What a week we’ve entered. Pluto, the planet of rebirth , is now in Aquarius for the first time in 225 years. Mars, the planet of action, ha...

Your Horoscope This Week: 26th March to 1st April, 2023

What a week we’ve entered. Pluto, the planet of rebirth, is now in Aquarius for the first time in 225 years. Mars, the planet of action, has left Gemini after a 7-month stay and entered Aquarius, and we’re experiencing the first full week of the astro new year.

On top of these major astrological shifts, we’re still buzzing off the influence of last week’s Aries new moon. If you haven’t yet taken time to set your new moon intentions, this is most definitely the week to do so, as the new moon’s potency is still coursing through and around us.  

From the 28th to the 30th of March, the moon’s presence in Cancer encourages all signs to slow down as the month comes to a close, and tune into what their emotional needs are. If you’re not used to deep diving into your emotions, the combination of the moon and Mars in Cancer will push you to do so, whether you’re ready or not. Keep a journal nearby, as you may find that letting it all out in writing feels cathartic.  

This weekend’s Leo Moon intensifies the cosmos, and an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius may lead to global affairs coming to a boil on a political and socioeconomic standpoint. On a more personal note, this Leo-Aquarius stand-off highlights our own egos and power struggles in intimate partnerships and friendships. We’d benefit from being physically active and blowing off steam in the great outdoors rather than lashing out at those around us.  

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

As the week begins, the Gemini moon activates your sector of communication, making you feel mentally restless, yet dynamically inspired by the possibilities that the recent new moon in your sign has brought forth.

You’ll notice yourself attracting your desires with greater ease in all realms of your life, but particularly in whichever sector the new moon activated in your birth chart.  

With your planetary ruler Mars now settling into Cancer for the next six weeks, you’re vacillating between putting yourself out there due to Jupiter’s presence in your sign, and being a hermit due to Mars in Cancer.

The key is to tune into your emotional awareness to know what you want most  in the present moment — this will be facilitated by the moon’s presence in Cancer from the 28th to the 30th of March. 

This weekend, the moon shifts into Leo and Mercury spends its final few days in your sign. Your mind will be racing with ideas, and you may also feel a physical urge to be active. Make time for both mindfulness and fitness as a way to exercise your brain and your body.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Taurus, the moon’s in Gemini as the week begins, shifting your focus to finances and self-esteem. Now that Pluto, the planet of transformation, is in the sign of Aquarius until June, you may be exploring ways to be more emotionally detached and less reactive to what others do or say. The Gemini moon helps you observe your emotional reactions with a playful sense of humor, allowing  you to check yourself before you wreck yourself. 

Mid-week, the moon’s presence in Cancer activates your communication sector, and you may feel like quite the sentimental poet. Whatever you’ve been yearning to express will likely be revealed due to this lunation, but ideally you’ll be in a space to reciprocate the energy with the parties involved, and hold space for what they have to express to you too. 

This weekend, your attention flows to your domestic sector under the Leo moon. If you feel unsatisfied by your environment or burdened by responsibilities, it may be time to create a delegation system that frees up your time and helps you release any pent-up resentment.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising


Gemini, this is the first full week where Mars, the planet of action, is not in your sign (it’s been there since August 2022), and you may feel like you’ve woken up in a completely new world.

Mars’ presence in Cancer activates your sector of money and self-esteem for the next six weeks, and after a period of hustle and self-dedication, you’re welcoming abundance through being emotionally-centered. That means making time to be with yourself, especially since the week  begins with the moon in your sign.  

Mid-week, the moon shifts into Cancer and connects with Mars. You may be surprised by the waterworks that emerge around this time, when you least expect it. You’ve been experiencing an avalanche of changes within and around you, and this moon-Mars connection is what’s leading to  you finally taking time to process what it all means. Let it all out, Gemini. 

This weekend is about fun, flirting, and play, as the Leo moon brightens up your mood and reminds you of the importance of letting yourself be seen and celebrated.

Since your communication sector will be activated, you may want to make the most of this lunar transit by making key announcements or strategic pitches around this time.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, as the week begins you’re reflecting on your past, your legacy, and your spiritual needs. Mars is now in your sign for the next six weeks, and although Mars tends to be at its fall in the sign of Cancer, you feel at home during this transit, because it’s allowing you to ease into yourself.

