While some beings adamantly believe that Valentine’s Day isn’t meant to be celebrated during Aquarius season , due to the intellectual natu...

Your Horoscope This Week: 12th to 18th February, 2023

While some beings adamantly believe that Valentine’s Day isn’t meant to be celebrated during Aquarius season, due to the intellectual nature of Aquarius, many of us are likely to be pleasantly surprised by the vibrations of love we willingly emit and receive this week. Venus, the planet of love, is currently transiting the sign of Pisces, after all — and that’s Venus’ favorite sign to be placed in.

The week begins with the moon in Scorpio asking us to honestly assess our emotional needs, as well as our own shadows. Tuesday and Wednesday, the Sag moon could have us feeling more independent and free-spirited with our lovers and friends, and this adds a spontaneous flair to however we decide to celebrate (or abstain from) Valentine’s Day.

The second half of the week is ideal for tending to professional objectives, as the Capricorn moon encourages us to buckle down and get to business. Pisces season starts Saturday, infusing the cosmos with greater sensitivity, wisdom, and serendipity. Spend time this weekend reflecting on ways to tap more into your creative side and tend to your inner child’s needs. Are you ready to receive everything you’ve been envisioning?

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Aries, you’ll feel extra passionate as the week begins, since the moon will be in your fellow Mars-ruled sign of Scorpio. What have you been wanting to get off your chest? Monday’s a good day to journal your feelings to yourself first, and then reveal them to those who need to know.

Tuesday and Wednesday, you’ll come alive during the moon’s transit through Sag. Your sector of expansion and adventure is activated, making it an ideal time to plan a trip or adventure somewhere exciting.

As the weekend begins, you’ll be focused on planning your future, as the Capricorn moon activates your career sector and reminds you that everything you seek is on the other side of commitment and discipline. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Taurus, you’re starting off the mood feeling drawn to someone you haven’t been able to get off your mind — and it’s likely that they have Scorpio placements in their chart. With the moon in Scorpio on Monday, and the South Node also in Scorpio, the intensity you feel will be palpable.

The Sag moon on Tuesday and Wednesday can help you find physical outlets for all the passion and sensitivity that’s coming up for you, partly due to your ruler Venus’ transit through Pisces. Moving your body and stimulating your mind are key ways to blow off steam while still feeling centered.

We’ll approach the dark-of-the-moon period this weekend, so don’t be surprised if you feel the need to self-isolate, especially on Friday when the moon will be in Capricorn, your fellow Earth sign. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Gemini, tend to your mental and physical health as the week begins. The Scorpio moon highlights a need for you to slow down and check in with the signals your body is sending your way. With Mars in your sign, you’re more self-aware, so take your body’s cues seriously.

Tuesday and Wednesday, the moon is in Sag, activating your sector of partnership and encouraging you to be more direct and bold with current or potential suitor(s). This may be one of the most romantic periods of the week for you, and it’s divinely timed since Valentine’s Day takes place the 14th.

Once the moon shifts into Capricorn on Thursday, your focus shifts to examining your financial and spiritual investments and mergers. Make sure that the give and take between you and those you collaborate with feels fair and equitable, and if not, make adjustments. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, the week starts off on a playful, yet mysterious note, as the Scorpio moon activates your sector of fate, true love, and adventure, encouraging you to magnetically draw in what and who you’re most attracted to.

The moon’s presence in Sagittarius on Tuesday and Wednesday encourages you to lighten up during this manifestation process — if you hold on too tightly to what you’re seeking, it’s likely to slip right through your fingers.

This weekend’s all about your relationships, as the moon’s presence in Capricorn on Friday encourages you to have a heart-to-heart with your current or potential partner(s). Once the moon shifts into Aquarius Saturday, you may find an innovative solution to a perceived problem. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, this final week of Aquarius season has you focused on your partnerships. This is an ideal time to get clear about what you want from them, and how you can improve yourself as a partner and friend.

Valentine’s Day will have you in an adventurous and active mood — if you’re coupled up, you and your lover(s) may have a rambunctious night in and out of the bedroom due to the moon’s transit through your fellow fire sign of Sag.

The energy stabilizes itself from Thursday onwards, as the Capricorn moon has you focused on ways you can better tend to your mental and physical health. Yes, you can do it all, Leo, but it’s best to pace yourself so you can sustain your desired lifestyle. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Virgo, Venus’ transit through Pisces this week continues to help you soften your approach to love and intimacy. Monday’s Scorpio moon encourages you to trust your own vulnerability, instead of suppressing or denying it. Let yourself feel all the feels!

