Welcome to the final full week of 2023, cosmic beings! We’ve made it. During this first full week of Capricorn Season , take in the revitali...

Your Horoscope For December 24 to 30

Welcome to the final full week of 2023, cosmic beings! We’ve made it. During this first full week of Capricorn Season, take in the revitalizing energy from the solstice. Mercury and Jupiter are both in the final stretches of their retrogrades, in the respective signs of Sagittarius and Taurus. These two signs tend to stir up friction with each other, so even if we’re celebrating the holidays we may also feel restless and distracted as the week begins.

Fortunately, the Full Moon in Cancer strikes on December 26 at 7:33 pm EST, offering us a healing balm after a tumultuous year. This lunation occurs less than three hours before Chiron, the asteroid that represents our inner wounds, ends its retrograde in the sign of Aries. By mid-week, we’ll feel like we’ve overcome intense emotional hurdles and can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Life lightens up considerably this weekend once Venus leaves the mysterious sign of Scorpio on December 29 at 3:33 pm EST and enters fiery Sagittarius for the next four weeks. Then on the 30th, the highlight of the month occurs once Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, finally ends its retrograde in the sign of Taurus. Hooray! We are only a few days away from the end of Mercury Retrograde, which means we’re ending 2023 on a celebratory and vibrant note. Life’s truly looking up.

Read your horoscopes for your sun and rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, this week’s Cancer Full Moon lights up your sector of the home and your roots, and since Mercury, the Planet of Communication, is now retrograde in your fellow Fire sign of Sagittarius, activating your sector of expansion and travel, you’re likely to be taking a trip down memory lane during this final week of December.

Chiron, the asteroid that deals with our inner wounds, ends its retrograde in your sign on December 26, the same day as the full moon, making you hyper aware of the tremendous inner growth you’ve experienced these past five months.

Then on December 30, Jupiter shifts direct in Taurus, leading to a major boost in your money sector these next seven months. You’ll still feel the post-shadow effects of Jupiter Retrograde for over a month, but you’ll also feel like a significant weight has been lifted off your shoulders when it comes to financial pressures you’ve been dealing with. You can now see the path ahead more clearly, and this allows you to end 2023 on a happier and more stable note.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

This is a significant week for you, Taurus. Not only does the Cancer Full Moon light up your sector of communication and creativity on December 26, helping you open up your throat chakra and practice the art of vulnerability and transparency with yourself and others, but Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, ends its retrograde in your sign on the 30th. To say things are looking up for you is an understatement — the Universe has witnessed your struggle, and now you’re about to be blessed with tremendous rewards.

Venus, the Planet of Love, enters Sagittarius on the 29th, one day before Jupiter shifts direct in your sign. While you at times feel at odds with Sag energy, this will be a welcomed shift after the dramatic energy of Venus in Scorpio, which caused many shakeups in your closest relationships during Mercury’s retrograde.

Venus in Sag allows you to lighten up and not take everything so seriously, which can lead to you reconciling with someone with whom you had previously had a falling out. ’Tis the season to forgive yourself and others and welcome a fresh start.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, your planetary ruler Mercury has retrograded its way into Sagittarius, and it’s activating your sector of partnership and marriage. It’s best to keep an open mind and a non-judgmental outlook this week, but it may very well be easier said than done due to the influence of the Cancer Full Moon on December 26, which highlights your sector of money and self-esteem. You may be feeling much more sensitive than you’re letting on, which leads to taking everything people do or say more personally. Give yourself time to cool off rather than being reactive.

Fortunately, Venus’ shift into Sagittarius on December 29 counteracts this energy, by reminding you that the less you try to control your love life, the more what you really want shows up in your life. You’ll be in the mood to go on an adventure with a friend or lover who just gets you. It’s best to stick to places you’ve been to before though, because Mercury’s retrograde through Sag and Chiron’s shift direct in Aries could cause delays or speed bumps along the way.

This weekend, Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, ends its four-month retrograde in Taurus, stimulating your sector of spirituality and healing. You’ve been doing a lot of shadow work during Jupiter Retrograde, and now that Venus is in Sag and Mercury is about to end its retrograde on January 1, you’re emerging from the shadows and celebrating your essence, whole-heartedly.

Cancer Sun & Rising:

It’s an epic week for you, Cancer — the full moon strikes in your sign on December 26 at 7:33 p.m. EST, signaling an end (or rebirth) to a six-month cycle of renewal that began during Cancer Season earlier this year. Think back to where you were when you were celebrating your solar return, as well as the new moon intentions you set around the Cancer New Moon in mid-July. Many of them are likely to have come to fruition around this time, or alternatively, you may notice that you’ve outgrown some of the goals you had previously set for yourself, and that’s okay.