Your sensitivity to yourself and your inner needs is deepening, and this inherently allows you to have more compassion and empathy for what your fellow humans are experiencing.  

The moon enters your sign on the 28th, and conjoins with Mars in your sign, encouraging you to take a leap of faith when it comes to your rebirth journey. Whether you’ve been contemplating  quitting your job, leaving an unhealthy relationship, or revealing your true feelings to your crush,  this moon-Mars connection emboldens you and reminds you that your truth is always valid.  

This weekend, the moon shifts into Leo, and since you’re ruled by the moon you’ll be feeling more Leo-like — driven, ambitious, passionate, and flirtatious. Let our your savage side by saying yes to an impromptu date, or taking yourself out on one. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, as the week begins, the Gemini moon activates your sector of community and social networks. Now that Pluto, the planet of transformation, is in your opposite sign of Aquarius for several months, you’re rethinking your connection to social media and the digital world. You’ll either be in the mood to decrease your online presence, or radically transform it altogether.  

Mid-week, the moon in Cancer stimulates your spiritual side by encouraging you to do a deep clean of what no longer serves you, ranging from material items to limiting beliefs. You don’t have to release everything at once though, Leo. Mars, the planet of action, is in Cancer for the next six weeks, helping guide you throughout this process.
Once the moon enters your sign on the 30th, you’ll feel invigorated and ready to take center stage in whatever realm of your life you’ve been craving the most attention. And remember Leo, if for some reason you don’t feel like you’re getting enough attention from others, you can always pour even more into yourself.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Virgo, we’re in the midst of Mercury retrograde’s pre-shadow period — your planetary ruler will be retrograde starting April 3, and you’ll feel the upcoming influence of it all week long.

Monday and Tuesday the moon’s presence in Gemini helps you approach challenges at work from a more adaptable and open-minded perspective, and this innovative spirit is aided by Pluto’s newfound  presence in Aquarius, activating your sector of routine and service.  

The moon enters Cancer on the 28th, softening your approach to communication and connection. If you’ve been craving to be touched — whether it’s someone holding your hand, caressing you, or making love to you — the best thing to do is surrender to that desire one way or another (with mutual consent of course), or else it’s only going to keep getting stronger.  

By this weekend, the moon’s presence in Leo highlights a need for introspection, and Mars’ presence in Cancer encourages you to open up to loved ones about whatever secret hardships you’ve been navigating. You don’t have to go through this alone.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, you may be more burnt out than you’re willing to admit. Now that Mars has shifted into Cancer, you’re more aware of internal aches and pains that you may have unintentionally bypassed during Mars’ 7-month transit through Gemini.

The moon’s presence in Gemini on Monday and Tuesday allows you to honestly communicate with yourself about areas of your life that feel overwhelming. Let it all out in a journal session, and soon you’ll find solutions.  

Mid-week, the moon’s presence in Cancer, combined with Mars being in Cancer, increases your feelings of moodiness and self-protection. Your planetary ruler Venus is in Taurus, encouraging  you to let love in, but also be clear about what your non-negotiables are. The key with this Cancer-Taurus energy is to not push people away just because every single one of your  standards aren’t met. Be open to pleasant surprises. 

This weekend, the Leo Moon activates your sector of friendship and social networks, making it an ideal time to hang out with people you can be yourself around — Leo energy at times can lead to egos flaring or competitive behavior, so nip that in the bud if you start to sense it creeping out of you. Ask yourself: what are these feelings trying to teach me? ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

What if you could start over, Scorpio? What if you could wipe the slate clean, press the “reset”  button, and begin anew?

That’s the vibe you’ll be on as the week begins and the moon transits through Gemini. Your sector of depth and merging is activated by this lunation, so your thoughts  will be more extreme, yet more nuanced.

Write down the specific vision you have for this new life you’re ready to create. Now that your planetary ruler Pluto is in the otherworldly sign of Aquarius, you can manifest your dreams by choosing to have faith in what you have yet to experience.  

