Welcome to the month of May! Eclipse season is still going strong, and retrograde season picks up speed this month too. Pluto, which is kno...

Your May Horoscope Is Here – Passions Will Run High

Welcome to the month of May! Eclipse season is still going strong, and retrograde season picks up speed this month too. Pluto, which is known to represent transformation, begins its five-month retrograde on May 1. Since Pluto is slow-moving and a far-away planet in our solar system, we may not immediately feel the effects of this retrograde in our daily lives — we’ll feel more of its influence when it comes to our subconscious thoughts and reactions. 

On May 5, a full moon lunar eclipse takes place in Scorpio at 1:34 p.m. EST, marking a peak moment in the eclipse story we’ve been co-creating. Passions will run high this month, as lunar eclipses often bring unexpected endings or closure, and the sign of Scorpio is the most emotionally-charged sign of the zodiac. 

Think back to where you were during the Scorpio lunar eclipse on October 25, 2022. Since Mercury and Pluto will both be retrograde during the eclipse, looking back at our past and growing from it are key themes of this eclipse month. The vibe starts to lighten up as we near the second half of the month, once Mercury ends its retrograde in Taurus on May 14 at 11:17 p.m. EST. Then, on May 16, Jupiter, the planet of luck, leaves Aries and enters Taurus for the next 13 months. If you felt a bit of cosmic whiplash from all the fiery Aries energy in the cosmos, the Taurus new moon on May 19 will provide you with the grounding relief your spirit needs. 

Be sure to read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Now that your birthday season has come and gone, Aries, you’re focused on amping up your finances during Taurus season. But the Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5 activates your sector of intimacy and depth, which could intensify feelings of drama or disconnect in your life. Since you and Scorpio are signs ruled by Mars, you’ll feel more Scorpio-like this month: self-protective, cautious, and deeply sensitive. 

Once Jupiter, the planet of luck, leaves your sign on May 16, even more attention can be directed toward your money sector. But you’ll also be reflecting on your own self-esteem. Jupiter’s presence in Aries earlier this year increased your confidence, but it also may have led to you feeling burnt out. This month’s transit shift can bring more peace and calm into your life, especially once Mercury retrograde ends on May 14.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Happy birthday season, Taurus! The sun remains in your sign until the 20th of this month, making it a prime time to put your own needs first, toot your own horn, and allow yourself to be celebrated. On May 5, the lunar eclipse in Scorpio highlights a need for closure in any romantic relationship or friendship that has felt imbalanced. Just make sure you’re looking in the mirror before pointing fingers at others and casting the blame. 

A momentous shift occurs on May 16, when Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters your sign for the first time in 12 years! You’re about to be the cosmic favorite, Taurus. Mercury retrograde will have ended in your sign on the 14th, but you’ll still feel the post-shadow effects of this retrograde until the end of the month. Once Jupiter enters your sign though, you have the green light to shoot your shot creatively, professionally, and romantically. The cosmos are on your side and want you to win! 

You may feel especially prosperous once the sun enters Gemini on May 21, as this lights up your money sector and helps you be more flexible and adaptable when it comes to growing your nest egg. If there were ever a time to intentionally cultivate or deepen an abundance mindset, it’s now. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Your birthday season starts this month, Gemini! But before we get there, the Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5 brings attention to your sector of health, service, and daily routine. You may find yourself more obsessive, and even jealous, around the first week of May. Instead of trying to fight these feelings, get curious about what they’re teaching you, particularly when it comes to the way you’re of service to the world. Any resentment you feel is a sign that something must change. 

Mercury, your planetary ruler, ends its retrograde on May 14, but it may not be until the end of the month that you start to feel like your communication patterns are back to “normal." Once Jupiter, the planet of abundance, enters Taurus for thirteen months on May 16, you may be surprised at how much more introverted you become in the second half of the month. Your sector of solitude and spirituality is activated by Jupiter in Taurus, so the start of your birthday season on May 21 may be mellow, yet quite memorable. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, as a sign that’s ruled by the moon, you’re likely to feel supercharged this eclipse month. On the 5th, the Scorpio lunar eclipse sheds light on your sector of fate, true love, adventure, and youth. What has your inner child been begging you to give attention to these past six months? Think back to the solar eclipse in Scorpio that took place on October 25, 2022. The emotions that come up for you during this time may feel both overwhelming and liberating. It’s important to let yourself feel them fully. 

Mercury retrograde ends on May 14 in the sign of Taurus, and two days later, Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters Taurus for the next thirteen months. Your sector of friendship and social network is activated by this transit, and since Taurus energy is all about taking things slow and steady, you may find yourself re-evaluating your needs in the digital and social realms. There’s no need to make brash decisions this month, but rather get curious about what your subconscious is saying. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, last month’s solar eclipse in Aries radicalized your life and helped you feel more confident in your direction. This month, on May 5, the Scorpio lunar eclipse could cause feelings of insecurity to creep up, because it's impacting your sector of home, the past, and your roots. Be aware that skeletons in the closet may be revealed this month, and even if you’re shocked by what comes up, there’s a reason you’re being asked to face it head-on. If possible, wait until after mercury retrograde ends on May 14 before making significant changes to your domestic reality. 

Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters Taurus on May 16, and, since Taurus energy squares off with your Leo nature, you may initially need time to adjust to this slower-moving earth sign energy. But going slower is exactly what your doctor ordered, particularly when it comes to career decisions that you’ll feel ready to make in the second half of the month. The Taurus new moon on May 19 is an ideal time to reorient yourself in whatever direction feels most stimulating to you. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Mercury, your planetary ruler, spends the first two weeks of May still in retrograde motion, so, if things are moving slower than you’d like them to, take a deep breath and trust the process. The Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5 activates your communication sector. One of your best pieces of work may emerge during the first or second week of May — the stars implore you to take time to celebrate yourself instead of acting like it’s no big deal. 

Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters your fellow earth sign of Taurus on May 16, opening up a thirteen-month window for you to give more attention to the world of travel, philosophy, media, education, publishing, and entertainment. You’ll feel ready to redirect your resources toward those realms of your life, but, since Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period will be felt until the end of May, you’re encouraged to take things step by step and not rush the process. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, this eclipse month is all about getting clear about what your non-negotiables are. The Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5 activates your sector of money and self-esteem, and you may decide that you want to make money in a completely different way than you have been making it these past six months. Try to wait until next month before making any life-changing decisions that you may later re-think due to mercury retrograde. This may be easier said than done, though, because eclipse energy tends to change situations in our lives whether we’re ready or not. 

On May 7, your planetary ruler Venus enters Cancer for four weeks. You’re not always as comfortable with Cancer energy due to the heightened sensitivity it makes you feel. On top of that, Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, two days after mercury retrograde ends in the sign of Taurus. Taurus energy can also throw you out of your comfort zone by forcing you to be more practical. This month is therefore about learning how to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, your annual full moon takes place on May 5, but it’s not your regular full moon — it’s a lunar eclipse in your sign, meaning it has the power of 10 full moons combined. This month is about surrender and regeneration. As much as you like to feel in control, many elements will be out of your control this month — especially the amount of tears that seem to flow from your eyes. 

These waterworks are happening for a reason. Ever since the solar eclipse full moon took place in your sign on October 25, 2022, you’ve been going through a tremendous spiritual awakening, and this eclipse will lead to your catharsis reaching its peak. When you combine this eclipse with Venus’ presence in Cancer starting on May 7, followed by Jupiter’s entrance in Taurus on May 16, (which activates your partnership and marriage sector for thirteen months), you may feel like you’re experiencing an inner tsunami. On top of this, your ruler Pluto spends its first full month retrograde in May. Talk about non-stop transformation! 

Your saving grace this month is your ability to find humor in situations that would otherwise have you stressed out. Once Mercury retrograde ends on May 14, and the Taurus new moon occurs on May 19, you’ll be in a much better headspace, allowing you to move forward with greater clarity. Just remember Scorpio: eclipse season is here to help, not harm you. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sag, the month of May is significant for you, for many reasons. First, Pluto, known for transformation, begins its retrograde in Aquarius, activating your communication sector. With both Mercury and Pluto retrograde as the month begins, it’d be wise to think before you speak and not blurt out whatever comes to mind, or it could lead to crossed wires and hurt feelings. 

The Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5 is an opportunity for you to deepen your spiritual relationship with yourself and your ancestors. Your sector of closure, security, and healing is activated by this eclipse, which means a profound transmutation of energy is on the horizon this month if you’re willing to make room for it. 

Once your planetary ruler Jupiter leaves your fellow fire sign of Aries and enters Taurus on May 16, for the next thirteen months, you’ll feel like you suddenly have to hit the brakes after a period of speeding down a racetrack. Give yourself time to adjust to this slow and steady pace. 

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, this eclipse month will illuminate the people you can trust, and the people you must peacefully release. As one of the most loyal, and stubborn, signs of the zodiac, eclipses could bring up feelings of discomfort, particularly lunar eclipses such as the one occurring on May 5. Change is happening in your life whether you’re ready or not. In your case, your friendship sector is the highlight of this eclipse, so frenemies may be revealed, including times when you were the one acting bizarrely. 

Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters your fellow earth sign of Taurus on May 16, and this can signal a fresh start in your romantic relationships. The next thirteen months are ideal for prioritizing going on dates, either with your partner, your potential suitor(s), or taking yourself on more dates. You’ve been pouring so much energy into your career that you may not realize how many people want to pour energy into you. Your mission this month is to allow yourself to receive more love, with intention and discernment.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, Pluto, known to signal transformation, has been in your sign since March 7, and on the 1st of the month it begins its five-month retrograde. It’ll be retrograde in Aquarius until June 11, and then it’ll re-enter Capricorn until January 2024. The month of May is therefore the last full month that Pluto is in your sign until next year. If you’re feeling like you’re experiencing a cosmic rite of passage, you very much are. 

The Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse strikes on May 5, four days after Pluto’s retrograde begins. Then on the 7th, Venus leaves your fellow Air sign of Gemini and enters Cancer for four weeks. All this Water sign energy in the cosmos may initially make you feel uncomfortable because it means you have to face your innermost needs. But with your planetary ruler, Saturn, currently in Pisces, you’ve been teaching yourself how to view vulnerability as a superpower anyway. Consider this month as an opportunity to do just that. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Pisces, the start of Pluto retrograde on May 1, followed by the Scorpio lunar eclipse on the 5th, will take you on an intense journey of self-reflection. Your sector of spirituality, closure, and healing is activated by Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, and since Saturn, the planet of challenge, is in your sign until 2026, you’re taking in cosmic lessons with more agility and flexibility. With the Scorpio eclipse activating your sector of expansion and philosophy, it may be time to ask for forgiveness and cut cords with your past to make room for a new beginning.

Jupiter’s entrance in Taurus on May 16 may present you with that fresh start. Mercury retrograde will have ended two days prior, on May 14, and even though there will be a two-week post-shadow period where you’ll still feel the disorienting effects of the retrograde, the fertile energy of Jupiter’s shift into Taurus harmonizes well with your Piscean nature, helping you feel more grounded, purposeful, and committed to the endeavors you’ve set in place this year. I love this for you!ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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