Creating a new article via the Article Creator New page Many people think that to be healthy you have to exercise everyday for months and ...

Become Healthy Without Excersize

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Many people think that to be healthy you have to exercise everyday for months and months, you don't have to. There are a few steps you can use everyday to be healthy. These steps aren't hard to do and don't require going to the gym. Read to find a way to lose that weight and become the heathy person you know you want to be.

== Steps ==
=== Eating ===
# This is not dieting. To become healthier consider watching what you eat. Instead of going to a fast-food place try going to the grocery store and getting some veges and rice to make a stir fry. Or try not eating until you feel like you gonna burst, eat a small amount then talk, then eat a little, more talk and so and so on.

=== Taking Walks ===
# Instead on going to the gym once a week and working out, consider going on 10 minute walks every day. This will relax you, and you will get some of those calories.

=== Healthy ===
# In general, just htink healthy. Don't sit on the couch eat hamburgers and watching tv, make a salad and sit down at the table with the family. Don't sit on the couch 24/7, go for walks!

== Tips ==
* No matter how tough it seems, keep going, it will get easier.

== Warnings ==
* Don't go too far. Don't starve yourself and go for 5 hour walks, take it slow.


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