Cosmic beings, we are currently in an eclipse portal , which means so much is still unfolding under the surface. While we did make it thr...

Your Horoscope This Week: September 22 To 28

Cosmic beings, we are currently in an eclipse portal, which means so much is still unfolding under the surface. While we did make it through the lunar eclipse in Pisces, we still have to be patient as we make our way toward the solar eclipse in Libra which strikes next week on October 2. This final full week of September is also the first full week of Libra Season

The week starts off with the equinox, marking the start of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. The seasons are changing, and our internal worlds and biorhythms are shifting, too. Libra Season is a season of love, beauty, harmony, creativity, peace, and pleasure. All zodiac signs will benefit from letting Venus themes permeate their wellbeing: Say yes to intentionally socializing with people who make you laugh, enjoy switching up your look, and be willing to hear multiple perspectives with an open mind.  

With Venus entering Scorpio on the 22nd for the next four weeks, passion and sensuality will permeate the cosmos, making non-verbal communication more palpable than usual. We must be careful of getting caught up in power struggles during this transit though, so do your best to find healthy outlets for your anger or triggers rather than projecting them onto those around you during this emotionally heightened eclipse season. Fortunately, Mercury’s entrance into Libra on the 26th adds a sense of balance and harmony to the second half of the week, and gives us a preview of the abundance that’s to come with next week’s solar eclipse in Libra. Take it all in.

Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, you made it through the toughest part of the eclipse portal — the lunar eclipse in Pisces highlighted your deepest wounds and may have led to you reliving them, even if you would’ve preferred to pretend they didn’t exist. Now that the full moon energy is waning, you’re able to take a breather as the equinox strikes and focus on what’s to come rather than dwelling on the past. But still, if you feel remnants of nostalgia or past trauma emerging this week, nurture your sensitivity with kindness and patience, because your ruler Mars is still in the water sign of Cancer for several weeks, asking you to view your sensitivity as a superpower. 

With the sun and Mercury both in Libra this week, your sector of relationships is lit up, and you’re experiencing a preview of what next week’s solar eclipse in Libra may have in store. This is an ideal week to have clarifying conversations regarding what’s working for you in your relationships, and what you want to improve. Just make sure that you’re being honest with yourself and looking at your own habits and tendencies in the mirror (especially with Venus having entered Scorpio on the 22nd) so that you’re holding yourself accountable for the positive changes you’d like to make as well.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

You may still be shaken from the shifts that occurred in your friendship sector during last week’s Pisces lunar eclipse, Taurus. There’s no need to try to figure out why they happened or to try to control what happened, because the eclipse story is still unfolding. Plus, with your planetary ruler Venus shifting into Scorpio as the week begins, much of your attention shifts to your more intimate and romantic partnerships, so chill out when it comes to friendship drama and open your heart to the passionate connections that are ready to experience you fully. 

This first full week of Libra Season increases your Venusian tendencies, because Taurus is ruled by Venus, and so is Libra. Your sweeter, softer, and health-oriented side emerges under this solar season, which means you’ll be in the mood to tend to your body, meditate more, slow down, and be around people who make your nervous system feel calm. This becomes a heightened need once Mercury, the Planet of Communication, enters Libra on the 26th. Spend this week opening yourself up to perspectives outside of your own instead of being obsessed with being right.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, you may not realize how much you’ve been switching up on people, and that’s because you’re feeling the effects of Jupiter getting ready to begin its retrograde in your sign on October 9. This, when combined with the fact that you just made it through the penultimate Mercury retrograde of the year, can lead to you not being fully sure of where you want to devote your time and energy to, and why. Last week’s Pisces lunar eclipse may have created shakeups in your career sector, and this week is about learning how to be comfortable in this period of limbo, without immediately trying to jump to the other side. Be still. 

With the sun now being in your fellow air sign of Libra for the next four weeks, your sector of fate, true love, creativity, and youth is activated. You’re in the mood to flirt and be flirted with, and to view life as the ultimate adventure. You can tell that things are going to change swiftly and rapidly in the months to come due to next week’s solar eclipse in Libra, but at the same time, Jupiter’s upcoming retrograde is asking you to not bite off more than you can chew… Focus on completing your current missions on a strong note before taking on anything new. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

You should be proud of yourself, Cancer. You made it through the toughest part of eclipse season — last week’s lunar eclipse in Pisces has come and gone. However you’re most likely still feeling the remnants of the eclipse, which is teaching you how to surrender to divine timing without feeling like you have to constantly watch behind your back or protect yourself from the next hardship. What would it look like for you to trust that even if things feel like they’re breaking down, it’s actually because you’re on the verge of a major breakthrough? 

