Welcome to Pisces season ! Between now and March 20, the sun travels through the final sign of the zodiac , encouraging all beings to adopt ...

Your Horoscope This Week: 19th to 25th February, 2023

Welcome to Pisces season! Between now and March 20, the sun travels through the final sign of the zodiac, encouraging all beings to adopt a more whimsical, intuitive, and free-spirited approach to life.

This first week of Pisces season may feel dreamier and more emotionally heightened than previous weeks, and your more acute emotional nature may at first catch you  by surprise, especially if you don’t have that many water sign placements in your chart.  

Monday’s Pisces new moon is ideal for visualizing yourself six months from now, having actualized your dreams with ease. Set intentions this week that tap into your capacity to dream beyond your current circumstances.  

The influence from the new moon will be felt all week, and since Neptune, the planet of fantasy and illusion, is also in Pisces, all zodiac signs may feel extra influenced by media and music when intention-setting, making it essential to consume with intention. Curate an ideal playlist or  work on a vision board that’s aligned with the life you want to live.  

On Thursday, Saturn in Aquarius forms a semi-square with Chiron in Aries, urging us to pay attention to the inner wounds that we may have been denying or running away from.  

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Aries, the Pisces sun activates your sector of spirituality and healing, and this first week of Pisces Season may have you feeling nostalgic or sentimental.

The Pisces new moon on the 20th highlights healing modalities that may serve you on your current journey. Set new moon  intentions that help you cultivate a balance between your need to find closure and your desire to accept that pain is a natural part of life.
Wednesday through Friday, the moon’s presence in your sign amps up your self-confidence —  if you have to pitch a proposal at work, these are the days to do so. People will feel magnetically drawn to your confident aura, even if you’re just winging it.  

This weekend, the Taurus moon helps you decompress from this wildly expansive week. Chiron, the asteroid that has to do with one’s inner wounds, is in your sign until 2026, helping you prioritize your wellness while also learning to not take yourself too seriously. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Taurus, with the sun now in Pisces, your sector of friendship and social network is activated, encouraging you to let loose and invite more pleasure into your life, especially when it comes to  platonic relationships.  

The North Node remains in your sign until July of this year, indicating that the friends you make this Pisces season (and throughout the course of these next five months) are likely to have a long-term influence on you. Use the Pisces new moon on the 20th to set intentions regarding the type of friend you want to attract, and the type of friend you’d like to be. 

Mid-week, the moon in Aries highlights insecurities that you may be processing behind-the scenes. Admit them to yourself so they don’t eat you up inside. By this weekend, the moon’s entrance in your sign helps you relax and focus on simplifying your lifestyle.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Gemini, Pisces season activates your sector of career and reputation. Since Pisces is a  Mutable sign, like you, you’re likely to be in the mood to switch things up at work as the week begins.

The Pisces new moon strikes on the 20th and will be potently felt this week — when  you set your new moon intentions, let your inner child take the lead. What do they want the next six months to feel and look like? 

Wednesday through Friday, the moon in Aries adds momentum to your intentions. You may actually feel ready to follow through on your recurring visions. Instead of doing it all solo, be discerning of the ideal teammates you’d want by your side, and start to seek them out with the  help of Jupiter in Aries activating your sector of social networks.  

Spend the weekend tending to your inner needs, as the Taurus moon highlights a need for seclusion and recalibration.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, you’re ruled by the moon so you’re likely to feel deeply mesmerized this week due to the Pisces New Moon and the overall Pisces energy taking over the cosmos.

Your sector of adventure, expansion, and philosophy is activated by Pisces Season, and as the week begins you may be in the mood to doodle and dream rather than do anything practical.  

Mercury’s presence in Aquarius activates your sector of depth and merging, and once the moon enters Aries Wednesday, you may explore new ways to grow and sustain generational wealth. Pace yourself, Cancer — your empire doesn’t have to be built overnight.  

This weekend, the Taurus moon helps you feel connected to your mind, body, and spirit. The more time you spend connecting to Earth, the more your anxieties will decrease. This new moon week helps you start fresh on your wellness journey.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, there’s something quite auspicious about this new moon week, and you can feel it in the air. The Pisces new moon encourages you to let go of the need to be right, and be open to being pleasantly surprised by the cosmos and everyone in it. Set new moon intentions that encourage you to dream of a world beyond your current consciousness.  

Mercury’s presence in Aquarius is making you think about love and healthy emotional  detachment, and how both can co-exist. As passionate as you are, you’re also seeking  camaraderie in your relationships at this point in time. Mercury in Aquarius can help you assert your needs in a way that is well-received.  

By this weekend, the Taurus moon squares off with your solar flames, leading to a “make it or break it” moment for you, psychologically speaking. Get curious about what’s coming up for you emotionally, even if at first it feels uncomfortable to face. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Virgo, what if everything you’ve been seeking in love was just a few new moon intentions away?

The Pisces new moon on the 20th encourages you to soften your approach to intimacy and trust in the best case scenario, even if — or especially if — you’ve been hurt or betrayed  before. This is your annual fresh start when it comes to love and romance. Don’t let past hurts or grudges hold you back from attracting what you’re meant to experience.  