Mid-week, the Cancer moon activates your sector of long journeys and philosophy, inspiring you to keep dreaming beyond your current imaginings. Get lost in a movie from your favorite time period in history, or perform a monologue as your favorite character in a play. Your inner child is  yearning to do more than just budget and organize, and the Cancer moon is the perfect invitation to surrender to universal flow. 
That vibe might not last long though, as this weekend’s Leo moon lights up your career sector and encourages you to step on the gas when it comes to making game-changing moves to amplify your career trajectory.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sag, the week begins with the moon in Gemini amplifying your sector of partnership and marriage. With your planetary ruler Jupiter currently in Aries, chances are that you’ve been in a  more selfish era, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to be in love — you’re just much more  selective and picky than usual.

Use the moon’s presence in Gemini to let your lover(s) or potential  partner(s) in the loop if you have a sudden change of heart regarding the trajectory of your  relationship.  

Mid-week, the moon shifts into Cancer, deepening your spiritual bonds and helping you  acknowledge moments when you tend to run away from difficult emotions.

Spending time with water sign friends will help you nurture your own sensitivity, and Mars’ presence in Cancer can  help facilitate more easeful exchanges between you and those who tend to misunderstand you. 

By the time the moon enters Leo this weekend, you’ll be in the mood to party and let loose after a period of profound self-assessment and vulnerability. Say yes to whatever activities help you  feel alive and productive. Even if you have work to do, make sure the work feels like play. 

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, welcome to the first week in over fourteen years when Pluto, the planet of  transformation, is no longer in your sign.

Take a deep breath as the week begins, as the moon’s presence in Gemini reminds you that life is not to be taken too seriously. Find ways to switch up your daily routine so that there’s a greater spirit of adaptability — especially now that Pluto’s in the air sign of Aquarius, asking you to loosen up. 

Once the moon enters your opposite sign of Cancer from the 28th to the 30th, you’ll be prepared to have heart-to-heart with your lover(s), and now that Mars, the planet of action, is also in Cancer, you may be surprised at how much you prioritize your love life, even if you used to place it on the  back burner. This shift in attention will be a welcomed change for you and your partner(s). 

This weekend, the Leo moon lights up your sector of depth and merging. You’ll be in the mood to strategize when it comes to long-term investments and empire building. Pace yourself though, because all this fiery energy in the cosmos could lead to dehydration and burnout.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Welcome to a new dimension, Aquarius. Pluto, the planet of transformation, spends its first full week in your sign, where it remains until June 11th. Next year, Pluto will return to your sign and remain there for a 20-year long stretch. This week is the beginning of a new phase of ascension  in your journey throughout the cosmos, and that may lead to you distancing yourself from old ways of living, thinking, and reacting.  

Mid-week, the Cancer moon activates your sector of routine, health, and wellness. With Mars, the planet of action, also in this sector of your chart for six weeks, it may be wise to use this week to schedule your annual health check-up, so you can end the month stress-free.  

This weekend, your marriage sector is activated by the moon’s presence in Leo, and this helps you communicate your needs for more space, or alternatively, more consistent attention, to your loved one(s).

People often assume you’re emotionally detached, cold, or indifferent, but they’re  underestimating how profoundly sensitive you truly are, water bearer. Let them see the real you. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Pisces, this week is likely to have you in la-la land, as Pluto, the planet of transformation, spends  its first full week in the Air sign of Aquarius, activating your sector of spirituality and closure. You  may be in the mood to explore a new world, either through travel, literature, or media. The “real” world just doesn’t cut it for you, especially now that Mars, the planet of action, is in your fellow water sign of Cancer. Your fantasies feel much more stimulating.  

Once the moon joins Mars in Cancer on the 28th, your sector of fate, true love, and creativity is activated. Say yes to any invitations to step into the limelight, whether that means participating in open-mic night or signing up for your local theatre production. These next six weeks of Mars in Cancer can help usher in a new beginning for your creativity, dreams, and fame.  

This weekend, the Leo moon activates your sector of routine, health, and service. If you found it challenging to stick to a workout routine during the first three months of the year, the combined energy of the moon in Leo and Jupiter’s presence in Aries will help you start fresh and make monumental strides. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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