This first week of Libra Season encourages you to go with the flow by opening up to new social experiences, particularly with family members, soulmates, or close comrades. While having the sun and Mercury both in Libra can lead to everyone being in a chatty and outgoing mood, you’ll only want to indulge in socializing with people you can trust, especially since there’s still a lot being revealed due to this eclipse season and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn (in your sector of partnerships) energy. Take your time when deciding who to trust and who to keep at a safe distance.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, you’re like a phoenix rising from the ashes now that you’ve made it past the lunar eclipse in Pisces. If you’re feeling a bit tender during this portal week in between eclipses, you’d benefit from using this entrance into Libra Season as an opportunity to rest, chill, mellow out, and take things off your plate. If you feel like you need to be doing more, you should actually be doing so much less. Mars, the Planet of Action, is in Cancer in your sector of healing and spirituality, so the more you try to push and force things into existence, the less likely you are to get what you want.

With Libra energy activating your sector of communication, and the sun and Mercury both floating through Libra while Venus, the ruler of Libra, is now in Scorpio, this week you’ll feel a contrast between your desire for light-hearted conversations with friends and romantic companions, and a more intense, mysterious energy permeating your consciousness due to Venus in Scorpio. Make space for this paradox — don’t feel like you have to be super social if you want to be introspective, and don’t feel like you have to shut yourself off from the world when you’re craving connection. Find a middle ground that helps your nervous system feel at ease.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, now that we’ve entered Libra Season and the equinox has struck, your sector of money and self-esteem is being activated these next four weeks. You’re opening up to new forms of showing up for yourself and expressing your gifts and talents. This is the season to hype yourself up and not hide your light or your magic, because the upcoming solar eclipse in Libra will lead to a major boost in income if you’re brave enough to step out of your comfort zone in a consistent way. Take time this week to explore your own limiting beliefs so that you’re not the main one standing in the way of the abundance that wants to enter your life. 

Meanwhile, Venus’ first week in Scorpio is activating your sector of communication and creativity for the next four weeks. You may find yourself magnetically drawn to your crush, or you’ll notice that those who are into you are sending you subtle signs that they want your attention. You’re even more selective about who you’re sharing your energy with during this transit, but be aware that you also run the risk of becoming a bit obsessed with someone due to the extreme Scorpionic energy in the cosmos. The first step is awareness.

Libra Sun & Rising:

Happy Libra Season, Libra! Your solar return is in full gear, and since we’re in eclipse season it may feel like everything in your life is being supercharged with momentum and a strong potential for rebirth. The key is to breathe and centered amid all the sudden change that you’re feeling within and around you. With Mars still in Cancer for several weeks, remind yourself to slow down regularly even if you’re really excited about the metamorphosis that you can feel transforming every aspect of you. Next week’s solar eclipse in your sign will be the fresh start you’ve been ready for all year long, and it’s particularly potent because it’s the final eclipse that we’re experiencing when the South Node, symbol of our karmic past, is still in your sign until January 2025. 

How much have you grown since July 2023, when the South Node first entered your sign, Libra? That’s the question you’ll be asking yourself, especially now that Venus, your planetary ruler, is in Scorpio for the next four weeks, activating your sector of self-esteem and security. You’re focused on more serious concerns with Venus now in Scorpio, and more serious individuals are likely to be focused on you. This is a great transit for filtering out the fakes from the real ones, and also checking yourself to make sure you’re being genuine with your own intentions. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, so much has changed in just one week ever since the Pisces lunar eclipse has struck. And so much will continue to change. Take a breather during this first full week of Libra Season, which is activating your sector of spirituality, healing, and closure. This is your annual hibernation season, but since we’re in between eclipses, you may feel more activated than in past years. Pay attention to the messages you receive in your dreams now that the equinox has struck. A new beginning is on the verge of arriving, and there may be subliminal signals that you’re receiving due to Neptune and Saturn both being retrograde in Pisces. Pay attention to the signs, but don’t try to make sense of them yet. They will make sense soon. 

