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The long coveted secret...
== Steps ==
# Aquire the nesecary materials-Rope-Sturdy beam at least 10 feet above the floor-A stool or chair
# Place the rope on a flat surface in the shape of the letter "C."Form an "S" shape with the rope.Compress the "S" shape.Pinch the three lines of rope together in the middle.Take the top of the original "C" and wrap it around the pinched space.Poke the end of the rope through the top of the loop left by the "S".Pinch the coiled part of the rope. Pull the loop on the right-hand side of the bow until it closes the loop on the left.
# Tie the un knotted end of the rope to the beam
# Stand on the stool
# Put your neck in the loop and tighten
# Kick the stool
== Warnings ==
* This process can be dangerous
== Steps ==
# Aquire the nesecary materials-Rope-Sturdy beam at least 10 feet above the floor-A stool or chair
# Place the rope on a flat surface in the shape of the letter "C."Form an "S" shape with the rope.Compress the "S" shape.Pinch the three lines of rope together in the middle.Take the top of the original "C" and wrap it around the pinched space.Poke the end of the rope through the top of the loop left by the "S".Pinch the coiled part of the rope. Pull the loop on the right-hand side of the bow until it closes the loop on the left.
# Tie the un knotted end of the rope to the beam
# Stand on the stool
# Put your neck in the loop and tighten
# Kick the stool
== Warnings ==
* This process can be dangerous
from wikiHow - Recent Changes [en]