Take a deep breath, cosmic beings. We’ve made it through the two eclipses of the season, and now we’re emerging on the other side. With M...

Your Horoscope This Week: April 14 To 20

Take a deep breath, cosmic beings. We’ve made it through the two eclipses of the season, and now we’re emerging on the other side. With Mercury in its last full week retrograde, all zodiac signs will be in a reflective mood during this final week of Aries Season. We’re being encouraged to think back on how much we’ve transformed since the Libra lunar eclipse took place on March 25. Monday’s quarter moon in Cancer is the ideal opportunity to introspectively seek answers and to indulge in deep self-care. 

The highlight of this week occurs on April 20 when Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, makes a once-in-every-14-years conjunction to Uranus, the Planet of Surprise. This conjunction occurs in the sign of Taurus, and since Taurus represents material goods, sensuality, and practicality, these are the themes that will be amplified in our lives on a personal and collective level. This conjunction changes the course of our lives as we know it by amplifying our desires and creating innovative pathways for us to reach them. Enjoy this exciting shift! 

Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

How are you feeling now that you’ve experienced the solar eclipse in your sign, Aries? You’ll continue to tap into this transformative energy for the next year to come, and since Mercury is retrograde in your sign, you’re encouraged to ease your way into your fresh start rather than feeling like you have to have everything figured out right now. A lot will make more sense by the time we arrive at next week’s Scorpio full moon, so focus on being present in the moment this week and celebrating your existing blessings. 

On the 20th, Jupiter and Uranus conjoin in Taurus, activating your sector of money and self-esteem. You may be pleasantly surprised with a financial windfall within the next few weeks, or this weekend you may suddenly think of a great idea for increasing your revenue. The solution most likely has to do with decreasing the current responsibilities you have in order to make room for a more lucrative opportunity. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Enjoy this last week of Aries Season, Taurus, because once the sun enters your sign at 10 a.m. EST on April 19 (a bit earlier than usual), it’s game time for you. Aries Season was hibernation season, and last week’s solar eclipse in Aries helped you face your shadows head on and be honest with yourself about what you’ve outgrown. Now this week you’re integrating the lessons from the eclipse and cultivating a rich inner life, which will allow you to be outwardly celebrated once the Sun enters your sign this weekend. Happy start of your birthday season, Taurus! 

All eyes will be on you — in both a literal and cosmic way — starting April 20 when Jupiter and Uranus conjoin in your sign. A conjunction between these planets hasn’t occurred in decades, and it hasn’t happened in your sign in centuries. This is a period of redefining yourself, for yourself. You’re being offered a fresh slate and you can do whatever you want to do, as long as you give yourself permission to. Say yes to thrilling new adventures that present themselves during your solar return season. Say yes to joy! 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, with Mercury retrograde still going strong this week, you may be feeling tired from all the nostalgia that’s been filling your mind lately. But there’s a reason that you’re being pulled toward your past. It’s best for you to get curious about what the cosmos is trying to teach you, because once you’ve cleared the air and tied up loose ends you’ll be able to focus on what’s ahead. Monday’s quarter moon in Cancer is the ideal time to assess what your priorities are, and to also be honest about what you may still be mourning or missing. 

On the 20th, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus takes place in your sector of spirituality, healing, solitude, and closure. You may have an epiphany or a spiritual awakening of sorts. Use this weekend to chill out in your own haven, indulge in plant medicine such as magical mushrooms, listen to your favorite songs, meditate, and let your intuition lead the way. You’re gearing up for a major metamorphosis when Jupiter enters your sign on May 25, so enjoy this cocooning period before the breakthrough. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Whew, what a ride it’s been. You’re still taking in the intensity of the Aries solar eclipse which squared off with your Cancer nature. This final week of Aries Season could have you re-evaluating what you want to do professionally, but you may not make any final decisions until Mercury retrograde ends on the 25th. Instead, have fun imagining all the possibilities and writing down your intentions for the next six months, especially due to the quarter moon in your sign occurring at the start of the week. 

