The final week of eclipse season has arrived, cosmic beings. On April 8, a total solar eclipse new moon in Aries takes over the skies an...

Your Horoscope This Week: April 7 To 13

The final week of eclipse season has arrived, cosmic beings. On April 8, a total solar eclipse new moon in Aries takes over the skies and transforms life as we know it. Yes, life is a series of constant transformations, but since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, all zodiac signs can tell that we’ve embarked on a bold new chapter. 

Much of this fresh start will unfold over the course of the next six weeks, so there’s no need to rush to an imaginary (and often changing) finish line, especially since we’re in. But if you feel called to take a step in a more impactful or productive direction this week, listen to that call, and take that initial step. Then take another. 

This is Venus’ first full week in Aries, and all skymates are likely to feel more confident when it comes to expressing our needs and going after our creative desires. But we should also keep in mind that since this week’s eclipse forms a conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, we’ll have to tend to our own insecurities with love and kindness in order to transcend them and truly tap into our utmost potential. We got this! 

Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Happy solar eclipse, Aries! On the 8th, the solar eclipse in your sign revolutionizes the way you view, love, and treat yourself. If you’ve been making too many compromises due to your ruler Mars’ presence in Pisces these past few weeks, this eclipse will enlighten you to the path that’s always been mapped within your soul — you can liberate yourself from your own self-inflicted chains. You hold the key, and you are the locksmith. Your mission this week, Aries, is to not fear your own power. Instead, celebrate it and let it be felt from all corners of the world. 

Another reason to be bold and powerful this week is the fact that Venus is now settled in your sign for the next four weeks. This increases your magnetism and your ability to surpass your own expectations. Just make sure to not get too cocky under all this Aries energy in the cosmos, because since Mercury is also retrograde in your sign you may end up texting the wrong person or saying something you’ll later regret. You can have fun this week, but also make sure to move with intention and pay your dues as well. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, this week’s solar eclipse in Aries takes place in your sector of spirituality, healing, and closure. Because the eclipse forms a conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, chances are you’ll be in a more solitary mood this week, but it’ll also help you better understand what you must let go of and what habits you must release in order to step into your new chapter. Jupiter is here to help you trust the process, Taurus. Trust that the cosmos has your back, even if you can’t yet see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

With your planetary ruler Venus spending its first full week in Aries, also in your sector of closure, you may have heart to hearts with ex-lovers or past friends who resurface in your life this week. You tend to be an all-or-nothing lover, so if someone has wronged you or disappointed you it can be very challenging to give them another chance. 

But this time you can tell that they’ve evolved, and it may be worth your time to hear them out. You don’t have to make a set decision until Taurus Season begins, but be open to listening to what they have to say and sharing what’s on your heart, too. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Happy solar eclipse, Gemini! Your sector of friendship, technology, and social networks is lit up by Monday’s Aries eclipse, meaning that this area of your life is likely to go through a significant upgrade these next six months. This can only happen when you’re honest about ways that you’ve been holding on to habits, mindsets, and relationships that you’ve outgrown. 

This week’s eclipse will help you learn how to gradually release… It’ll be a process that may take some time though since Mercury is still retrograde in this area of your life. But by the time Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, enters your sign at the end of May, you’ll be in a completely different ballpark, filled with exciting new friendships. 

This is the first full week that Venus spends in your social sector, so even though we’re still in retrograde season you’d still benefit from indulging in some good old fashioned fun. Find ways to escape the regular work routine this week and go play — either with yourself or with a friend or two who you can fully be yourself with. You’ve made it through eclipse season — that’s something to celebrate! 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

This week is a game-changer for you, Cancer. The Aries solar eclipse strikes on Monday in your sector of career and reputation. This means that these next six months are likely to propel you to great heights in your professional journey, and it’s up to you to not be afraid of your ascension. This may be easier said than done though, because this eclipse forms a conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which means it may be easy for you to get bogged down with fears concerning reaching your long-term goals. Tap into Jupiter’s presence in Taurus in your social network sector and remind yourself to take your journey step by step, and to not be afraid to ask for help along the way. 