On Tuesday, or Valentine’s Day if you celebrate, you’ll likely feel the influence of the Sag moon harmonizing with your planetary ruler, Mercury, in the sign of Aquarius. This transit encourages you to release the need to control how your love life, or your life in general, is flowing. Be open to unexpected plot twists that work out well for you.

Thursday, the moon enters your fellow Earth sign of Capricorn, encouraging you to incorporate more fun and creativity into your daily routine. Sign up for a dancing or improv class, or do an activity that takes you out of your comfort zone. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, you’ll feel inspired as the week begins, as the moon in Scorpio activates your sector of security and self-esteem, encouraging you to be more transparent emotionally and financially.

Tuesday and Wednesday, the Sagittarius moon brings out your more playful and social side, making it an ideal time to take yourself and others on a date — your planetary ruler Venus will be in Pisces, so if you celebrate Valentine’s Day you may feel extra-loved this week.

Once the moon shifts into Capricorn on Thursday, you’ll feel more like a homebody, especially after the past few days of socializing. Put your phone on airplane mode and mellow out. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

The moon’s presence in your sign on Monday helps you better hear, love, and trust yourself, Scorpio. You may come off as intimidating to others though, so be aware of that during important business meetings. Tap into the harmonious energy of Venus in Pisces to soften your approach to communication.

Tuesday and Wednesday are great for getting your finances in order, while maintaining a spirit of optimism under the Sagittarius moon. If you celebrate Valentine’s Day, you’ll be in the mood for an unconventional and out-of-this-world date.

This weekend, the moon spends time in both Capricorn and Aquarius, activating your sectors of communication and roots. If you’ve been procrastinating on a project, you’ll find the discipline to make significant progress. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sag, the moon spends time in your sign on Valentine’s Day and the day after, which means people will find you even more magnetically attractive — use these powers of seduction wisely, and intentionally.

Once the moon enters Capricorn on Thursday, money will be on your mind. This is a great time to talk to a financial advisor or review your budget. The astro new year doesn’t begin until the 20th of March, so setting better resolutions is very much possible for you, especially with your planetary ruler Jupiter transiting the pioneering sign of Aries.

Spend this weekend brainstorming innovative ways to make more passive income this year, with the help of the moon’s transit through Aquarius.

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, as the week begins you’re likely to be evaluating your friendships, as well as your connection to technology. The moon will be in Scorpio, activating your sector of social networks, and making you more skeptical of people’s intentions. This doesn’t mean you need to drastically cut people off, but definitely make note of what your spidey senses are showing you.

Once the moon shifts into your sign on Thursday, you’ll be glad you went through this period of discernment, and you’ll be more confident in your ability to either let people in, or set firmer boundaries.

Pisces season begins this Saturday, and since Pisces energy harmonizes well with your sign, you’re encouraged to let your self-protective walls fall down as you trust life’s divine synchronicity. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Mercury, the planet of communication, spends its first full week in your sign after an extended stay in the sign of Capricorn. This week you’ll notice that your mental processes are sharper, faster, and more efficient than they’ve been in a while, allowing you to make key projects on professional and creative initiatives.

Tuesday and Wednesday, the Sag moon encourages you to check in with your friends even more than you check in on your current or potential lover(s). If you’ve been in hermit mode, this lunar transit will have you ready to joyfully reconnect.

The moon enters your sign on Saturday, and a few hours later the Sun exits your sign and enters Pisces. Spend the weekend reflecting on how much you’ve grown during your birthday season. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Pisces, the week begins with the Scorpio moon harmonizing beautifully with Venus in your sign, which amps up your self-confidence. It’s an excellent time to shoot your shot creatively and romantically, as you’re likely to get what you want with relative ease.

Tuesday and Wednesday, the moon’s presence in Sag highlights your career sector, so even though love may be on your mind, you may be falling in love with your career trajectory more than ever. Plan an epic brainstorming or vision-boarding session, and then celebrate by going out with a lover — even if the lover is yourself.

This weekend is the ultimate celebration, as Pisces Season begins the 18th, marking the start of your Solar Return. Let yourself be spoiled and taken care of — the world is yours, Pisces! ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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