New page: Wag is a dog-walking service that connects dog owners with local dog walkers, offering a convenient way to communicate with and pa...

Contact Wag

New page: Wag is a dog-walking service that connects dog owners with local dog walkers, offering a convenient way to communicate with and pay local walkers. If you're trying to contact Wag as a w...

New page

Wag is a dog-walking service that connects dog owners with local dog walkers, offering a convenient way to communicate with and pay local walkers. If you're trying to contact Wag as a walker, there are several numbers to call that will let you speak with a Wag representative as well as a number you can text for general questions. If you're a dog owner, use the submission form or call the live support number for personalized help.
===Using Wag Support as a Walker===
#Call 628-400-5368 if you’d like to ask about your Wag application. If you applied to be a dog walker for Wag and want to check on your application status, this is the number to call. The Wag spokesperson will be able to give you an update and let you know if there’s any other information they need from you.<ref>>
#Text 323-238-8002 for general support. Call or text this number if you’d like to speak with a Wag representative immediately but it isn’t an emergency. You might text them to ask what their cancellation policy is or if you’re allowed to give a dog medication.<ref>>
#Visit the dog walker support page to find the category you’re looking for. The information page specifically for dog walkers can be found at Here you’ll find different categories to help answer questions about things like your account, the Wag app, or how to get started as a dog walker.<ref>>
#*You can also read about safety and request someone to cover for your scheduled dog walk through the dog walker support page.
#Dial 628-400-4426 if you have an emergency. This is the number to call if you have an urgent problem that needs to be dealt with. This could be an emergency like the dog ran away or a pet is injured.<ref>>
#*If there’s a pet emergency, the dog owner will be contacted.
#Type a message using the submission page for non-urgent matters. Wag has a submission form that you can use to ask about any general questions you have. Specify the subject of your question using the drop-down menu before typing your message in the message box and submitting it.<ref>>
#*This form also asks for your name and email address.
#*Wag should respond to you within 24-48 hours.
#*Sample question topics include “I have a lock box question,” “I have a billing/finance question,” or “I’m a Wag walker and I want to update my availability.”
===Talking to Wag as a Dog Owner===
#Use the dog owner page to find answers to general questions. This page can be found at Select a category to read about topics like “Services,” “My Account,” or “Schedule Changes.” The information here might be able to answer several of your questions, depending on the topic.<ref>>
#*Other category options include “Contact Your Walker,” “Home Access,” and “Preparing for Your Booking.”
#Call 323-210-4096 to talk to a live support representative. If you’re a Wag client who has a question that you’d like answered right away, call the live support line to speak to a Wag spokesperson. They can answer questions regarding things like issues with a dog walker or questions you might have about payments.<ref>>
#*This is a great number to call for any general questions that you’d like answered by a real person.
#Send a message using the submission page for less urgent questions. The Wag help submission form, found at, is a great way to contact Wag about matters that don’t require an immediate response. Choose a message topic on the form before typing in your personal information along with your message or question.<ref>>
#*The submission form asks for other information like your name, email address, and phone number.
#*Wag support will respond within 24-48 hours.

*Visit the general help center at



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