With Venus spending its first full week in Aries, you’re reflecting on ways you can boss up and take on more leadership capacities, both at work but also in your closest relationships. People may be used to you being in the passive role, but this eclipse week is awakening you to your ability to call the shots and tap into your cardinal nature and take things into your own hands. If you’re ready to level up, your actions will have to be in alignment with your subconscious thoughts. It’s go time! 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, with the solar eclipse in Aries taking place in your sector of long journeys, media, publishing, and expansion, you’re getting many signs from the cosmos that it’s time to put yourself and your talents out there and reap the rewards. This has been a long time coming, but since you’re ruled by the sun you won’t be able to resist the changes coming through right now — it’s best to surrender to this process of transformation and accept that life is helping you level up, big time. 

Beware of drama or misunderstandings taking place in your relationships now that Venus is in your fellow fire sign of Aries. Since this eclipse week is in connection with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, people’s egos may be easily bruised, including your own. Yes, it’s amazing to take a leap of faith and go off on your own ventures, but do your best to keep people in the loop if it’s going to affect their lives, or else they may assume that you’re being overly self-centered. But if you communicate that there are no hard feelings, you’re more likely to earn their respect, trust, and understanding. 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, this week’s solar eclipse new moon in Aries is reminding you of the power of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. You’re learning that “no” is a complete sentence, and you don’t have to explain yourself either. With your ruler Mercury still retrograde during this eclipse week, chances are you’re having flashbacks to moments in your past (even up to six years ago) where you were being overly accommodating to other people’s needs, at your own expense. This solar eclipse week is testing you to see if you’ve learned your lesson, and if you now know how to put your own needs first. 

Venus spends its first full week in Aries, further accentuating your sector of outside resources and mergers. Pay attention to the people who re-enter your life around this time. Exes, past friends, or potential lovers are likely to come knocking on your door, and while Venus in Aries encourages you to be bold, daring, and adventurous, you’ll also want to make sure you have both feet on the ground and that you’ve taken off the rose-colored glasses (since Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are all in Pisces in your partnership sector). Only reconnect with people who you know are good for your soul. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, this week’s solar eclipse in Aries takes place on Monday in your sector of partnership and marriage. Love will be on your mind all week long, and chances are a lot of it has to do with situationships or relationships from the past six months — you may feel like it’s time to make a significant decision regarding one or many of these partnerships. But it actually isn’t the time to take huge leaps of faith, because Mercury is retrograde in Aries in your marriage sector. Instead, use this eclipse week as an invitation to learn and grow from your past, so that once Mercury shifts direct on the 25th, you make wiser and more spiritually aligned decisions. 

Your planetary ruler Venus’ presence in Aries this week stimulates your entire mind, body, and soul. Your sex appeal will be through the roof during this transit, as will your sex drive. Your mission is to make sure you’re directing that energy toward the right person or people — don’t let everyone get a taste of your nectar, because they may not be worthy of it. Use Venus in Aries to get clear about what you want from love, and to keep your distance from what you don’t want, no matter how familiar it may feel… 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, this is the week where it all changes. The solar eclipse new moon in Aries takes place on Monday in your sector of systems, routines, wellness, and service. You’re being asked to take a hard look at where you tend to spend most of your time, energy, money, and resources. Is it paying off for you? Does the energy exchange feel easeful and reciprocal? If you find yourself feeling stuck or frustrated with any elements of your daily routine, what are they, and what changes can you implement to feel a greater sense of relief? If you’re brave enough to ask yourself these questions and begin to answer them, you’ll make it through this solar eclipse unscathed. You’re the captain now. 

