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Win the Great Midwest Trivia Contest

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At the alma mater of an actor who was raised by his five sisters "because my father was a surgeon, my mother was a nurse and they worked together, so I didn't see either of them much", a contest lauded by a bunny appreciation magazine as a "nonnatural catastrophe" is held. How does one win this competition?

== Steps ==
# The great midwest trivia contest is constantly in session, as the final question of one year's session starts the contest the next year. However, the most exciting time to play occurs on a weekend in January. It is recomended that one waits for January to initiate play.
# On the first night of the contest call the apropriate phone number some time after 8:00 and before 10:00:37 to register a team. Teams playing on Lawrence University's campus should call (920) 832-7140, while teams playing off campus should call (920) 832-7148Coming up with a whitty team name is imperative to one's sucsess, as team names are read out on air at various points in the contest. A sweet team name like "Punk Ass Book Jokies" is ideal.
# At 10:00:37, the contest will begin with a reading of the Trivia Credo, and an introduction of the Trivia Masters (hallowed be thy name-s). Following these introductions, the first question will be asked. The first question is the same as the last question from the previous trivia session. Well preped teams save this information each year to jump start their game each year.
# From here on out, questions are asked continuously for the next 50 hours. During this time, it is imparative that teams remain plugged in to WLFM's live stream, to avoid missing the answer to a question. Things to to keep in mind as they pretain to questions:
#* Each question is read aloud twice, at which point a three minute timer is started.
#* During this three minute time period, teams frantically search for answers in the bowels of the internet.
#* When a team finds the correct answer, they submit their answer by calling in to the trivia phone line.
#* At the conclusion of the three minute time period, a cow bell is rung to signify the close of the answer-window.
#* Once scores for correct answers have been tabulated, the names of teams to sucsessfully answer questions are read on air.
#* Following the reading of the team names, the next question is read.
#* Each correct answer is awarded 5 points.
# In addition to completing "normal" questions, a sucsessful trivia team needs to complete action questions. These questions are challanges in which teams complete some task as defined by the trivia masters (hallowed be their names).
# With that, you should be ready to win the Great Midwest Trivia contest. I mean really, how hard can it be? Its just trivia, right?.....................right?

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