If 2022 was rough on your finances , we have good news: In 2023, the stars say you can expect an easier flow when it comes to money. As we e...

Your 2023 Money Horoscope Is Here & Things Are Looking Brighter

If 2022 was rough on your finances, we have good news: In 2023, the stars say you can expect an easier flow when it comes to money. As we enter the year, the volatility the markets experienced in 2022 should begin to wane, fully dissolving by late February as the Lunar North Node of Destiny moves away from erratic Uranus, which is currently in Taurus, the zodiac sign that rules money. From March on, the financial world will show more predictable outcomes.  
This year, the best financial aspects occur in the first part of 2023, delivered by Jupiter, the massive Planet of Luck. Jupiter will make three very fortunate connections that bring the promise of abundance, touching every single zodiac sign in a positive manner. On May 15, Jupiter enters money-minded Taurus, where it will stay for the rest of the year. When Jupiter is in Taurus, the gifts of the Earth element are easier to access, making us a magnet for wealth in all its forms. This is a winning combination for those who know what they want and apply the Taurus mantra of “slow and steady wins the race” to their goals.  
During its tour in the sign of the Bull, Jupiter will form an opportune sextile with Saturn, the Planet of Mastery. Since both Jupiter and Saturn are considered to be “social planets,” their connections greatly affect the collective at a deep level. Being active from May 12 to July 18 and then again throughout all of December, their sextile will result in promising business deals and investment opportunities with long-term rewards. 
The third fortunate connection Jupiter in Taurus forms is with the Lunar North Node of Destiny, occurring between May 11 and June 21 (strongest around July 1). This is a rare occurrence that is bound to translate into new jobs, new investments, and an overflow of abundance. However, because Jupiter’s endless optimism sometimes tends to magnify things out of proportion, we must stay focused on only a few strategic targets at this time. 
If we fail to edit down our financial goals, a big hangover arrives quite fast as Venus, the ruling Planet of Money, goes retrograde from July 22 to September 3, in the sign of Leo. During this time, the incoming financial traffic is set to be debilitated, forcing us to downsize in the event we’ve been spending too much or putting our investments in too many baskets. One day after Venus goes direct, Jupiter goes retrograde from September 4 to December 30, bringing slower financial growth for the fall and part of the winter. 
Lastly, it’s best to avoid making any major money moves during the time periods Mercury, the Planet of Commerce, is retrograde: January 1-January 18, April 21-May 14, August 23-September 15, and December 13-December 31.


Open your arms, Aries — because, in 2023, money will be flowing in! You begin the year with lucky Jupiter in your sign, helping you expand in many directions. While this is mainly a positive influence, it will teach you that following goals just for the sake of money or success is detrimental to your energy. This year, instead of trying to do it all, focus on something that truly speaks to your soul, especially during the time money-lover Venus visits your house of income between March 16 and April 9. If you stay focused, you could see real, tangible results by the April 19 new moon solar eclipse, which happens in your sign. May 15 kicks off one of your luckiest moments along your financial journey! Jupiter enters your second house of money, paving the way for an abundant rest of the year. Good news could arrive on several lucky days: June 19, July 1, October 21, and December 9. 


Everything in life, even money, is about timing, Taurus. While you will experience growth all year long, you will see more tangible results in the first part of the year. The Money Planet, Venus, visits your second house of money between April 10 and May 6 — however, because Mercury will go retrograde in your sign between April 21 and May 14, you will need to be careful with your cash. The great news is that Jupiter begins gracing your sign starting May 15, creating an ultra-lucky connection with the Lunar North Node between May 11 and June 21. During this time, you could end up meeting key people that will later translate into profitable clients or business partners. Starting July 22, you will be asked to scale back on your expenses and perhaps go back to the financial drawing board as your ruler, Venus, goes retrograde until September 3.


In 2023, less is more, Gemini. Some of this year’s main astrological influences will pull you towards the non-tangible side of life. As the universe instigates you to embrace stillness and spirituality, you might end up spending (and needing) less — or completely changing your spending habits. That being said, your best time period to seek a raise arrives between May 7 and June 4, which is when Venus activates your sector of money. This year, you might have to keep a lid on your expenses when intense Mars visits this same part of your chart between March 25 and May 19. During these weeks, try asking yourself if you really need things before purchasing them, as the red planet is famous for intensifying the excitement to spend. Asteroid Juno visits your money sector between June 22 and August 14, bringing the perfect terrain to come up with a financial plan you can stick to. 


The universe says it’s time to open up, Cancer! As tenacious as you are, you know how to shift with the tides of abundance — and in 2023, you will find that the more you collaborate with others, the more money you will make! Starting May 15, Jupiter will ask you to partner with people who share your same goals and visions. And until June 30, the Lunar North Node will instigate fated encounters to put these interesting folks on your path. The not-so-great news is that two different transits will require you to keep an eye on your wallet, Mars in your second house of money from May 20 to July 9, and Venus going retrograde from July 22 to September 3. In the end, what the retrograde of Venus will teach you is that the saying “the more you truly value yourself, the more abundance you attract” is actually true. 


