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Give a Girl a Kiss She Will Never Forget

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While kissing might be important to both sexes, it's particularly of importance to females. This is due to the fact that women can intuitively pick up on your personality by the way you kiss. Research has been done that shows kissing another person was able to show whether they were  warm & compassionate or a cold person. They were able to do this through observation of hundreds of couples and found out that the way people kissed displayed certain personality traits… traits that women will be able to get a sense of right away when kissing you!
While kissing might be important to both sexes, it's particularly of importance to females. This is due to the fact that women can intuitively pick up on your personality by the way you kiss. Research has been done that shows kissing another person was able to show whether they were  warm & compassionate or a cold person. They were able to do this through observation of hundreds of couples and found out that the way people kissed displayed certain personality traits… traits that women will be able to get a sense of right away when kissing you! Some kisses that people do are not that important. This is how to change the kiss so it important
== Steps ==
== Steps ==
#  Brush your teeth! Nothing worse then kissing someone that has halitosis breath.[[Image:Give a Girl a Kiss She Will Never Forget Step 1.jpg|center]]
#  Brush your teeth! Nothing worse then kissing someone that has halitosis breath.[[Image:Give a Girl a Kiss She Will Never Forget Step 1.jpg|center]]

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