The sun gets a lot of love in astrology, and sometimes I feel like the moon isn't receiving its fair share. Not just with regards to yo...

What The Phases Of The Moon Really Mean In Astrology

The sun gets a lot of love in astrology, and sometimes I feel like the moon isn't receiving its fair share. Not just with regards to your moon sign, either. Every 29.5 days, the moon goes through eight cycles. Just like the Sun's placement in the sky can help predict your personality traits and even influence current events, the phase the moon is in at any given time — and the cycle you were born under — has a huge influence on your life, mindset, and mood.

"The stages correspond with the stages of the planting cycle, beginning with the potential represented by the seed planted in the ground," Leslie Hale, psychic astrologer at, tells Refinery29. "Events in our life begin to unfold as the same way the seed takes root and begins to grow," she says. "Being born during the various moon phases affects the personality, and the personal focus in life."

Adds Mysticalcraft Arriana, a advisor and tarot card reader, "Knowing what the moon phase was when we were born is essential, as it allows us to add knowledge in life." Your fate isn't necessarily predetermined because of where the moon was on your birth chart, but you may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.

We asked Hale and Arriana to tell us what each moon phase means for life here on Earth. And for those who want to dig a little deeper, we also asked about the personality traits typical for people born under each phase. To find out what the moon looked like when you were born, plug your birth date, time, and place into a birth chart generator, like the one on Chani Nicholas's website. Then swipe through.

New Moon

The new moon is a time of reflection, explains Arriana. During new moons, you should lean into the energy by reassessing your options, or reviewing your plans for the next few weeks, months, or even years.

If you were born on a new moon, you may tend to avoid the spotlight. "There is always a great deal of activity around those born on this moon phase, but like the seed that is planted under the ground, others may not know about it," explains Hale.

"These individuals are drawn toward many new beginnings as opposed to endings, and they often make intuitive decisions," she continues. New moon-ers can often be emotionally confused and swayed by others. Hale also notes that those born on a new moon are slower to find a life partner than someone born on a full moon. They may be on the more thoughtful end of the spectrum when it comes to love, holding out for a perfect match.
Photo: Courtesy of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.

Waxing Crescent

During a waxing crescent, it's important to make moves towards your goals and desired outcomes for the month. "This is the time to start planting the seeds for your future," Arriana explains. "Take first steps toward your goals and towards your planned changes."

"This moon signifies intentions. This is often when we begin to actualize events that began at the start of the new moon," Hale adds.
"Those born on a crescent moon are self-assertive and determined with a desire to follow what may seem like an inner command or personal urge," she continues. Waxing crescent babies are drawn to do good in the world, Hale says, but, "Like the seed in its early stage they can feel a sense of struggle and frustration in life."
Photo: Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto/Getty Images.

First Quarter

The first quarter moon is a time to take action, says Arriana. "Be brave as you set forth the changes you are planning and reaching for," she encourages. "This is when the Moon seems to be a half-moon, so you are still adding light to your plans." According to Hale, you may notice you tend to make more decisions during first quarter moons.
Those born under this phase have a strong will and an ability to push through obstacles and make decisions. "They often experience personal satisfaction at overcoming obstacles," Hale says, "but there can be a tendency toward escapism and a defeatist attitude on the negative side."
Photo: Jamie Cooper/SSPL/Getty Images.

Waxing Gibbous

The moon looks bigger than half-full, but not completely full during this phase, and it's getting larger. It's a time to take stock of where you're at with your plans and goals, and assess your strategy for going forward. "Do we need to readjust our ideas and options or do we proceed ahead?" Arriana says. Hale calls it, "the time to refine ideas."
"Those born on a Gibbous moon are eager to improve others and themselves, and have an innate ability to evaluate things carefully, leading to the ability to bring things to successful conclusions," Hale says. Waxing gibbous moons like to get things done, and well.

"They often have large spiritual aspirations and can be devoted to those they consider larger than life," Hale continues. They tend to have strong connections too, surrounding themselves with loved ones, friends, and family.Photo: Alan Dyer/VWPics/Universal Images Group/Getty Images.

Full Moon

This the phase where the moon is the most energetic — the biggest and the brightest. "Your strength will be intense and your confidence high, so it's the time for action," Arriana says.

"You become aware of your effects upon others and they respond accordingly," Hale says, of full moons. "You may receive some form of clarity about your situation."
People born under a full moon "often have concrete ideals or receive illumination themselves," Hale says. But they may find themselves flip-flopping, shifting quickly from emotional to logical thinking. "They may have a sense of being divided against oneself," she says.

Hale says that politicians born under a full moon are always a polarizing influence — she lists Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump as examples. Photo: Matt Cardy/Getty Images.

Waning Gibbous or Disseminating Moon

"Now you have shown the world what you are made of, it's time to fine-tune the smaller details to make it your own," explains Arriana, referring to the waning gibbous phase. This is a time to reflect on your actions from this past month, and also a great time to figure out ways to enhance your life's journey.

If you were born under this moon, Hale says that you have an innate ability to demonstrate what you have learned, and you fight for what you believe in. "On the negative end, there can be tendencies toward fanaticism or mental confusion. People born under a waning gibbous moon can become lost in social and moral conflicts," she says.
Photo: Jamie Cooper/SSPL/Getty Images.

Last Quarter

The last quarter moon phase makes it easier to let go of what's not working for you, Arriana says. "Each path is unique as we are all special to our talents and goals, this is where you are true to yourself as you make life yours."
"The last quarter type often has organizational and managerial abilities," Hale says. "They have broad social ideals and can force issues and create a crisis to transform something, and build new systems and work for future goals regardless of personal cost."

"On the negative side, it is hard for these individuals to accept personal criticism and they can have a dictatorial attitude," Hale says.
Photo: SSPL/Getty Images.

Waning Crescent or Dark Moon

A waning crescent moon is the perfect opportunity for downtime. "This is the time for you to zone out and rest up as you have built a stable path," Arriana says. "Before you step forward again, you need to recharge your batteries."
"If you were born on a dark moon you my experience eagerness to serve in organized groups and social institutions," Hale says. You may often feel a sense of personal destiny or being led by superior powers.  You may even have a prophetic gift.
Photo: VW Pics/Universal Images Group/Getty Images.

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