With Venus, the Planet of Love, in your sign for the next four weeks, you’re giving off main character energy, well ahead of Scorpio Season beginning. You’ll notice that you have a more magnetic effect on people, and your relationship with money will improve during this transit as well, allowing you to make money moves with more discernment, discipline, and confidence. Just beware of jealousy and power struggles potentially emerging between you and those in your orbit. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, you may still be feeling sensitive and tender after last week’s lunar eclipse in Pisces. The airy vibes of Libra Season can help ease any remaining triggers that you’re feeling, especially when you choose to connect with friends who appreciate your sense of humor and can help you take things light-heartedly. Having both the sun and Mercury in Libra in your sector of friendship and social networks indicates that you’ll be reflecting on what your values are in your closest connections, and also making sure you’re living in alignment with those values. 

Venus now being in Scorpio is activating your sector of spirituality, healing, and closure for the next four weeks, which serves as a contrast to the more extroverted energy of Libra Season. You’ll be more sensitive to what’s not openly spoken, both by yourself and others. If you notice shadow thoughts emerging during this transit, do not try to deny or negate them. Invite them in for tea and get curious about what they’re here to teach you. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

You probably feel like your throat chakra has been unlocked now that the Pisces lunar eclipse has struck in your sector of communication and creativity, Capricorn. With Neptune, the Planet of Illusion, currently in Pisces, harmonizing with Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, which is in your sign for two more months, the cosmos is encouraging you to let your more sensitive and vulnerable side emerge. You’ll attract people who are drawn to your softness and want to pour into you. Your mission is to accept the love that’s coming your way, especially since we’re now in Libra Season, and Libra is all about partnership. 

Venus is in Scorpio for the next four weeks, and with Mars, the Planet of Action, in the water sign of Cancer for several weeks too, you can’t escape the more emotional side of life right now, Capricorn. Venus in Scorpio activates your sector of friendship and social networks, encouraging you to view platonic relationships as a priority, even if you tend to be your own best friend first and foremost. Figure out ways you can spend time with people who are supportive of your talents and not jealous of them. Make sure you’re showing up for others the way you want them to show up for you.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, now that the Pisces lunar eclipse has passed, you’re feeling inspired to showcase more of your creative gifts — not only for the sake of external validation, but mainly because it’s a source of healing for you. As we approach the lunar nodes changing signs into the Pisces-Virgo axis in January, you’ll be reflecting on ways you can better share your gifts with the world, simply for the sake of shining and letting your inner child explore their divine gifts. The monetization of those gifts doesn’t have to immediately occur right now, although next week’s solar eclipse in Libra could bring forth an auspicious opportunity. 

Venus’ presence in Scorpio these next four weeks squares off (creates astrological friction) with your Aquarian nature, so at first you may be caught off guard by the intensity and emotional vulnerability that this transit generates. But instead in letting this transit trigger you, you’re invited to be transformed by it, especially since Pluto, the Planet of Transformation (and Scorpio’s planetary ruler), is currently retrograde in Capricorn for the next two months, activating your sector of healing and solitude. There’s something potent about this Capricorn-Scorpio energy, aiding you in taking a break from externally asserting yourself, and instead focusing on internally healing yourself. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, how are you feeling now that the lunar eclipse in your sign has come and gone? What occurred last week is simply a preview of some of the themes you’ll be dealing with over the course of the next two years, as the eclipses are shifting into the Pisces-Virgo axis, along with the lunar nodes following suit at the start of 2025. This week between eclipses can help you purify your life by getting rid of the remaining deadweight that you may have been holding on to. Libra Season encourages you to move your body rather than getting stuck in your feelings. 

This may feel like a bit of a contradiction though, because Venus, Libra’s planetary ruler, is currently in Scorpio for the next four weeks, and your fellow water sign of Scorpio is all about being submerged by feelings, and practically consumed by them. If thoughts of passionate romance and stimulating encounters fill your mind this week, chalk it up to this sensual and erotic transit, which brings out the steamiest parts of you and makes you irresistible to your most charming suitors. Enjoy this energy — but also know that being a tease can backfire, so be selective with who you choose to share your magic. 

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