ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI Cosmic beings, with the sun , Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all in Gemini this week, we’re collectively be...

Your Horoscope This Week: June 9 To 15


Cosmic beings, with the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all in Gemini this week, we’re collectively being called to have fun setting our new moon intentions and opening up to the expansion that’s possible within and around us. When you think of the growth you want to make room for in your life, make sure it’s the type of growth that involves people in your community, and all around the globe. The recent new moon magic wants us to connect our individual healing and freedom to the collective liberation of every being on Earth. 

We’re in the pre-shadow phase of Saturn’s upcoming retrograde in Pisces — which begins June 29 — and there’s a likelihood that the planetary squares that Neptune in Pisces form with Venus and Mercury in Gemini could lead to us being overly optimistic and somewhat delusional regarding what’s possible to achieve this week. Whenever you start noticing yourself getting lost in your thoughts or daydreams without a solid idea of what you’re aiming for, take time to ground yourself with the help of Mars’ entrance in Taurus on June 9. 

Mars remains in Taurus for the next six weeks, encouraging us to slow our roll, assess what it means to live a soulfully aligned life, and courageously make the choices to live in accordance with our values. If you were putting pressure on yourself to go, go, go during Mars’ transit through Aries, you’ll notice yourself paying more attention to your body and what it’s asking you to do. For many of us, that means more rest. 

Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, this week you’ll feel like you made it through a milestone, as Mars wraps up its six-week journey in your sign on June 9. Its entrance into Taurus for the next month and a half is likely to be an auspicious time for you financially, but this is only possible if you allow yourself to be patient during this journey. Your money goals may not manifest with as much swiftness as you’d like, but that’s because the cosmos wants you to be more intentional about what financial security means to you and why. Your lesson during this transit is to not equate your self-worth with the amount of money in your bank account. Your wealth is beyond that. 

This is an ideal week for setting your intentions for the Gemini new moon that occurred last Thursday. Since this new moon activated your communication sector, you’re likely to feel a significant difference in the amount of freedom you have when it comes to how you choose to express yourself. Emancipation looks so good on you, and the more you embody it, the more you liberate others, too. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, your solar season may have come and gone, but we’ve now entered your prime action season. Mars, the Planet of Magnetism, enters your sign on June 9 and remains there for the next six weeks. This transit activates the part of you that knows how powerful they are, and that wants to let that power emerge. This may be a slow process initially, so pace yourself during your chrysalis period, and have fun visualizing what you’ll do with your new set of wings. 

The energy from last week’s Gemini new moon is still quite strong, and since this new moon activated your sector of money and self-esteem, you’ll feel a surge of dynamic energy when it comes to switching up your usual financial routine. You may feel struck by inspiration concerning new streams of income, and whatever new pathways you explore this week are likely to lead to you doubling your revenue streams within the next six months. The key is to avoid getting distracted by all the glitz and glam and focus on pursuing what you truly feel a full-body yes about. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, how are you feeling after your annual new moon? We have a stellium of planets in your sign right now, so while a part of you may be feeling magnetic and irresistible, another part of you may feel restless and overwhelmed at all the attention and buzz you’re generating. The key is to spend time with yourself, soothing your nervous system, and using Jupiter’s presence in your sign to redirect your energy and resources toward what you actually want to be doing. 

Now that Mars, the Planet of Action, is in Taurus for the next six weeks, one of your cosmic lessons is to set firmer boundaries and protect your energy. Instead of being too trusting of people swarming around you, take time to get to know them — both their light and their shadows. Be willing to explore and reveal your own dualities and contradictions, too. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, this week you’re still buzzing off the energy of last week’s Gemini new moon which stimulated the deepest and most introspective part of your soul. You may be feeling like a baby chick that’s just emerged from its shell… You are reborn internally and trying to adjust externally. With this new moon energy going strong until the 16th, you’re encouraged to write down what this rebirth means to you and feels like for you. If you’ve outgrown a part of your life that you’re usually known for, don’t be afraid to start over in search of what’s possible beyond previous categorizations. 

Mars’ presence in Taurus in your sector of friendship these next six weeks deepens your closest ties in a way that feels healing to your nervous system. Mars’ transit in Aries had you a bit on edge and overly focused on your career, but now you’re reminded of the power of cultivating a sense of presence and harmony in your life, which means doing less, with greater intention. This is the season you find out who you can truly count on. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, bet on yourself this week. With the Gemini new moon energy still coursing through the cosmos and activating your sector of friendship and social networks, the more you put yourself out there in a carefree and open-hearted way, the more likely you are to attract the opportunities divinely meant for you. You may even attract more than what you bargained for, so take time to clear out what’s no longer a vibrational match and make room for what is. 

The one caveat of this week’s forward momentum is that Mars, the Planet of Action, is in Taurus for the next six weeks, and Taurus energy squares off (creates astrological friction) with your Leo nature. This may make you feel more stubborn, combative, and temperamental than usual. Find a physical outlet that allows you to let go of all that pent-up energy in a healthy and sustainable way. 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, now that the energy of last week’s Gemini new moon is getting increasingly strong, you’re feeling extra mercurial, especially when it has to do with envisioning what’s next for you professionally. You may be feeling pulled in several directions right now, and the perfectionist in you is being hard on yourself because you haven’t zeroed in on one set path. Stop trying to make that happen… It’s not gonna happen, babe. With Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, dominating the skies in Gemini, you’re being asked to embrace your multidimensional nature and give yourself permission to explore several possibilities, without limitation. 