With Jupiter ending its retrograde in Taurus on the 30th in your sector of friendship and social networks, don’t be surprised if past friends or frenemies hit you up as the year comes to an end. You’ve been working on standing up for yourself and setting healthy boundaries so that you don’t get taken advantage of, but Chiron’s shift direct in Aries is also allowing you to admit when you have also been the problem.

Spend the weekend analyzing ways that you can be more honest about what’s working and what’s failing in your relationships, so that you can enter 2024 with your true friends by your side, while leaving passive-aggressive behavior behind.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, now that Mercury retrograde has shifted into Sag for the rest of the year, your mind is on relaxation and play, so do your best to limit how much work you do this week, or find ways to delegate your tasks. The Cancer Full Moon on December 26 activates your sector of spirituality, healing, and closure, so you’re likely to be in an introspective, homebody, and more emotionally reserved mood during the first half of the week. Allow yourself to live in your own cocoon without interruption while indulging in self-care rituals.

Venus’ shift into Sag on the 29th, followed by Jupiter’s shift direct in Taurus on the 30th helps boost your mood considerably. You’ll be in the mood to socialize, dream, fantasize, and play during Venus’ transit through a fellow Fire sign. Jupiter being direct in Taurus can also decrease the mental pressure you placed on yourself when it comes to your career trajectory. Doors that were once closed during the retrograde may suddenly re-open, and it’s up to you to decide if you still want to walk through them, or if you want to branch out on a new journey altogether.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, you’re in the final stretch of your planetary ruler’s retrograde, and now that it’s entered the sign of Sagittarius, and that Venus is also entering Sagittarius this week, you’re reflecting on what home and family means to you as the year comes to an end. You’ll feel the urge to set boundaries with family members who are expecting a lot from you. You may be known as the sign of service, but Mercury’s retrograde has caused you to re-evaluate who you tend to serve, and why. The Cancer Full Moon on the 26th lovingly harmonizes with your earthy nature, reminding you of the importance of tending to your feelings rather than trying to rationalize or bypass them.

The highlight of the week arrives on the 30th when Jupiter ends its four-month retrograde through Taurus, in your sector of expansion and long journeys. You may get bit by the travel bug as the year comes to an end, so do your best to plan a trip in the coming weeks or months, as you’re likely to feel quite inspired by switching up your daily routine and experiencing new parts of the world. If you can’t physically travel somewhere, you’ll be in the mood to start a new hobby or pick an old one back up as we enter the new year. Rebirth awaits!

Libra Sun & Rising:

This week’s Cancer Full Moon lights up your sector of career and reputation, Libra. You’re being asked to make decisions about your professional journey by following your heart rather than trying to reason your way through things. This may be easier said than done since Mercury, the Planet of Communication, is still retrograde this week in the fiery and unpredictable sign of Sagittarius. You’re infamously known for being indecisive, and Mercury’s final week retrograde (as well as Mars’ presence in Sag) isn’t doing anything to help matters. Perhaps the key to decision-making is to view your life like a video game, and just be along for the ride.

This may become feasible for you once Venus, your planetary ruler, leaves the intense sign of Scorpio and enters Sag on December 29th. Venus in Sag lights up your sector of communication and creativity, allowing you to be more emotionally and physically in tune with that truly lights you up. End the year by releasing the outdated relationships, mindsets, and habits that keep you stuck in cycles that you’ve outgrown. Once Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, shifts direct in Taurus on December 30th, you’ll feel like you’ve been given a blank canvas on which to design your dream life for the year ahead.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, this week’s Cancer Full Moon takes place in your sector of media, publishing, travel, and long journeys. Chances are you’ll be traveling this week or dreaming about going off on a get-away. This is a good idea because you’ve been feeling overstimulated during Mars’ transit through Sag, which is activating your money sector and leading to you primarily being focused on securing the bag. Use this full moon week to remind yourself of your worth beyond your financial and material accomplishments. Spending time near bodies of water and partaking in cleansing full moon release rituals is advised.

On the 29th, your money sector is further lit up Venus, the Planet of Love, leaving your sign and entering Sag for four weeks. This shift can help you lighten up as a lover and friend, allowing you to take yourself and others less seriously, which will spice up your dating and social life.

