This final week of Taurus Season is significant for several reasons. Not only is it a new moon week , with the Taurus new moon occurring on...

Your Horoscope This Week: May 14 to 20, 2023

This final week of Taurus Season is significant for several reasons. Not only is it a new moon week, with the Taurus new moon occurring on Friday 19, but Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, enters Taurus on 16th, for the first time in 12 years! This is a monumental shift, because Jupiter is the planet of luck and abundance. It will be joining Uranus, the planet of  revolution, and the North Node — symbol of our karmic destiny — in the grounded sign of Taurus. All zodiac signs will feel a strong urge to simplify, streamline, and be more grounded this week.  

The dark-of-the-moon period will occur May 15 to 18, meaning suppressed emotions and unhealed wounds may surface to the front of our consciousness, asking to be fully felt and processed. It’s best to use the days before the Taurus new moon to check in with your inner needs and avoid putting too much on your plate, so that you can fully welcome the fresh start and set brilliant new moon intentions once the Taurus new moon strikes this weekend. 

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Aries, this week you’re passing the planetary baton to Taurus. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is leaving your sign May 16 and entering Taurus until May 2024. Your sector of  money and self-esteem is activated by Jupiter in Taurus, allowing you to apply the lessons from  Jupiter’s transit through your sign in a more practical and financially-rewarding way. The number one lesson you’ll be asked to learn during this transit is the power of slowing down. 
The Taurus new moon strikes on Friday 19, also in your money sector, and this kickstarts a six-month cycle of rebirth when it comes to your financial journey. Less is more with this new moon, Aries. When setting your intentions, focus on ways you can simplify the work you do, and work smarter, rather than harder. Incorporate rest and ease in all missions you say yes to. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

It’s your world, Taurus — we all just live in it. This week, two major planetary alignments take place in your sign, changing life as you know it for the better. First, on 16th, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, enters your sign until May 2024. This will make you the luckiest sign of the zodiac,  and you should take advantage of this transit by being very clear with yourself about what your objectives are over the course of the next 12 months.  

Keep in mind that we’ll be in the dark-of-the-moon period May 15 to 18, so you may not actually feel Jupiter’s luck until the new moon in your sign strikes on Saturday 19.  

The Taurus new moon invites you to reimagine what your life can look and feel like. Your sector of self-identity is lit up by the moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, and the North Node all in your sign, and this could initially make you feel self-conscious as you notice an increased amount of attention coming your way. Your mission is to accept the fact that you’re the cosmic favorite,  Taurus. No more playing it safe behind-the-scenes. Set new moon intentions that propel you into the life of your dreams, and start living as if all of your dreams have already come true. They soon will! ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Congratulations, Gemini — you’ve made it through mercury retrograde! Since you’re ruled by Mercury, you’re particularly influenced by its three-week reversal. You’ll still feel the post-shadow effects of the retrograde until the end of May, but now that Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is  entering Taurus on 16th, your focus is shifting to your spiritual needs. 
Jupiter’s 12-month transit through Taurus will help you face your shadows and find practical and sustainable healing methods to help you work through them. No more running away from what you truly feel — find healthy outlets to release the pain, resentment, trauma or anger that may be living within you.  

Use the Taurus new moon on 19th to get clear about what you have yet to face in your relationship with yourself and others. If you want your life to feel different, you have to make different choices. This new moon will support you in doing so, step by step, and breath by breath.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, this is the final week that Mars, the planet of action, is spending in your sign. This is therefore your sign to treat yourself with extra love, compassion, and empathy. If possible try to keep your schedule light between May 15 and 18 when the moon is in its dark-of-the-moon period. You’ll feel more sensitive and moody during the days preceding the Taurus new moon.  

Starting on the 16th, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, leaves Aries and enters Taurus until May 2024. This transit harmonizes with your sign, allowing you to attract greater luck and prosperity in your life, especially when it has to do with friendships and social networks. You may choose to  revamp your social media image or weed out frenemies from your followers. Trust your instincts. 

The Taurus new moon strikes on 19th, encouraging you to start fresh in the social department. If you’ve outgrown a group of friends and are ready to welcome those who are more aligned with your evolutionary journey, take time this weekend to set specific new moon intentions about how  your ideal friendship feels, and distance yourself from the connections that drain or burden you.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, you’re going to notice that life experiences a major change in its overall flavor this week, as Jupiter, the planet of luck, leaves your fellow Fire sign of Aries on May 16 and enters the stable Earth sign of Taurus for the next 12 months. Taurus energy squares off (creates astrological  friction) with your Leo nature, so while you may initially feel uncomfortable with the seemingly slower pace of your life, you’ll soon see that it’s exactly what the universe ordered.  

Mars, the planet of action, spends its final stretch in Cancer, and starting the 20th it will enter your sign for the next six weeks. This will provide you with a boost in energy and motivation, so if you’re feeling a bit sleepy or introverted this week, accept it without fighting it, because you’ll notice your drive picking up considerably starting next week.  

Use this weekend’s Taurus new moon to get clear about the changes you’d like to make in your career these next six months. If you’ve been placing too much on your plate, this is the ideal new moon for delegating work and simplifying your responsibilities so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Congratulations, Virgo — you’ve made it through Mercury’s three-week reversal in Taurus. You’re ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, so this week you’ll notice that your communication patterns are improving and that you have greater mental clarity. You now have the green light to move forward with important contractual agreements or major relationship  decisions.  

