The final eclipse of 2024 is here! Before breathing a sigh of relief, be aware that the solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 is a doozy....

The Last Eclipse Of The Year Is A Real Doozy

The final eclipse of 2024 is here! Before breathing a sigh of relief, be aware that the solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 is a doozy. So uncork the wine and grab a glass as we navigate the intense drama being brought our way. Take a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling, to ensure you can handle the information. 

IKYK what solar eclipses are. But here is a refresher to help everyone. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon travels between the Earth and the sun, creating a shadow upon Earth. There are a few types of solar eclipse. The total solar eclipse on April 8 made the moon completely block out the light of the sun. The upcoming lunation on October 2 is an annular solar eclipse because the moon doesn’t cover the edges of the sun, and light can be seen along its edges.

Astrologically, eclipses relate to the lunar nodes, known as the North and South Node of Destiny, which are points on the moon’s elliptical orbit. It’s important to note that the current North Node is in Aries and the South Node is in Libra. This will dictate where, how and when the eclipses occur and the sign they happen in. The moon’s nodes are mathematical degrees that show us the energy we are leaning in and away from. The North Node directs us where we need to grow and evolve in this lifetime, while the South Node dictates what we are moving away from and need to release. Since eclipses are known to bring change, we use this energy to improve our lives. Although they seem chaotic and messy, in the end we will learn and reflect upon this time as a momentous period of evolution.

Now, let’s explain the juice. Being that the eclipse is occurring in the sign of Libra, which is an alignment with the South Node of Destiny, we are letting go of the past; however, since it is a solar eclipse, which is a highly potent new moon, we are bringing newness into our auras as well. You might be wondering how this is possible and what it means. We are detoxing, removing the things that aren’t working in our lives in order to have a fresh start. Remember the saying “every new beginning comes from some other end” —  this is the time it is happening. The moment is here.

With the planet of communication, Mercury, in direct alignment with the eclipse degree, we might experience a lot of nervous energy. Also, we could receive information that may or may not be accurate. Rather than make assumptions and jump to conclusions, the Libra energy asks us to do the right thing and handle situations with kindness. Be fair in what you say and how you react. Put yourself in another person’s shoes before making harsh statements. Most importantly, try to find the middle ground in a discussion or argument. Doing so will help channel the vibe positively and get to the root of the matter.

Black Moon Lilith is a geometric aspect in the cosmos that dictates the furthest point of the moon’s orbit around the Earth. In the birth chart, Black Moon Lilith reveals our forbidden and taboo desires. Our shadow selves will be resurfacing during the eclipse so give this part of yourself a hug. Loving and honoring your wild and passionate side is critical to attaining self-love. 

Black Moon Lilith in Libra might push partnerships to the limit, as it represents the need to let go of relationships or dynamics that are holding us back from embracing our authentic selves. As a result, jealousies, annoyances and fears may arise. Compassion, self-reflection, meditation, breathwork and journaling can help us heal the wounds that exist within. 

The aftershocks of the eclipse could bring breakups and uncertainty. Before making any moves and committing to one way of thinking and feeling, assess what you want and need. It’s your life and you get to make the rules and decide how to move forward. Don’t let any outside noise or pressure influence your choices.

The solar eclipse in Libra urges us to bring balance into our lives and relinquish codependent tendencies. This may be seen in the form of partnerships, friendships or even addictions. The universe is waking up and shaking up our lives, and we must be in tune with the energy to get in line with the way the world is evolving. 

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