We are now in the midst of an eclipse passage. This symbolizes the week that separates a series of two eclipses — one solar and one lunar. L...

Your Horoscope This Week: April 23 to 29, 2023

We are now in the midst of an eclipse passage. This symbolizes the week that separates a series of two eclipses — one solar and one lunar. Last week, on April 20, we experienced a solar eclipse in the final degrees of Aries. Next week, on May 5, we’ll experience the lunar eclipse full moon in Scorpio. These are intense, dramatic, and passionate times.

Both Aries and Scorpio are signs ruled by the planet Mars, which means Mars-like energy is coursing through the cosmos and influencing all signs of the zodiac this week (and especially those with Aries and Scorpio placements in the birth charts). No wonder Scorpio Frank Ocean’s been stirring up a media storm through his enigmatic performance choices at Coachella.

Staying hydrated, well-rested, and focused on tying up loose ends is the name of the game this final week of April. Venus, the planet of love, remains in Gemini until May 7, making it an ideal time to get in touch with our dualities and ever-changing natures. And Venus in Gemini’s transit wants us to remember to laugh, cosmic friends. It may be eclipse and retrograde season, but there’s no need to take ourselves too seriously.

Be sure to read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

How’s your rebirth going, Aries? As the week begins, you’re most likely still feeling the effects of the solar eclipse in your sign that took place on the 20th. This was a super-charged new moon, so you’ll continue to be in a transmutation process between now and the end of this week.

Monday through Wednesday, the Cancer moon and Taurus sun harmonize, encouraging you to slow down. You may be feeling charged up by the Sun, Jupiter, and Chiron all having been recently activated by the eclipse, but that also means you should be consciously refueling your body with water, rest, and nutrients. If not, you’ll exhaust yourself, especially once the moon enters Leo Thursday morning.

Use this weekend’s Virgo moon to take stock of your emotional reservoirs. Take a break from always being the strong one, and lean on a loved one for support. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Happy Taurus Season! With the Sun in your sign and the moon in Cancer as the week begins, you may be feeling both excited and nostalgic. Mercury’s currently retrograde in your sign until mid-May, so your birthday celebrations may be off to a more mellow start. But Venus, your planetary ruler, is currently in Gemini, highlighting your sector of self-esteem and money, so you’ll still be your own hype person. Your passion for life will feel contagious. 

Mid-week, the Leo moon squares off (creates astrological friction) with your Taurus energy, so you may find yourself losing your cool more easily, especially since we’re in the midst of eclipse and retrograde season. Your best bet is blowing off steam by working out or grounding yourself in nature. Avoid burning bridges due to pride or ego. Take the space you need, and regroup. 

This weekend, the Virgo moon might increase your perfectionism or self-critical tendencies. Instead of focusing on everything you feel you still have to complete, celebrate yourself for what you’ve already accomplished. Jupiter, the planet of luck, is about to enter your sign next month, and you’ll soon see how everything’s been operating in divine timing. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

This is a relatively calm week for you, Gemini. The biggest astrological shift you’re experiencing is your planetary ruler, Mercury, being retrograde in the sign of Taurus until May 14. This lights up your sector of spirituality and healing, so you may feel like more of a recluse during this transit, making it an ideal time to do shadow work.

This slower pace you’re experiencing may actually be a good thing, because Venus’ presence in your sign may at times feel over-stimulating. Let the retrograde remind you of the power of saying no and doing less. If you’ve been feeling so-so about a project, friendship, or opportunity, then that’s probably a sign that it’s not the project, friendship, or opportunity currently meant for you.

By this weekend, the Virgo moon helps you create greater order in your life. Choose one area that feels cluttered, either mentally or physically, and dedicate a few hours to sorting through it. You’ll feel incredibly better once you can see more clearly. 

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, the moon’s in your sign as the week begins, harmonizing with the Sun in Taurus. You may feel more dreamy and sentimental during this eclipse passage week. Last week’s solar eclipse charged you up, but you also know that a lunar eclipse is right around the corner, which means there’s a lot left to release. Your mission this week is to cultivate presence with where you are now, rather than looking behind you or trying to rush ahead. 

Mercury’s retrograde in Taurus is activating your sector of friendship, so chances are you may be dealing with some misunderstandings or periods of loneliness or confusion in that area of your life. Instead of rushing to fix the situation, allow yourself to feel the discomfort, and get curious about what it’s here to teach you. This isn’t the time to make brash decisions. It’s rather a period to reflect on all the decisions you’ve made in the past, and give yourself (and others) grace. 

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, as the week begins you’re still feeling the magnetizing effect of last week’s solar eclipse in Aries. There’s no need to set new moon intentions this week — focus on being the intention. Move with passion, purpose, and persistence, and step into the new lifestyle you’re ready to live.

You may also want to add presence and patience as two guiding themes this week, because Mercury’s current retrograde through Taurus is squaring off (causing astrological tension) with your Leo nature. Once the moon enters your fiery sign this Thursday, you may find yourself losing your cool with roommates or family members, so try to bite your tongue instead of lashing out at them and saying or doing things you may regret.

