Sometimes it’s better to leave things unsaid. We may have to bite our tongues on Sunday when a retrograde Mercury forms a square against ru...

Your Horoscope This Week

Sometimes it’s better to leave things unsaid. We may have to bite our tongues on Sunday when a retrograde Mercury forms a square against rule-making Saturn. It’ll be work to collect our thoughts as these planets clash, but worth it to avoid any misunderstandings. 

We’re ready to get things moving in the right direction again on Tuesday, as Mercury stations direct in social Libra. We’ll welcome the clarity and ease — but we’ll still have to be careful with our words and avoid jumping into new projects until November 19, when Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow or retroshade concludes.

On Tuesday, flirtatious Venus creates a challenging quincunx with dynamic Uranus. We’ll be drawn to excitement — verging on drama. We’ll have to be on the lookout for people who may not have your best interests at heart, and be wary of our own tendency to push out loved ones away. The transit offers us an opportunity to practice talking through our feelings and allowing ourselves to become more flexible.

A forward-moving Mercury forms a square against Saturn for the second time this week on Friday. We’ll have to take what we learned on Sunday, during the first passing of this transit, and work to become more mindful of our impact on others. 

We’re pulled between our egos and our ambitions on Saturday, when the Sun makes a quincunx with fiery Mars. Translation: What we think we want isn’t what we need. The true key to fulfillment during this transit is by focusing on how we can help out others.

March 21 to April 19

Are you ready to go with your gut, Aries? It’s easier for you to make decisions starting Tuesday, when routine-ruling Mercury stations direct in fair-minded Libra. Take your time getting back into your schedule as the messenger planet builds up momentum through his post-retrograde shadow period, which ends on November 19. Try not to take work so seriously on Friday as habit-minded Mercury forms a square against career-ruling Saturn. It’s okay to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. Brush your shoulders off and keep a positive attitude during this challenging transit. Your pleasure-seeking Sun moves through your 8th house of transformation, mystery, and dramatic change on Saturday and makes a quincunx with ruling Mars creating a disconnect between your need for depth and your sense of self. Meditate on how you can separate yourself from your ambitions to see clearly through this transit.
April 20 to May 20

Are you gaining confidence in managing your money, Taurus? On Tuesday, financial-ruling Mercury stations direct in Libra on Tuesday, putting you up for the challenge of learning new budgeting lessons. But continue to err on the side of caution with your hard-earned cash during Mercury’s post-retrograde period, through November 19. Ruling Venus creates a challenging quincunx with status-minded Uranus on Tuesday, tempting you to apply for a new job at a more risky company or to begin an entrepreneurial venture. Think on the move, and see how you feel after this transit has passed before making any life-changing decisions. Your needs and your ideals may not match up on Friday, as materialistic Mercury forms a square against intelligent Saturn. Strive to find a happy medium, and seek out sustainable options and shop with a mindful attitude.
May 21 to June 20

How do you handle clashing opinions, Gemini? You may need to manage some challenging conversations on Sunday when ruling Mercury in retrograde forms a square against rule-making Saturn. Focus on listening with compassion; most people just want to be heard. If possible, tuck yourself away to focus on a solo project that needs your attention. You’re ready for a more relaxed atmosphere starting Tuesday, as ruling Mercury stations direct in social Libra. Try not to push yourself too hard as you settle back into your usual schedule, as Mercury’s retroshade period lasts until November 19. You’re feeling wiser and more competent on Friday, ready to handle any challenge that crosses your path as dominant Mercury forms a second square against responsible Saturn. You may notice themes from Sunday’s square that bubble up again, so be ready to handle them with grace and gentleness.
June 21 to July 22

It’s almost time to take your shell off, Cancer. You’re feeling a little braver and more supported as Mercury, which governs inner growth, stations direct in Libra on Tuesday. Continue to set up reasonable boundaries with others as you navigate Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow period, ending on November 19. Take some time to yourself on Friday, as spiritual Mercury forms a square against love-ruling Saturn. You’ll need the space to process your emotions during this challenging transit. You may feel as though you’re being torn in two directions on Saturday, as the money-ruling Sun in your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, and romance makes a quincunx with status-minded Mars. Instead of focusing on the self, find out how you can use your artistic talents and skills to help others.
July 23 to August 22

It’s time to treat yourself, Leo. If you’ve been taking extra care of your cash while Mercury has been in retrograde, why not celebrate a little? Financial-minded Mercury stations direct in luxury-loving Libra on Tuesday, encouraging you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. If you’ve got your eye on a big-ticket item, though, hold off until Mercury’s retroshade period ends on November 19, and you’re fully in the clear. You may notice two different sides of you emerge on Tuesday, when career-conscious Venus creates a quincunx with passionate Uranus. Instead of trying to merge your aspirations with your big heart, why not try to switch your focus back to your community and spend this energy on helping out others? You could find it supremely more enriching than anything self-serving. Try not to get worked up about inconveniences that arise on Friday, as money-ruling Mercury forms a square against routine-ruling Saturn. People are bound to make mistakes and have trouble finding their thoughts as these planets clash, including you. Try to cut everyone some slack and keep your schedule simple if you can.
August 23 to September 22

