This is a huge week, astrologically-speaking ! On the 7th we experience the Virgo full moon, which imprints us with a strong urge to create ...

Your Horoscope This Week: 5th to 11th March, 2023

This is a huge week, astrologically-speaking! On the 7th we experience the Virgo full moon, which imprints us with a strong urge to create more structure in our lives. Now’s the time to gain greater clarity when it comes to personal and joint objectives.

Saturn, the planet of challenge, makes a huge shift into Pisces on the same day, and the next 2.5 years will be about learning how to surrender to love, even if we’ve built up walls to resist it.

As the week begins, all zodiac signs would benefit from assessing ways in which they can simplify their lifestyles. In a society that often encourages us to adopt a capitalist state of mind, what would it feel and look like to choose a more organic and regenerative route? These are the types of questions we’ll ask ourselves this full moon week.

On Saturday the 11th, Juno, the asteroid of marriage, enters Taurus, infusing even more earthly energy into the cosmos. This is an ideal weekend for passionate heart-to-hearts (and sensual love-making, if you so choose) with current or potential partner(s).

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Aries, this week’s Virgo full moon occurs in your sector of health, wellness, and service. You may reach a milestone in your fitness or wellness journey, especially since Jupiter’s presence in your sign is giving you more energy and confidence. It’s also possible that this full moon week will highlight ways in which you feel burnt out from work, and if so, it would be wise for you to take a temporary break.

On the 7th of March, the same day as the Virgo full moon, Saturn’s shift into Pisces activates your sector of spirituality, healing, and closure. This further highlights the need for you to slow down, even if your planetary ruler’s presence in Gemini is making you rather restless. Check in with your psychological health this week, Aries, and set necessary boundaries to preserve your peace. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Taurus, as the week begins, the energy of the full moon in Virgo activates your sector of fate, true love, and creativity. You’re being asked to get clear about what’s working in your love life, as well as what you still wish to improve. But because Virgo energy can be fiercely critical, it’s important to maintain a spirit of compassion and flexibility when undergoing your analysis.

Saturn’s legendary shift into Pisces on the 7th of March — the same day as the Virgo full moon — activates your friendship sector. This highlights your social networks, as well as your relationship with technology.

For the next two years, you’re learning how to be less suspicious of people who want to befriend you, and to also welcome connections from all walks of life. This week’s energy will feel revolutionary for you, as though your heart chakra is suddenly expanding. It is!ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Gemini, this week’s Virgo full moon will have you feeling cerebral, yet grounded. It’s activating your sector of roots and the past, so you’re likely to feel more nostalgic and introspective. This is a good thing, because there’s likely to be a lot of buried feelings that will emerge on or around the full moon on the 7th. The more you let them out, the better you’ll feel.

Saturn’s shift in Pisces (also on the 7th) activates your sector of career and reputation. For the next 2.5 years, the secret to getting ahead at work is to follow your intuitive instincts more than logical reasoning. This may at first feel challenging to a cerebral air sign such as yourself, but the sun, Saturn, and Neptune are all teaming up in your fellow mutable sign of Pisces to help you learn how to adapt to this new way of flowing.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, you’re ruled by the moon, so you’ll feel more sensitive and connected to the Virgo full moon occurring on the 7th, especially since your sector of communication will be lit up by this
lunation. This is an ideal week for you to start writing a memoir, a song, or a screenplay — your words are magic!

Also on the 7th, Saturn’s shift into your fellow Water sign of Pisces will feel good for your spirit these next two and a half years. Your sector of expansion and philosophy is activated by Saturn in Pisces, and this week you may be thinking of going back to school or taking an online course to expand your knowledge. This is the time to bet on yourself. You’ll exceed your expectations.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, with your sector of money and self-esteem activated by the full moon in Virgo the 7th, it would be wise for you to write down a list of everything you’re proud of yourself for accomplishing these past six months. Ideally, the list wouldn’t only be about monetary gain or professional progress, but also about the type of person you’re evolving into, and the type of traits you love and appreciate about yourself.

Meanwhile, Saturn, the planet of responsibility, leaves your opposite sign of Aquarius and enters Pisces on the 7th, activating your sector of depth, intimacy, and outside resources.

Life’s about to get way more intense for you these next 2.5 years, Leo, whether you want it to or not. Your mission this week is to trust life’s changes without feeling the need to control them.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Happy full moon week, Virgo! All week long, you’ll feel activated by the full moon in your sign, which officially occurs on the 7th of March but will be intensely felt in the days before and after.