Then on the 30th, Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, ends its four-month retrograde in Taurus, which brings further relief to your love life. Your sector of partnership was most affected by Jupiter Retrograde, which is why you may have felt uncertain about your most intimate relationships. Your love life will improve significantly in the next seven months — with many Scorpios ending up in a serious relationship, or taking an existing partnership to the next level.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Your solar return has come and gone, Sag, but now that Mercury has retrograded its way back into your sign, it’ll feel like you’re experiencing the sequel to Sag Season. This is also due to the fact that Mars, the Planet of Action, is still in your sign until early 2024, encouraging you to focus on your rebirth process.

This week’s Cancer Full Moon could temporarily dampen your flames by forcing you to face emotions that you had previously buried or neglected. Is there an important conversation that you’ve been meaning to have but that you’ve been putting off? This is the week to get things off your chest, especially once Venus, the Planet of Love, enters your sign on December 29th.

The highlight of the week is when your planetary ruler Jupiter ends its retrograde in Taurus on December 30th. After four and a half months of perceived delays to your wellness journey, you’re going to feel a significant boost in energy and momentum as the year comes to an end. This is setting you up for a seven-month cycle of prosperity and physical vitality, as well as mental strength. Taurus energy is all about taking things step by step, so you’d be advised to create a checklist of your objectives that you’d like to reach during Jupiter’s final stretch in Taurus, and hold yourself accountable for meeting those goals. You got this!

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Happy Capricorn Season! You’re coming alive this week with the Sun in your sign, and even though Mercury has retrograded its way out of your sign and back into Sagittarius, activating your sector of spirituality and closure, you’re likely to still feel optimistic and blessed as the month of December comes to an end. This is largely due to the Cancer Full Moon taking place on the 26th in your sector of partnership and marriage.

Even if you’ve been putting off intimacy these past few months, this week’s full moon, combined with Venus’ entrance into Sag on the 29th, will make it clear that there are people in your life who absolutely adore you and want the best for you. Your mission is to make sure they know if the feelings are reciprocated. This isn’t the time to act too cool for school. Being vulnerable and honest about your feelings will pay off tremendously.

On the 30th, Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, ends its retrograde in your fellow Earth sign of Taurus. This occurs in your sector of fate, fun, and true love, which will help you become a more carefree and sensual being and artist. You’ll notice yourself feeling more creative and flirtatious as the year comes to an end, which could lead to you throwing a new year’s eve kickback or actually saying yes to impromptu invitations. Yay!

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, this week’s Cancer Full Moon will take you out of your comfort zone due to how sensitive it’ll make you feel. But this is actually a good thing, because as we enter 2024 you’re being asked to view your sensitivity as a superpower. Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, is gearing up to re-enter your sign for a 20-year stretch. And since Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio — one of the most sensitive and intuitive signs of the zodiac — you’re going to be more influenced by Water sign energy over the course of these next two decades, and this week’s full moon is an invitation for you to get used to it. Find ways to get more acquainted with what’s going on within your psyche and subconscious mind, either through journaling, therapy, or spending time near the water. You are the Water Bearer, after all.

On the 29th, Venus enters Sagittarius for four weeks, stimulating your sector of friendship and social networks. This serves as a welcomed contrast to the watery energy in the cosmos, allowing your more social and extroverted side to take the lead. Then the next day, Jupiter ends its retrograde in Taurus, in your sector of home and the roots. You may be in a more homebody mood as the year winds down, but that just means you’ll want to celebrate with people with whom you feel the most grounded and emotionally safe. Consider hosting an intimate kickback at your place with your ride or dies.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, now that the Sun is in Capricorn and your planetary ruler Jupiter is ending its retrograde this weekend, you very much feel like a caterpillar that’s emerged from its cocoon with a fresh set of wings. The Cancer Full Moon on the 26th is an invitation to dream up new ways of being, by first letting go of self-sabotaging behaviors or passive-aggressive tendencies that are holding you back. Be kind to yourself during this process of release, and consider doing a full moon ritual in the ocean or in the shower to help you visualize yourself dropping the dead weight.

Venus’ transition out of Scorpio and into Sag on the 29th highlights your sector of career for the next four weeks. You’re encouraged to take some time off work if possible, or find ways to incorporate more play and adventure into your professional journey, particularly if you’ve been stuck in a rut or uninspired lately. If you’re single or dating, you may meet your match at a work-related event such as a holiday party, or a colleague could set you up on a blind date that ends up working out in your favor.

Once your planetary ruler Jupiter ends its retrograde on the 30th, you have the green light to shoot your shot in all reams of life that have been on a standstill lately. You’ll still feel the post-shadow effects of the retrograde until February, but you’ll immediately notice that life is picking up speed and that your intentions are manifesting with greater ease. It’s what you deserve!

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