Welcome to the last week of 2023! Venus in Capricorn aligns with Neptune in Pisces on December 28 and Mercury retrograde on December 29, ...

Your Horoscope This Week: 25th to 31st December, 2022

Welcome to the last week of 2023!

Venus in Capricorn aligns with Neptune in Pisces on December 28 and Mercury retrograde on December 29, allowing us to dream and wonder about the past and future.

Mercury retrograde commences on December 29 in Capricorn, allowing us to evaluate and reflect upon 2022 with a discerning eye. The retrograde lasts until January 18, making it hard to set intentions right away for 2023.

However, that doesn’t mean we can’t begin to make our yearly vision boards full of our hopes and aspirations for the new year.

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Issues with your boss could create tensions before the new year.

Make sure that all your ducks are in a row before asking for a raise or promotion to ensure that you’re doing everything possible to expand your professional horizons in 2023.

If you have been feeling as though your work life isn’t living up to your dreams or expectations, it’s time to get clear about your professional future.

Reassess the path you are currently on in order to create the vibe and energy you want. It is never too late to change directions in an effort to be happy.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

It’s time to realign yourself with activities and projects that speak to your soul.

The more you give to the artistic ventures that you love, the bigger your heart will grow.

Take on a hobby that you adore, which has the potential to be bigger and brighter than anything you’ve ever done before. If you care about what you do, the world will too.

People will notice your enthusiasm about the artistic endeavors that you are participating in, making you the talk of the town – that will benefit you in many amazing and wonderful ways.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be scratching and clawing your way out of a sticky situation to get to the bottom of matters.

Unfortunately, your mercurial mind is in overdrive and you aren’t letting matters go easily — which can lead to unearthing truths that you may not be ready to face and deal with.

Don’t push matters. Let them come to a natural conclusion by discussing your sentiments in a lighthearted way rather than asserting intense energy or emotions onto it.

Everything will come out when the time is right and ripe.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

As you celebrate the end of year festivities, there may be a few people who you want to reconnect with.

Don’t hesitate in reaching out to those you’ve lost touch with in the past months; contacting them will be worth the effort as you’ll have lots to talk and laugh about.

Your reappearance in their life will be welcoming, allowing you to consider elevating the relationship to the next level…again.

The only caveat is that you may want to rush matters, which is inadvisable. Take your time reacquainting yourself with them to see if you want to totally jump in.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

There has been an extreme level of disorganization in your daily routine.

The main culprit is the exhaustion you’re currently dealing with.

In order to reclaim your balance in your day-to-day activities, it’s essential that you revise your schedule and make sure that you are indulging in several healthy activities that are conducive to your emotional and mental wellbeing.

Go outside for a walk and breathe in some fresh air in order to revive your senses and spirit. Before you know it, you’ll feel as though you are back to your vibrant, spunky self, and full of fierce energy.

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

You’re finding that a few friends, you have trusted, aren’t living up to their potential in the relationship.

Instead of endlessly supporting you, and having your back through thick and thin, they are inserting their negative opinions into your life.

This is causing you to become extremely frustrated and hurt.

Therefore, it’s time to reconsider these relationships and decide whether or not you want to align with them.

Remember, a friend is supposed to lift you up — not bring you down. Use this as a way to decipher the healthy and toxic relationships that are currently in your life.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

You might feel a little lonely, heading out to a bunch of holiday parties by yourself.

However, once you arrive, the vibe will totally change.

Don’t let your insecurities hold you back from having a wonderful time with friends, family, and loved ones.

You’ll enjoy the seasonal festivities so much that you will want the social gatherings to never end.

All the more reason why you should intend on having mini soirées at your home in the upcoming year to celebrate the good times. You won’t regret it — neither will your Instagram feed which will be rich with memories.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Concentrate on the idea that you want to manifest this week.

Hold it close to your heart. The more you think and meditate about what your soul desire’s at the moment, the easier it will be to call it into your life.

You can also start by stating daily affirmations while looking in the mirror in order to manifest that energy.

This will give you the initiative and passion to take charge of your destiny, and to emphasise hopes and aspirations that you are yearning for. Magic will begin to happen before you know it.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Money matters are coming to a head, which means that your bank account is reaching an extremely low monetary value.

Keep this in mind before you begin to over indulge in the seasonal festivities and overspend with friends.

Maintaining a budget is key, even if it isn’t in line with your extravagant lifestyle.

Consider having a low-key evening at home or at a friend’s place in order to avoid whipping out your credit card and charging items that you can’t afford now.

With the new year around the corner, that gives you time to start fresh with your financial planning.

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

It feels as though the more you seem to give, the less you get in return.

Although you’re not counting on people to reciprocate every gift or pleasantry you give to them, you do want some appreciation in return.

A simple thank you note or text from those you’ve sent presents and seasonal merriment to is necessary to you.

If you don’t receive it, then you may act out and demand one. Wait and see how and when you get the love you deserve. It could take longer than expected, so don’t react immediately until the events begin to unfold.

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

As you enter a new year, it’s important for you to understand that you are in an amazing place.

Although you were finding that healing is a long term process, it is allowing you to understand that you were a capable and amazing person who is brilliant.

No matter what negative vibes you might be feeling about yourself, you’re being given the chance to mend your heart and spirit in ways that you never thought possible.

The road towards recovery is a long one, but you are on your way to becoming the person that you’ve always wanted to be. ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

As you make plans for 2023, it’s important for you to look back at where you began in the beginning of 2022.

The more you reflect on matters, the easier it will be to understand the direction you’re heading towards.

Knowing what energy or people you definitely don’t want in your life as you enter a new year will give you some understanding of what you actually want.

Before you know it, you’ll be able to make decisions and incorporate your aspirations into the vibe you wish to manifest. The more you know about yourself, the more you can grow.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

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