Mid-week, the Aries moon encourages you to approach intimacy from a bolder, and more courageous perspective. Instead of waiting for someone else to make the move romantically, or even financially, you may decide to assert yourself and let them know what you want. And  though doing so, you’re likely to get it.  

The quarter moon in Taurus this weekend is all about accepting the fact that balance is an illusion. You may never find the perfect balance between your work and domestic  responsibilities, and the sooner you accept that, the more present you’ll actually be.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, as the week begins you may find it hard to focus on mundane tasks at work. In fact, the Pisces new moon on the 20th may make you not want to work at all. You’re tired of the status quo and you’re dreaming of more liberating horizons.  

It may be time to actually create a game plan for bringing them to life. This new moon is about  fantasy — let yourself think of what previously seemed out of reach. You may be pleasantly surprised by what you’re able to achieve within these next six months if you detach from your own limiting beliefs.  

Mid-week, your attention turns to your social life and intimate relationships as the Aries moon activates your partnership sector. The sun’s presence in Pisces helps you be more vulnerable about what you’ve been craving, denying, or resisting, and this vulnerability may lead to a  profound breakthrough in a key partnership.  

Spend this weekend celebrating yourself and your partner(s) for daring to show up and be transparent with each other — and if you’re still working on it, that’s okay too.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, welcome to one of the most romantic weeks of the month! Not only is it the first full week of Pisces Season, but we experience a brilliant Pisces New Moon on the 20th, and this activates your sector of fate, true love, and creativity. If you’ve been taking yourself too seriously during Saturn’s final degrees through Aquarius, this new moon serves as a kind reminder that we’re here to love and be loved.  

Wednesday through Friday, the Aries moon helps you streamline your daily routine in a way  that invites more spontaneity, adventure, and freedom into the mix. The moon and Jupiter’s presence in Aries is encouraging you to put your own needs first, as it’ll help you be more aligned with your long-term trajectory.  

This weekend, the Taurus moon grounds you from this week’s revelations and reminds you that sometimes all you need is a cuddle buddy. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sag, what would it feel like for you to reimagine what “home” means to you?

That’s likely to be the main theme of this Pisces new moon week, and since both you and Pisces are ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system — which also happens to be the planet of luck —  you’re likely to feel more Pisces-like this week: more sensitive, intuitive, whimsical, and dreamy. Instead of rolling your eyes at the thought of vulnerability, you’ll surprise yourself with your ability to fully surrender to it.  

Mid-week the moon is in Aries, as well as your planetary ruler, Jupiter. This fiery combination can help you break out of a creative rut. Suddenly, you’ll feel a rush of ideas coming to you, and you’ll likely be lit up by the majority of them. Write them down as they come to you, as Mercury’s newfound presence in Aquarius could lead to mental restlessness if you don’t find an  outlet for your vivid imaginings.  

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, this Pisces new moon week hits different for you. It’s activating your sector of communication, influencing you to be poetic and ethereal in nature. This in turns attracts many admirers your way, not only romantically, but professional and creative admirers too.  

Mid-week, the Aries moon may rile you up in ways that shock or surprise you and others. Your independent streak emerges even more strongly due to Jupiter’s presence in Aries. If you’ve felt confined to a certain lifestyle, routine, or responsibility, you may find yourself suddenly breaking free.  
By the time the moon enters Taurus this weekend, you’re likely to be in a more celebratory mood. Release the urge to focus on work, and instead, focus on play. Say yes to more adventures. Your spirit’s most likely seeking them.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, the Pisces new moon strikes the 20th and activates your sector of money and security. With Mercury and Saturn both in your sign during this new moon week, you’ll be reflecting on the lessons that your birthday season taught you, and perhaps feeling a bit nostalgic about it all.

As much as you’re a forward-thinking sign, Pisces season tends to bring out your inner dreamer, allowing you to slow down enough to enjoy life’s simplest pleasures.  

Mid-week, the Aries moon could help you vocalize one of your newest passions to your social crew, and through doing so you’ll feel empowered to commit to this new endeavor, especially as Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility, rounds out its journey through your sign.  

This weekend’s first quarter moon in Taurus squares off with your Aquarius nature, forcing you to think out-of-the-box when it comes to a recurring insecurity you’ve been facing. That’s the key, Aquarius. Face the fear fully, and it won’t hold as much power over you.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

This week, Venus in your sign harmonizes with Pluto in its final degrees of Capricorn. You could make a significant decision about what you want from a potential or current romantic partner, and this could change the trajectory of the rest of the year for you.

Once Venus shifts into Aries 
on the 20th, you’ll be reflecting on what reciprocity means to you, not only when it comes to romantic connections, but professional, creative, and familial ones too.  

A new moon also takes place in your sign this Monday the 20th, Pisces, encouraging you to  fully reinvent yourself in whatever way you please. There are literally no limits, other than the ones you create or abide by in your mind.  

There’s a trippy effect to this new moon, throwing you back to last week’s Venus-Neptune  conjunction in your sign. Whatever revelations you had about your desires last week are likely  to be accentuated even more with your annual new moon. Have fun setting your intentions!ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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