With Venus spending its first full week in Aries, you’ll be seeking physical intimacy in a more aggressive way these next four weeks. For some Scorpios that could lead to having passionate rounds of love-making with someone who can keep up with your stamina and overall momentum. But for others you may decide to direct your sensuality toward artistic pursuits, such as creating a work of art (or several) that leaves everyone in awe. It’s also possible to mix physical and artistic pleasure due to the high intensity of eclipse season — just make sure you don’t get caught up in unhealthy patterns due to the influence Mercury’s retrograde in Aries

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, the solar eclipse in Aries on Monday occurs in your sector of fate, true love, and creativity. This eclipse helps you see yourself in a warmer and more loving light, and this also helps others do the same. If you can, take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and spend some time playing with your inner child this week, allowing them to take the lead. If they want to go see an improv show, go do that. If they want to jump on their bed, let them do that. If they want to have a naked dance party and rock out to ’80s rock music, have at it. The more you say yes to your wilder impulses, the more free you’ll feel. 

Venus spends its first full week in Aries, and this is great news for your social and romantic life. All eyes will be on you these next four weeks, and your mission is to focus on quality over quantity. Even if you’re used to flirting your butt off and leading people on, a part of you will be curious to see what happens if you direct your energy to the main person who gets you all riled up. Already in a relationship? Use Venus in Aries combined with Mercury’s retrograde in Aries to revisit important topics in your relationship that you’d like to get to the bottom of. Just make sure to maintain your sense of humor in the process. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, this week you’ll be in the mood to change up the way things roll at home. The solar eclipse in Aries takes place in your sector of roots, meaning that whatever drama has been unfolding during the dark-of-the-moon period at the end of last week may come to a resolution at the start of this week. 

As a cardinal sign you have a flexible enough nature to adapt to changing circumstances, even if you didn’t see them coming. But as an earth sign you can be resistant to change, unless it’s self-imposed. This eclipse week asks you to find a balance between wanting things to stay the same and trusting that life’s only going to get better than you can imagine. 

Venus’ first full week in Aries, also in your sector of roots, will teach you the power of believing things into existence, even before you can see them. You’re invited to think back to what your core values are when it comes to relationships. In your most ideal world, what type of lover and partner would you have by your side, and what type of lover and partner would you be? What can the successes and challenges of your past relationships teach you about how to show up in your current and future ones? Spend time this eclipse week reflecting on answers to these questions, as it’ll help you get clear on what your heart really wants and what your soul needs from love. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, this week’s solar eclipse in Aries lights up your sector of communication and creativity. These next six months are likely to be some of your most imaginative and exciting months for you when it comes to the work you create, the people you interact with, and the passions you pursue. Having Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, in your sign during this eclipse passage guarantees that the transformative journey you’re experiencing is ongoing and long-term, so there’s no need to rush the process, but instead trust the process. 

With Venus now in Aries for the next four weeks, your ability to get what you want increases, particularly when you act as if what you want is already yours. Venus in Aries is ideal for taking a look at some of your biggest dreams from this decade. What did you want to achieve in 2024 that you have yet to accomplish? The combination of Mercury’s retrograde through Aries and Venus’ presence in Aries gives you the push you need to give past projects another try, and to surpass your own expectations as a result of seeing things through. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, this week’s solar eclipse in Aries takes place in your sector of money and self-esteem, which means that over the course of the next six months your income will increase for the better. This is due to the fact that the north node is in Aries, and Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility, are both in your sign. You’re maturing more and more each day. 

But you also should remember to have fun and let yourself be fully present in the moment without overthinking what’s coming next. Tap into the playful nature of Aries this week and move your body — have a dance session in your room, do some kickboxing, or enjoy wild rounds of sex. The more playful and active you are, the better this eclipse energy will course through you. 

With Venus now in Aries for the next four weeks, a part of you may be interested in giving yourself a makeover. But keep in mind that Mercury is still retrograde in Aries, so if you’re going to switch up your style it’s best to go back to a signature look from your past that you know is going to look great on you rather than trying a completely new and more dramatic or extreme look, because it might not turn out the way you had hoped. 

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