Who do you want to be, Virgo? This full moon shines a spotlight on you and your dreams, and since Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is in Aries, activating your sector of depth and outside resources, you’re being asked to expand your horizons and dream big when it comes to your rebirth.

On the same day as your annual full moon, Saturn, the planet of challenge, makes an iconic shift into Pisces, your opposite sign of the zodiac. Your sector of partnership and marriage is activated by Saturn for the next 2.5 years, and while this may initially make your relationships appear to be more challenging, the main challenge for you will be learning how to trust that what’s yours is yours. There’s no need to chase, beg, or manipulate. Simply trust.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, the Virgo full moon on the 7th activates your sector of spirituality, healing, and closure, encouraging you to take some time off work and prioritize your inner needs. If you’ve been pretending like you’ve moved on from a situation but you’re actually still in deep pain, this full moon week can provide you with the remedies you need to truly heal.

On the same day, Saturn, the planet of challenge, leaves your fellow sir sign of Aquarius, where it’s been since March 2020, and enters Pisces. Your sector of depth, outside resources, and intimacy is activated between now and 2025, making it an ideal time to look into grants, scholarships, loans, or other forms of outside resources as you increase your abundance mindset and focus on building generational wealth.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, the Virgo full moon on the 7th activates your sector of friendship and social networks, indicating that a tech-related project you’ve been working on may come to fruition this week.

Instead of immediately moving on to your next milestone, take time to celebrate how all the baby steps you took these past six months (or beyond) have culminated into this accomplishment. You did that!

The same day, Saturn, the planet of responsibility, leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces. This is a welcomed change for you, because ever since March 2020 Saturn in Aquarius was squaring off with your Scorpio energy, making life feel like an uphill battle.

Starting this week your burdens will ease considerably, and you’ll feel more hopeful, optimistic, and patient about life and its infinite possibilities, especially when it comes to your dating life, and your creative ventures. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sag, this week’s Virgo full moon activates your sector of career and reputation. If you’ve been wanting to feel more organized and streamlined at work, this full moon will help you get your life together.

However, on the same day, Saturn, the planet of responsibility, enters Pisces and activates your sector of roots and the past. Even though a part of you will want to be productive this week, another part of you may get caught up in a dream world, and it may feel challenging to focus on mundane tasks.

It’s advised to delegate the tasks you don’t want to do, using the help of Mars’ final few weeks in Gemini in your sector of partnership. Your mission this week is to let yourself be helped by others. This will free up time for you to focus on what you actually want.

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, on the 7th of March the full moon in your fellow earth sign of Virgo helps you think of new solutions for recurring problems. The key is to focus on the details of whatever you’ve been worried about, rather than trying to control the grand picture. By breaking tasks down into actionable steps, you’ll feel less overwhelmed and more motivated.

Your planetary ruler Saturn shifts into Pisces on the 7th as well, and that’s truly the astrological moment of the week, and potentially even all month. You’ll be shocked at how much softer your communication approach becomes under this transit, and since Pisces energy harmonizes smoothly with your Capricorn nature, you’re likely to attract auspicious opportunities and connections your way.

Your mission this week, and over the course of the next 2.5 years, is to not sabotage these gifts when they arrive. It’s not too good to be true, Capricorn. You deserve these blessings, and there’s more to come!ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, you’ve made it through a cosmic rite of passage. On the 7th, your planetary ruler Saturn leaves your sign, where it’s been transiting since March 2020, and enters Pisces — the final sign of the zodiac. Take time to think about how much you’ve grown during Saturn’s journey through your sign.

You’re wiser, kinder, and most likely hotter! You went through your share of challenges these past few years — now get ready to receive your rewards.

This week’s Virgo full moon also takes place the 7th, and activates your sector of depth and outside resources. More opportunities to build and maintain generational wealth are likely to come your way this week, but if you try to control how and when these opportunities come, they’ll slip through your fingers. Surrender to divine timing. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Congratulations, Pisces — you’re the chosen one. Saturn, the grandfather of all planets, enters your sign this week, on the 7th of March. This happens smack in the middle of your season, and on the same day as the Virgo full moon. It’s like you’re going through a spiritual initiation of sorts. Are you ready for the next level?

With the Virgo full moon occurring on the same day as Saturn’s entrance in your sign, the cosmos wants you to know that you don’t have to go through these learning curves alone. Your sector of partnership and marriage is activated by the Virgo full moon, which means a lover, potential partner, or even an ex could emerge as a guiding force and support system in your life this week. If it feels right to you, say yes to their presence and their help. You’ll be glad you did.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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