This weekend, the moon shifts into Virgo, activating your sector of money and self-esteem. Use mercury’s retrograde in Taurus to crunch the numbers and evaluate how your money journey is going so far this year or even just this quarter. Be honest about what changes you must make to stay aligned with your long-term goals.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Virgo, this week you should just chill. Seriously. Mercury, your planetary ruler, is spending its first full week retrograde in your fellow Earth sign of Taurus, and this is activating your sector of career and reputation. Instead of trying to blow through your to-do list, throw the whole to-do list away. You’ll be much more productive and alert once you’ve indulged in consistent naps, and released the urge to always be doing something

Mars, the planet of action, and the moon, the luminary of sensitivity, are both spending time in Cancer this week and harmonizing with your Virgo nature. Tuesday through Thursday may have you feeling particularly nostalgic and sentimental. Instead of running way from what you’re feeling, take time to journal your emotions and get them out on paper. You’ll feel much lighter once you’ve let it all out. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, many people underestimate you due to how easygoing you appear to be, but last week’s solar eclipse new moon in Aries activated your partnership sector, and ignited more fiery and bold energy within you. You’ll be feeling this surge of confidence all week, so, even though mercury is retrograde, you have the green light to shoot your shot when it comes to romantic or creative partnerships, as long as this is something you’ve been planning to do since way before mercury retrograde began. 

Thursday through Saturday, the Leo moon activates your sector of friendship and social networks. Since your planetary ruler Venus is currently in the free-spirited sign of Gemini, you may be in the mood to socialize, flirt, and expand your horizons. Do so with intention, Libra. Focus on quality over quantity, or else you could get overwhelmed by all the attention and societal demands. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, Scorpio, Scorpio. The South Node, which represents our karmic past, has been in your sign since January 2022, and it remains there until July of this year. Now that we’ve just experienced a solar eclipse in your fellow Mars-ruled sign of Aries, and that we’re on the brink of a lunar eclipse in your sign, you’re thinking about karma, in a pretty intense way. You’re being even more intentional about the energy you put out into the Universe, because you’re seeking to receive regenerative, expansive vibes. “Ask and you shall receive,” is your mantra of the week.

This week is also about letting go of the dead weight as we approach next week’s lunar eclipse in your sign. This is the final Scorpio lunar eclipse for several years, so the lessons are more potent. Chances are, you can already tell what cords need to be cut, so it’s time to cut them.

Use the Virgo moon this weekend to find constructive ways to let go of grudges you’ve held on to for too long. Pluto, your planetary ruler, is currently in Aquarius and will help you cultivate the art of emotional detachment. The simplest way to move through the feelings is to breathe.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, is spending three more weeks in your fellow Fire sign of Aries. This week will have you reflecting on ways you can be inspired by the recent Aries solar eclipse and initiate bold change in your life. But be careful, Sag, because Mercury is spending its first full week retrograde in the sign of Taurus, and that can make you more irritable than usual. 

Mid-week, the Leo moon energizes you and can present exciting opportunities to you, in the blink of an eye. Instead of powering forward with something brand new, breathe life into past projects you previously put on the back burner. 

The moon spends time in Virgo for most of the weekend, and while at first this energy could feel too predictable, it’s teaching you to find beauty in what appears to be mundane. Enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as brewing yourself a cup of tea or re-reading your favorite novel. 

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, this week is about surrender. The recent Aries solar eclipse lit up your sector of home, the past, and your roots. It may have revealed you to yourself, by making your immediate needs much more clear. If you were previously running on auto-pilot, it’s time to hit the off switch. You can find and create magic in every day! Make this your mantra as we round out the month of April. 

Now that it’s Taurus season, and your planetary ruler Saturn, which is in Pisces, is harmonizing with the Earth energy in the cosmos, you’re being invited to choose ease. Choose bliss. Choose simplicity. Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Taurus until mid-May, so even if you wanted to be a workaholic, your body will tell you to take a seat, close your eyes, and be still. That’s what your spirit needs this week. 

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, as the week begins you may find that people around you are being too serious or practical, as the Sun will be in the grounded sign of Taurus and the moon will be in sentimental Cancer. But instead of seeking immediate stimulation, you’d benefit from tapping into your emotional needs with the help of the Cancer-Taurus energy in the cosmos. View your feelings as a superpower, not a weakness. 

By mid-week, the Leo moon activates your sector of partnership and marriage, boosting your overall energy stores. Spend time around Fire signs (or those with lots of Fire placements in their birth charts) who remind you of the power of presence, courage, and spontaneity. This weekend, the Virgo moon adds structure and stability to your life, which will help you look ahead to next month and start plotting your most essential missions. Take it all breath by breath.

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Pisces, how are you feeling after that epic solar eclipse in Aries? This first week of Taurus season provides you with some breathing room to take in all the cosmic downloads you’ve been experiencing, especially now that Saturn, the Teacher Planet, is in your sign until 2026.

As the week begins, the sun’s presence in Cancer increases your sensitive nature, so make sure you’re only spending time around people who feel vibrationally empowering, or else you could take on unwanted energy, and that could throw you off balance.

End the month of April with a spirit of regeneration and intentional connection, Pisces. The moon will be in Virgo this weekend, activating your sector of partnership. You may find yourself being more discerning of what you share with people around this time, and that’s a smart move considering Mercury, the planet of communication, is currently retrograde in Taurus until May 14. Use this time to communicate intimately with yourself instead.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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from Refinery29 https://ift.tt/pbTZLVv