you feel burdened by the world’s inevitabilities, it’s in your best interest to remind yourself that anything is possible, even things that are ruled out by so-called experts. It turns out that no one’s an expert of the future, yet. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

It can be challenging when old issues crop up dressed in the style of a new season.  It can be hard to choose your weapon when the fight feels a little fixed. In the witching hours of Sept 17th, Venus transiting Scorpio makes a square to Saturn in Aquarius. Venus in Scorpio isn’t exactly at her best, but she’s not without drive. Money talks when it comes to this aspect and power is seductive, even if the package it arrives in hardly fits the scene. It may feel like what you’re drawn to and what’s drawn to you is inevitable. And perhaps that’s so. But, you know by now that just because extremes feel good doesn’t mean they feel right — and they certainly don’t have to define your experience of yourself. What you’re building now, it’s gonna take time, so make sure you don’t waste yours.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Of course there’s no one way to love or be loving, no one way to be connected with the erotic nature of all things (our bodies, the bodies of other people, the pages of a book, the bark of trees). If the erotic is really all around us then it is ever-present, even in the mundane shuffling of one task to another. What is it about routine, our sense of obligation, that minimizes our ability to partake in that presence? What is it about the addition of another person that has the power to magnify the same energy or obstruct our ability to feel it completely — and fill us with doubt? It’s never you or them, Pisces, it’s never isolation vs. intimacy. It’s a through-line where the plot repeats even as the roles shift: The connection is sacred, but only when everyone involved is free to feel themselves. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano

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