Then on the 20th we experience Jupiter and Uranus conjoining in the sign of Taurus in your sector of friendship, social networks, and technology. This conjunction is likely to simplify your social life, helping you be more discerning about who you share your visions and dreams with. Rid yourself of frenemies and surround yourself with people you can fully trust, because those are the ones you’ll want by your side once Jupiter enters Gemini next month and your spiritual ascension continues. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

The quarter moon in Cancer this week is encouraging you to truly ask yourself what your soul needs to feel a greater sense of emotional security. The solar eclipse in Aries lit you up and helped you understand just how powerful you are, but it could have also led to you easily being burnt out since Mercury is also retrograde in Aries at the same time. Now this week you’re receiving a chance to regroup and make sure that you aren’t rushing towards the finish line but that you’re instead creating a sustainable game plan to reach your goals. 

That plan may come into fruition this weekend, as on the 20th Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, aligns with Uranus, the Planet of Change, in the sign of Taurus. This takes place in your career sector, which could lead to sudden epiphanies regarding where you should be directing your energy for the rest of this year. If you haven’t yet set your new moon intentions, you’ll feel inspired to do so around this iconic conjunction — everything seems to be getting clearer now. 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, you’ve made it through a solar eclipse while Mercury is retrograde in Aries. That’s a lot to be proud of. Use this week’s quarter moon in Cancer to assess your social circle and get clear about the energies that feel fulfilling and reciprocal to you. That’s what you should be pouring more of yourself into, rather than chasing after people or situations who don’t seem to be prioritizing you. 

This weekend the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus harmonizes well with your Virgo nature, inspiring you to get out of your house and out into the world. It’s as though you’re looking at your life from a brand new set of eyes, allowing you to envision grander possibilities for yourself. There’s no need to make drastic decisions until Mercury has shifted direct on the 25th, but definitely journal the ideas coming to you. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, now that you’ve made it through the solar eclipse in Aries — as well as its conjunction to Chiron in Aries in your sector of partnership and marriage — you may be feeling more assertive about your romantic needs. But at the same time, Mercury’s continued retrograde through Aries in this same sector is making you a bit inconsistent in your approach to naming your needs. There’s still a major element of confusion or disorientation that you’re experiencing this retrograde season, so use this week’s quarter moon in Cancer to block out all the excess noise and tune into your intuitive awareness. What does your heart constantly need to feel safe and secure? 

On the 20th, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in your fellow Venus-ruled sign of Taurus may help you answer that question. It occurs in your sector of depth, merging, and outside resources, which means you’ll be understanding human psychology — both your own psychology and that of others — so much more profoundly. You’ll experience awakenings regarding some of the illusions you had previously fell for, and the realities that you must actually face. You may also receive partnership proposals (both romantic and business) around this time, so get ready for a period of major expansion. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, as we approach your annual full moon on the 23rd, you can tell that there are key decisions that you need to make to create greater stability in your life. But since we’re still feeling the effects of eclipse and retrograde season, you’re also advised to release the need to have everything figured out right now. Trust the messiness without immediately trying to clean it all up. There’s a lot of clarity that comes from perceived chaos. Use the quarter moon in Cancer at the start of the week to visualize your life beyond your current circumstances. What would you do and where would you be if you didn’t let your own mind’s limitations stop you from getting there and being there? 

On the 20th, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus strikes in your sector of partnership and marriage. Many Scorpios are likely to make a significant relationship decision during the final ten days of April, due to this conjunction combined with the intensity of the Scorpio full moon. Once again, pace yourself in your decision-making because Mercury is retrograde until the 25th. But if you suddenly receive a clear sign from the cosmos regarding whether to say yes or not to a current, past, or potential relationship, make sure you pay attention to that sign and do not ignore its messages. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sagittarius, as the week begins, the Cancer quarter moon may make you feel a bit uncomfortable due to the rush of buried emotions coming to the surface of your life. There’s a lot that you’ve been navigating this eclipse season, and perhaps you’ve been keeping busy as a way to escape the more tumultuous sensations that the combination of the eclipses and Mercury retrograde are bringing up for you. Start the week in the spirit of stillness, to calm your nervous system ahead of the major Jupiter-Uranus conjunction occurring on the 20th. 

