Happy holidays, everyone! Venus in Capricorn connects with the Nodes of Destiny on December 19 and Uranus retrograde in Taurus on December 2...

Your Horoscope This Week: 18th to 24th December, 2022

Happy holidays, everyone! Venus in Capricorn connects with the Nodes of Destiny on December 19 and Uranus retrograde in Taurus on December 22, awakening our romantic senses as we make fated decisions in love.

Jupiter re-enters Aries on December 20; at this time we will begin to explore ourselves and our desires. The sun enters Capricorn on the 21st, bringing a new season with its planetary ingress. The following day, the sun and Jupiter square off, boosting our egos and zest for life.

The Capricorn new moon on December 23 inspires us to see things in a different light and motivates us to manifest. Mercury in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces harmonise on the 24th — so prepare to get teary-eyed and nostalgic on Christmas Eve. 

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

If you’re feeling as though you can’t connect with your intuition — it’s time to give your  body, mind, and spirit a big break.

The bottom line is that you’re burnt out from completing last minute end-of-year tasks and holiday planning. The circus that’s been happening in your orb is finally getting to you and beginning to drain your energy.

No one has as much gusto as you do, which is why it’s essential for you to take a moment to chill before you run yourself past the point of exhaustion.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

We all have emotional triggers that can set us off — some of us more than others.

Instead of allowing certain situations and people to affect your sense of well-being, it’s important to understand why you’re feeling a certain way.

Spend some time breaking down the matter to comprehend your emotions on a deeper level. You could realize that you’re not so much annoyed at one thing specifically, but the lack of boundaries and limits in relationships.

Then, you’ll know how to proceed in making swift changes that will allow you to evolve into a better person.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

The week ahead calls for you to reflect on your fears and the flip side of your being.

Facing the shadow side of your personality will give you the opportunity to understand yourself on a deeper level and to heal the past emotional upsets.

Although the journey towards mending your heart and spirit could be a long one, setting the stage for personal growth and comprehending the challenges ahead are great ways to start the process.

As long as you begin on the right foot, you’ll be able to own and love every part of your being in time.

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Like the flow of the ocean, you like to keep things going.

The caveat is that others may not be able to keep up with your fast movements and need time to process matters.

In response to their desire for steadiness, you can get frustrated, which isn’t fair to them.

Allow the people in your life time to heal and to feel safe before making any decisions or changes. The less pressure you put on them, the easier it’ll be for everyone to create honest dynamics and to have real conversations that make all parties involved feel safe and heard.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Instead of solely focusing on what makes you happy, take a moment to consider how everyone else is feeling.

You may find that an open discourse brings you closer to those you care about and allows you to see people for who they truly are, and vice versa.

Remember, relationships and friendships require a lot of maintenance. Don’t run away when the going gets tough. Instead of opting to be lazy in mending fences and hearing others out, it is essential that you are open to rolling up your sleeves and doing the heavy lifting to make them right again.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

It’s easy for most to lean into the familiar instead of making changes — but not for you.

The week ahead urges you to embrace change and to transform. The road to your personal glow up may be long — however, you’ll find it to be extremely rewarding.

Don’t be afraid to leave the past behind and to disengage with others who aren’t motivating you to be your best. If they’re urging you toward indulging in bad habits and bringing out sides of your personality that you don’t like — then it’s time to move on and away from them.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Although you want to impress others and earn their respect by taking on errands and projects, you’re finding that the workload is too much for you to handle.

Instead of trying to be a people pleaser, it’s essential for you to understand your limits.

You can’t keep on going at a fast pace, because no one can complete the amount of work that you’ve taken on and produce quality results.

The less you do and better you do it — the more applause, respect and accolades you will receive from others — versus doing too many things at the same time.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Try to be extra kind to yourself this week.

Although we all get caught up in negative thinking, it’s important for you to look up the sunny side of situations and your personality.

Don’t get you caught up in criticizing yourself, as it will lead to you lacking confidence and feeling insecure.

Whenever you begin to feel bad about yourself, think of three of your amazing attributes. This will help you to realize that you’re a great person — even if you’re not feeling that way.

We all get down in the dumps and survive with tenderness, compassion and self-love.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Lately, you’ve been feeling like burning everything in your life down instead of dealing with it head on.

The reason being is because the amount of stress in your life is reaching exorbitant heights, making you want to run away and hide.

If you can, try to take a decompressing bath to alleviate the buildup of the stress in your life and meditate at home or in the office for a few minutes today.

The more stress that’s released from your body and mind, the easier it will be to keep a chill state. Remember, a positive mind equals positive vibes.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

It’s been along time since you focused completely on yourself.

Although you have 1 million things to do and never enough time to do them, you should still consider taking an early personal day from work or ignore work calls over the weekend and do something that sparks happiness in your life.

Escaping and dodging your professional responsibilities is not something you normally do (nor do you like doing either). However, it is essential for you to indulge in the joys of life this week.

No one else deserves it more than you, which is why you should do it this once.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

It’s imperative for you to find balance in your life at this time.

In order to stay on track, you have to equally participate in work, life and events in your personal arena.

Although it is hard to maintain the equilibrium when you find it, it’ll require you to make some necessary, but tough decisions.

Instead of heading out to every holiday party, choose a few to attend. Create a list of all the personal events that you want to be present for.

Again, pick and choose the ones that are important. Also, stick to your schedule before catastrophe strikes.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Before diving head first into a scenario, have a look around you and assess your feelings.

You may come to realize that people have been hiding the truth from you about several situations in your life. Now that everything is being brought into the open, you are beginning to question your own reality.

Doing so can be a dangerous thing, which is why it’s best to have a confidant to help you process the information as it comes out and be a sympathetic shoulder for you to lean on.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

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