At the same time, with Mars, the Planet of Action, entering Taurus on the 9th for a six-week stretch, your current life path may feel like a walking contradiction. One part of you wants to fly away and transform into someone new, and the other wants to feel grounded and safe doing and being what you already know. What if your process of transformation was more gradual rather than abrupt? What would that feel like? 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, Libra, Libra. All this Gemini energy in the cosmos is bringing out your dangerous and free-spirited side. With your sector of expansion, long journeys, and publishing activated, you’re on the search to grow beyond your current circumstances. Take time to set your Gemini new moon intentions before June 16 and have fun imagining new places you could travel to, exciting subjects you could study and teach, books or films you could publish, and innovative beings you can meet. It’s time to soar beyond what you’ve always known. 

This may be easier said than done though, because with Mars beginning its six-week stretch through Taurus on the 9th, it could feel like you have one foot on the pedal and the other on the gas. Fortunately, since the south node is currently in your sign for another year, you’re likely to feel more connected to your inner realm and intuition, allowing you to trust your instincts during this transit and not overthink the process. Focus on being here now, and take your journey breath by breath. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, at the start of the week your planetary ruler Mars enters Taurus, shifting your attention from finding ways to be extra productive to finding ways to be extra loved on. Because whether you want to admit it or not, you’re deeply craving love right now, especially with Uranus in your partnership sector and the Gemini stellium activating your sector of depth, merging, and intimacy. Your sexual energy increases and becomes more palpable due to these transits, and your mission this week is to find healthy outlets for that fire rumbling within you. 

You may feel called to set new moon intentions that are spiritually profound this week — you have until the 16th to take advantage of last week’s Gemini new moon portal. When combined with Saturn’s upcoming retrograde in Pisces, this cosmic energy is likely to have you taking a trip down memory lane, thinking of the highs and lows of relationship(s) that marked and transformed you most. Rather than getting hung up on what once was, view it all as a learning and growing experience. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, now that your ruler Jupiter is getting accustomed to its presence in Gemini, and that it’s conjoined with the recently new moon in Gemini, you may find yourself feeling more confident in your relationships — and more flirtatious, too. This is a great week for letting your hair down and enjoying the magic of connecting with people who love you when you’re most free. This is the season of finding your people and letting them know how much you appreciate their presence in your life. 

Speaking of presence, with Mars, the Planet of Action, now in Taurus for the next six weeks, a part of you may resist the slower pace that life suddenly seems to have, particularly after the fiery momentum of Mars’ transit through Aries. Get curious about where this resistance is coming from and why. Sometimes moving more slowly helps you become aware of careless mistakes and helps you avoid misunderstandings. View this transit as a blessing rather than a burden. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, as you enter this week, reflect on ways you can make your health and wellness routine more fun, adaptable, and adventurous. The recent Gemini new moon activated that sector of your life, and you have until June 16 to plant seeds of intention regarding how to switch up your usual work style and create more dynamic change in the way you serve yourself and others. You’re feeling tired of the same old ways of thinking and living, especially as we approach your planetary ruler Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces at the end of the month. This is a great week for reimagining the possibilities and stepping out of the box. 

Meanwhile, Mars’ transit through Taurus is here to guide you through any apprehensions you’re feeling regarding letting love in, particularly romantically. These next six weeks your sector of dating, creativity, and fate is activated by Mars in Taurus, encouraging you to take your time when cultivating intimate connections with people, while also remaining present and not projecting your relationship into an unknown future. This may not be easy at first, but with time you’ll start to cultivate greater faith in your ability to discern who has your best interest at heart and who’s worthy of your trust. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, your ruler Saturn is currently in its pre-shadow retrograde phase in your sector of money and self-esteem, so you may be feeling vulnerable when it comes to your finances and the direction in which you’d like to evolve these upcoming months. The energy from the recent Gemini new moon is supporting you making decisions in a group setting or with a partner you can count on rather than internalizing all this pressure and expecting yourself to figure things out solo. This is a great week for getting a mentor and letting go of the need to control every aspect of your life — tap into the freedom-oriented energy of Gemini season and go with the flow. 

However, this may feel easier said than done due to Mars’ presence in Taurus starting on the 9th. Taurus energy creates astrological friction with your Aquarius nature, which could lead to you bumping heads with people you don’t see eye to eye with. Avoid letting your ego or pride cause you to say or do things you’d later regret. Instead, consider venting to a close friend or therapist whenever you find yourself with a short fuse. Journaling or meditating in nature will also be a clarifying experience during this six-week transit. Remember to breathe. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, as you adjust to the energy of Gemini season, you’re invited to use Mars’ newfound presence in Taurus to explore creative pursuits or hobbies that have been on the back-burner most of this year. With Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility, preparing to begin its four-month retrograde in your sign at the end of the month, now’s the time to make sure you’re putting your own needs first and not sacrificing your joy for the sake of practical pursuits. Use the Gemini new moon portal (which lasts until the 16th) to vividly visualize where you’d like to be six months from now, and then reverse engineer your way to manifesting that intention. 

This week throws you out of your comfort zone by asking you to not fear speaking your truth, particularly with family members. Perhaps everyone is used to you accommodating their needs or not rocking the boat, but having the sun, Mercury, Venus, and your ruler Jupiter all in Gemini in your sector of roots and the home indicates that you’re ready for a significant change in your domestic sector. Don’t expect people to read your mind — let them know exactly how you feel, and make room for them to reveal their feelings too. Reciprocity and a healthy exchange of energy is key. 

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