You’re almost ready to re-emerge from your chrysalis, Virgo. Career- and status-ruling Mercury stations direct in idealistic Libra on Tuesday, helping you build your confidence as you navigate new ventures and challenges. Take your time and avoid pushing yourself too hard until November 19, when Mercury’s retroshade period ends. From there, you’ll be able to take on the world. Need a change of pace? Try not to go off the rails too hard on Tuesday, when resource-ruling Venus creates a quincunx with schedule-savvy Uranus. Allow yourself to experiment with a different routine, but take baby steps as these planets clash. It could be tempting to duck out of work early or, conversely, to keep the midnight oil burning on Friday, as professional Mercury forms a square against pleasure-seeking Saturn. The key here is to remember balance — try to find a happy medium.
September 23 to October 22

Get in touch with your hidden self, Libra. The secret is as simple as making time for mindfulness starting Tuesday, when spiritual-ruling Mercury stations direct in communicative Libra. Pace yourself as you strengthen your inner voice, until Mercury’s post-retrograde period concludes on November 19. Think of your spirit as a muscle that needs to be flexed, and be patient with yourself. You may need to take some time away from your home on Friday, as inner growth-governing Mercury forms a square against domestic-minded Saturn. Tap into your softer side and express patience for loved ones during this tough transit, as it is harder for us to express ourselves. On Saturday, the Sun in your 2nd house of finances, values, and possessions makes a quincunx with passionate Mars, turning your focus inward. Try to channel your passions into supporting your community instead, to make the best of this clash of energy.
October 23 to November 21

A veil of uncertainty is being lifted, Scorpio. You might notice that others are easier to read starting Tuesday, as communication-ruling Mercury stations direct in friendly Libra. While the messenger planet doesn’t affect your sign as much as it does others, you may be able to see the change in the way that friends, loved ones, and colleagues behave. Continue to be patient with others as they navigate Mercury’s retroshade period ending on November 19. If you share a space with a loved one, you may notice that you’re both in the mood for change on Tuesday, when romantic Venus creates a quincunx with domestic Uranus. Avoid putting any new holes in your walls or make a bid on a new space without doing your research, as this transit can inspire knee jerk decisions. Single? Make the most of this transit by experimenting with a new home accessory, or get inspired by bold aesthetics on Pinterest. Take a break from routine on Saturday, and get outside of your own head. The career-ruling Sun in your 1st house of self, first impressions, and appearance makes a quincunx with routine-ruling Mars, putting your professional and personal responsibilities at odds. Try something unexpected and save your to-do list for next week.
November 22 to December 21

Share your sunny attitude with the world, Sagittarius. You’re ready to inspire others and make big changes starting Tuesday, as love- and career-ruling Mercury stations direct in social Libra. Conserve your energy as you go, and protect your spirit until November 19, when Mercury’s retroshade period ends. You may feel driven to mix things up on Tuesday, as routine-ruling Venus creates a quincunx with innovative Uranus. While this transit is exciting and fresh, try not to take too many risks as these planets clash. Passionate Mercury forms a square against money-ruling Saturn on Friday. Your mind will turn to money, but this transit favors solo work over collaboration. Before diving into any financial discussions, take time to gather your thoughts. 
December 22 to January 19

Make time for what matters, Capricorn. On Tuesday, routine-ruling Mercury stations direct in optimistic Libra, giving you a chance to re-evaluate your to-do list. But expect some roadblocks and mistakes to come up through November 19, when Mercury finally leaves his retroshade period — go easy on yourself. Does it feel like you’re not being compensated for what your work is worth? Do your research and get the facts on Tuesday, when career-ruling Venus creates a quincunx with money-minded Uranus. On Friday, wellness-minded Mercury forms a square against ruling Saturn. It’s a good time to get away from the rat race and take a walk in nature if you can. Connect with your inner voice and learn to forgive and love yourself more fully.
January 20 to February 18

It’s easier to move through the world when we’re all on the same page. We get closer to understanding each other starting Tuesday, as communication-ruling Mercury stations direct in idealistic Libra. While Aquarians are less affected by Mercury’s pull, you’ll be sure to notice a steady change in others as we collectively get back to normal on November 19, when the messenger’s retroshade period ends. On Tuesday, you may feel the need to change your space, as domestic-ruling Venus creates a quincunx with ruling Uranus. Refresh your personal goals on Saturday, when the love-ruling Sun in your 10th house of career, structure, and public image makes a quincunx with fiesty Mars. You could uncover a new dream that sets you on an exciting path.
February 19 to March 20

Spread the love, Pisces. You’re in the mood to begin opening up on Tuesday, when affectionate Mercury stations direct in flirty Libra. Build up your courage slowly until the messenger planet completes his retroshade period on November 19. You may need some time to yourself on Friday, as emotion-driven Mercury forms a square against rule-abiding Saturn. It could be difficult to express your feelings as these planets clash, so focus on finding your words with meditation or journaling. The wellness-minded Sun in your 9th house of exploration, adventure, and belief makes a quincunx with material Mars on Saturday, creating tension between your point of view and your values. Make sense of this transit by researching where you spend your money and the businesses you support. 

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