You’re ruled by Jupiter, the Planet of Luck — and the largest planet in our solar system. On the 20th it connects with Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, in the sign of Taurus. This occurs in your sector of health, wellness, and service. You could receive an exciting work-related opportunity within ten days of this conjunction, or you could decide to get started on a health journey (or pick one back up) and actually commit to it this time. You’ll experience a major “Aha!” moment regarding the routines and systems you should put into place to guarantee your long-term wellbeing. It’s up to you to choose better for yourself, Sag. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, you’ve been a patient observer of the changes unfolding within and around you, especially now that Saturn is in the introspective sign of Pisces for the next two years and Pluto is now in Aquarius in your sector of security. You’re quite aware that even if you don’t always like change, there’s not much you can do about the fact that it’s a constant occurrence in your life. But this week’s quarter moon in Cancer is also encouraging you to have a lover, partner, or best friend with whom you can navigate and face life’s unexpected events, rather than doing it all on your own. Who do you trust and rely on most in your life? Your mission is to not be afraid of the power they hold, but rather celebrate them for being one of the lucky ones that your spirit feels called to open up to. 

On the 20th, Jupiter and Uranus conjoin in your fellow earth sign of Taurus. This influences your sector of fate, true love, and creativity and will make the last stretch of April a very exciting, romantic, flirtatious, and adventurous time. This is definitely a great weekend for going out on dates with yourself and others, taking on a creative project, or sharing something imaginative with your social network. You’ll be feeling more open-hearted during this conjunction, which could lead to an abundance of blessings and love pouring into your life. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, as the week begins the quarter moon in Cancer lights up your sector of health, wellness, and service. You may realize that you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed emotionally due to the unpredictabilities of eclipse and retrograde season, and this could be taking a physical toll on your body and your mind. Make sure that you’re getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and setting healthy boundaries during the first half of the week, because your planetary ruler Uranus is getting ready to conjoin with Jupiter this weekend, and you’ll need all the strength and presence you can get. 

On the 20th, the revolutionary Jupiter-Uranus conjunction occurs in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is a fixed earth sign that squares off (creates astrological tension) with your Aquarius nature. This indicates that at first you may resist whatever changes pop up with this conjunction, particularly concerning your sector of home, the past, and the roots. But soon you’ll overcome the resistance and lean into the transformation, which could lead to a significant breakthrough and/or blessing emerging in your family sector, such as the arrival of a new baby, choosing to move in with someone (or get married), or deciding to relocate or renovate based on your heart’s desires. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, as the week begins, the quarter moon in Cancer helps you be more reflective about what you want from love and intimacy. You can attract the attention of several suitors with your magnetism (and with the fact that Mars, the Planet of Action and Sex, is in Pisces). But the question is, who do you really want in your orbit, and are they even worthy of being there? With Saturn and Neptune also transiting through your sign, you’re being cautioned to not fall for the illusion or fantasy of who someone could be — particularly during Mercury retrograde in your sector of security — but rather get clear about what emotional needs you’d like them to fulfill, and what you have the capacity to offer them too. Reciprocity and transparency is key. 

This weekend the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus helps you gain greater clarity and trust, in others and in yourself. You’re ruled by Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, so its alignment with Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, in your sector of communication will lead to you surprising yourself and those around you with grand declarations of what must change and what must remain the same in order for you to fully show up for yourself, your relationships, and your purpose. This is a great weekend to journal with yourself, take part in therapy, or spend time with best friends who encourage you to speak your truth. Your mind will be filled with creative ideas. Allow yourself to indulge fully in them. 

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