The highlight of the week is Jupiter’s shift into Taurus on 16th. Since Taurus is an Earth sign, like you, you’ll feel much more at ease with Jupiter’s placement in Taurus these next 12 months, than you did when Jupiter was in the fiery and somewhat aggressive sign of Aries. Finally, you can breathe easy and take your time paving your ideal path, without feeling rushed or pressured by life’s demands. Use the Taurus new moon to dream and visualize yourself six months from now, living in your dream city, studying or teaching your dream topic, and being your dream self. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, this week, Jupiter ends its transit through Aries, which activated your sector of marriage and partnership, and enters Taurus for the next 12 months. Your sector of depth, intimacy, and outside resources is activated, and you’ll notice that you take life more seriously during this transit, and people take you more seriously too. This will help you streamline your objectives and  weed out the distractions from your life, and your mind. Your meditation journey is likely to gradually improve too.  

The new moon in Taurus on 19th is a great time for having heart-to-heart with potential partners or collaborators, to make sure that you’re on the same page about joint objectives. If you’ve been wanting to focus on your wealth-building journey, this new moon encourages you to set intentions that specify what those financial goals are, and connect with advisors who will help  you reach them.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, as the energy from the Scorpio eclipse is waning, you’re looking forward to a fresh start in your relationships due to Jupiter’s entrance into Taurus on 16th. Your sector of partnership and marriage is activated by this momentous transit, and this will boost your luck when it comes to finding an ideal match or deepening your connection with an existing one.  

Use the Taurus new moon on 16th to get clear about the type of lover or partner you’re ready to be. Think back to where you were last year, and the struggles and successes you faced in your intimate partnerships. Now that Mercury spends its first week direct in your partnership sector,  you have greater clarity regarding the friends and lovers you can count on, and you can see through people who try to manipulate or control you.  

Your relationship with yourself will also improve significantly during these Taurus transits, so take yourself out on a date this weekend as a reminder that you are your primary partner, first and foremost. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sagittarius, taking care of your mental and physical health is a big priority for you this week. Jupiter, your planetary ruler, leaves your fellow Fire sign of Aries on 16th and enters Taurus for the next 12 months.
Taurus energy is quite different from yours, which means you may initially feel stressed by the shift in the cosmos, because it feels like you suddenly have way more  responsibilities to tend to.  

Jupiter in Taurus is all about the gradual approach, so as much as your fiery nature may feel the need to speed through your to-do list this week, it’s best to take the opposite approach, and be more minimal. Only say yes to engagements that stimulate you, even if you’re in high demand.  

May 15 to 18 may be particularly challenging days, as we’ll be in the dark-of-the-moon period, but once the Taurus new moon strikes on 19th, you’ll feel reinvigorated and inspired to move your  body and infuse healing affirmations into your mind. You got this, Sagittarius. You always have.

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, life’s going to feel considerably more easeful and optimistic for you this week, as Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, leaves the sign of Aries and enters your fellow Earth sign of Taurus for the next 12 months. Your sector of fate, adventure, and true love is activated by this transit, and these are the themes in your life that will get the biggest boost due to Jupiter’s transit.  

This is the time to say yes to what your inner child has been dreaming of — especially now that your planetary ruler Saturn is in Pisces. Your dreams can become reality with greater ease, but you have to give yourself permission to pursue them.  

The Taurus new moon on 19th is the ideal time to set new moon intentions where you get clear about what you’re allowing yourself to pursue, no matter how improbable or unlikely it may initially seem. The higher you shoot your shot, the more likely you are to soar. Believe in yourself,  Capricorn. The universe believes in you. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

What does home mean to you, Aquarius? Jupiter, the planet of abundance, is entering Taurus on 16th, and this transit will activate your sector of home and security for the next 12 months.  

Taurus energy squares off (creates astrological friction) with your airy Aquarius nature, and this is pushing you to create greater order and structure in your domestic environment.  

If you’re undergoing a separation or divorce, you may make progress this week, especially if things were stagnant during mercury retrograde. The same goes for any home renovations or relocation projects you had previously begun — you have the green light to move forward, but make sure you’re slowing down enough to not miss important practical details.  

This weekend, the Taurus new moon strikes on May 19, further highlighting home-related themes. You may be pleasantly surprised at your ability to work your way through uncomfortable conversations or dynamics with family members, or friends that you consider to be family. The key is to be honest and transparent about what you feel without being harmful in the way you  express your needs, or set your boundaries. Check your ego at the door. Let love lead the way. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Pisces, this is a major week for you when it comes to letting yourself be heard, seen, and celebrated. On May 16, your planetary ruler Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus, where it remains for the next 12 months. Jupiter’s presence in Taurus harmonizes with your Pisces nature, and your sector of communication and creativity is activated. When you combine this transit with  Neptune, your second planetary ruler, currently in your sign, you’ll find that your imagination is through the roof — you may feel more inspired than you have all year! 

The Taurus new moon on 19th serves to kick things up a notch, especially after the more  emotionally-intense dark-of-the-moon period which takes place from May 15 to 18. This new moon will help you get more specific about where you’d like to direct your creative energy these next six months.  

Whatever new moon intentions you set this weekend are likely to sustain you throughout the rest of this year, so don’t play it safe, but also don’t overdo it. Think of the top three objectives you have for yourself as an artist and creator, and imagine yourself already reaching your chosen milestones. Jupiter is here to make sure you meet or exceed your goals. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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