As the ambitious leader that you are, Leo, you’re probably going to love what 2023 has in store for you! Starting May 15, the benevolent energy of Jupiter will help you shine in the realm of career. So, for the rest of the year, you will be attracting money-making opportunities. You could land a well-paid position between May 12 and July 18 as an authority figure realizes your huge potential. However, once Venus, the Planet of Money, goes retrograde in your sign on July 22, you will have to pay attention to your finances. An unexpected expense could arrive from now until September 3, making you cut back on some of the luxuries you might now be used to. This will be especially true when Mercure goes retrograde in your financial house from August 23 to September 15. Luckily, Venus will have you recuperate quite quickly when it visits this same sector of your chart from October 8 to November 7.


The year ahead has a lot of learnings for you, Virgo, and one of those will be about money, honey! As Jupiter enters your ninth house of life philosophy on May 15, you might realize your passions have been slowly changing. This might drive you to go back to school or get training, as you will seem to be fascinated with a new subject. By the time the Lunar South Node of Destiny enters your second house of money on July 1, you might realize this newfound passion could actually be your way of supporting yourself. However, know that to embrace this shift, you will have to abandon a lot of your preconceived notions about money. No one would deny you’re a hard worker — sometimes to a fault! Luckily, by the time Venus visits your financial sector from November 8 to December 3, you will realize that abundance doesn’t necessarily equal long hours of work.


In 2023, you’re in for a major overhaul in the way you see the world, Libra! You have always been a lover of luxury, but once Jupiter enters your eighth house of spirituality on May 15, you might no longer care so much about material possessions. By the time the Lunar South Node of Destiny enters your sign on July 1, you could even decide to take a break from work, so you focus on your newfound interests. Fortunately, you have a very strong support system (most likely a partner) that will support you in chasing that dream! If you do remain focused on your current career path, your best times to ask for a raise arrive between May 7 and June 4, and then again from December 4 to December 28. A major new beginning is in the cards at the October 14 New Moon Solar Eclipse, which happens in your sign.


Stay positive, Scorpio. If a source of income ended in 2022, the empty space will be filled with more lucrative opportunities that are more in line with who you are becoming. Your second house of money is ruled by Jupiter, which will be in money-making Taurus, starting May 15. This shift will create new streams of steady income and maybe even the possibility to save a lot of cash for a rainy day. Some of your luckiest days this year to make financial moves or decisions are July 1, October 21, and December 9. This could also be the year in which you fully embrace your imaginative side as Master Planet, Saturn, enters your fifth house of creativity on March 7. Combining this with the technologically focused influence Uranus has been having on your sign since 2018 could really open new and exciting ways of earning money. Try everything, Scorpio — because this year, the sky’s the limit!


Major shifts are in the financial cards for you, dear Archer. Since 2008, you’ve had Pluto, the Power Planet, parked in your financial sector. This year, Pluto will leave this area of your chart between March 23 and June 10, bringing big realizations about the way you control your money flow. Being an impulsive spender, you hold a deep trust that “the universe will provide.” And while that’s true most of the time, in 2023, you will learn that the less impulsive you are, the more the Universe will support you! If you don’t have a formulated budget, create one around May 15, which is when Jupiter enters Taurus. If you manage to stick to it, you will see real, tangible results by the early summer. As you track your progress, stay aware that during the time Jupiter goes retrograde, between September 4 and December 30, your financial growth will be a bit slower.


You begin the year strong with affluent Venus parked in your second house of money, most likely heralding a raise or rainfall before the end of January, but most likely between January 18 and January 26. The spring brings two significant financial shifts, Capricorn! Since 2008, Pluto’s influence has been transforming the way you present yourself. From March 23 to June 10, Pluto will take a short tour of your second house of money, bringing you clues into what your financial future will look like from 2024 to 2043! Will you control your money — or will it be the other way around?! The other significant shift is brought by Jupiter’s entrance into your fifth house of imagination, sending the clear message that in the year ahead, the more fun and joy you have in your life, the more abundance you will attract. This applies to your finances, but also other areas of your life.


Get ready to master the world of money, Aquarius! You begin the year strong with Venus in your financial sector from January 26 to February 18, and even with two planets in retrograde, you could receive positive news. March 7 marks an important moment as Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility, enters this area of your chart. For the next three years, you will learn to have more control over your finances. This will include being more frugal and having a structured budget. If you have any debt, putting together a plan to consolidate it will turn the cosmic winds in your favor, especially during the beginning of the Spring and the Summer. But the best news of 2023 arrives on May 15, which is when Jupiter begins gracing your sector of home and family. If you’ve been wanting to buy property, this might be the year it happens, especially towards the October 28 full moon lunar eclipse.


For you, Pisces, 2023 will feel like getting a master’s degree in the Law of Abundance. From January 1 to May 15, mighty Jupiter will be in your second house of income. While this is normally a good transit, the presence of Wonder Healer Chiron in Aries will ask you to heal any issues around money, values, and self-esteem. In astrology, Chiron is the key to human evolution, meaning that if you focus on healing any insecurities around security and finances, you can unlock Jupiter’s gifts. Then, during the second part of the year, your lucky stars move to the sector of your chart that rules communication, writing, commerce, and media. If your job is already in this industry, you will see big financial gains. If it’s not, a side gig in writing or social media could suddenly seem attractive to you and not just for the money, but also for personal reward.

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