December welcomes us with a newfound, and much-needed, sense of hope. Chatty Mercury enters adventurous Sagittarius on Tuesday, a transit ...

Your December Horoscope Is Here

December welcomes us with a newfound, and much-needed, sense of hope. Chatty Mercury enters adventurous Sagittarius on Tuesday, a transit that drives us to better understand each other and the world around us. We can enjoy this powerful energy by engaging in discourse and listening to opposing views that expand our thinking.The downside: It’s easier to make mistakes when we’re feeling this open, so we’ll need to be careful not to take everything at face value. 

Mid-month, our thoughts will naturally turn to what’s ahead of us. The final Solar Eclipses of the year occur on December 14, and the super-charged new Moon arrives in Sagittarius on the same day, at around 11:15 a.m. EST, forming a strong conjunction with intellectual Mercury and creates a powerful trine with ambitious Mars. It's time to set a powerful new intention for what we'd like to accomplish in 2021. These happy aspects will help us formulate our goals and lend us the energy we need to progress towards our dreams.

We're feeling more confident in our emotions starting on December 15, when Venus, which rules love and beauty, enters bold Sagittarius. It's time to move towards a more direct attitude and ask for what we want from those we love. This transit offers a beautiful chance for single people to be straightforward about what they want from first dates, situationships, and everything in between. In a relationship? Venus in Sagittarius helps us to be brave when discussing our feelings with those we love. We’ll have our questions answered while Venus inhabits this courageous sign.  

Rule-loving Saturn enters forward-thinking Aquarius on December 17; the regimented planet will stay in the innovative sign for three years. In this time, we will be collectively focusing on making the world a better place. This transit offers us the opportunity to work together towards humanitarian goals, create leaps in technology, and create exciting new structures that we can be proud of. 

We're offered the chance to move away from individualist concepts of success starting December 19, when bountiful Jupiter enters altruistic Aquarius. Instead of focusing on how each one of us can get ahead, we're encouraged to support our communities and discover exciting new ideas together. The planet of luck will remain in this air sign until December 30, 2021, giving us ample time to adjust our thinking. There will be a reformation to how we approach our ideas of value and success — get ready. 

Our minds turn towards more sensitive matters starting December 20, when speedy Mercury enters practical Capricorn. We're in a no-nonsense kind of mood during this transit, focused on getting results and sticking to the facts. Try not to lose your sense of humor, and remember to loosen up during this sober transit.

We're ready to take on new responsibilities and challenges beginning December 21, when the ego-ruling Sun enters ambitious Capricorn. It's a wonderful transit to dream up new goals for the upcoming year, making an action plan to chip away at in the coming months. The key is to start slow and move with precision. When the Sun inhabits Capricorn, he's focused on achieving tangible results. 

We're greeted by the last full Moon of the year in deep-feeling Cancer on December 29 at 10:28 p.m. EST. We can use this reflective transit to think back on the past year, to appreciate how far we’ve come, and to give thanks to the support we were given. The Moon forms a sextile with change-loving Uranus, helping us to realize what changes are necessary for the future. Get ready for a brand new way of life.
March 21 to April 19

Are you ready to look ahead, Aries? The final Solar Eclipse of the year occurs in adventurous Sagittarius at around 11:15 a.m. EST on December 14, setting the stage for you to create a powerful intention. Your creative Sun and domestic-ruling Moon work together to help you realize new opportunities. It could be time for you to start a solo project beginning December 17, when status-minded Saturn enters independent Aquarius. Even if you're not ready to go it alone, you'll surely be attracted to embarking on exciting projects in your field. Use this transit to make your mark on the world. Your need for intellectual stimulation ramps up on December 19, when philosophical Jupiter enters forward-thinking Aquarius. Use this transit to seek out an exciting new subject to tantalize your brain, and work with people who encourage you to think expansively. You're ready to create some buzz and spread your influence starting December 21, when your pleasure-seeking Sun highlights your 10th house of career, structure, and public image. Take some time to spice up your online presence.

April 20 to May 20

Are you holding yourself back, Taurus? Consider how you'd like to move forward on December 14, during this year's final Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Your domestic-ruling Sun in your 8th house of transformation, mystery, and dramatic change works with the emotional Moon to help bring new possibilities for your future to light — if you're willing to take them on. Free up your schedule starting December 15, as routine-ruling Venus enters energetic Sagittarius, in order to make way for the unexpected to enter your life. It's time to take more chances and get out of any ruts that you've been stuck in. Your mind craves exciting new information starting on December 17, when philosophical Saturn enters independent Aquarius. Investigate new subjects and pick up books you haven't finished during this education-loving transit. Your home-loving Sun illuminates your 9th house of exploration, adventure, and belief on December 21, helping you to consider new ways to make the most out of your personal space. Look at your home with a fresh perspective, and see where you can make transformative changes.

May 21 to June 20

How are you securing your bag, Gemini? You might be interested in restrategizing your approach towards creating your foundations on December 14 at around 11:15 a.m. EST, during 2020's final Solar Eclipse in straight-forward Sagittarius. Meditate on the kind of business relationships you need to foster while the Sun, in your 7th house of partnerships, contracts, and business, works with your money-ruling Moon. If you're single, you may feel that you're not quite ready to be tied down starting December 19, as love-ruling Jupiter enters free-spirited Aquarius. Use this transit to enjoy your independence and get to know yourself better. If you're currently partnered, you may feel the need to discuss higher goals with your partner. This is a beautiful opportunity to make sure that you're on the same page. Routine-ruling Mercury enters determined Capricorn on December 20, making you feel ultra-efficient. Take time to slow down and enjoy life during this driven transit. You're ready to undergo a metamorphosis of sorts starting December 21, when the Sun enters your 8th house of transformation, mystery, and dramatic change. Who you become is entirely up to you.
June 21 to July 22

Slow down to speed up, Cancer. You may be biting off more than you can chew, so take a breather and reassess your energy levels on December 14 at around 11:15 a.m. EST, during this year's last Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Be kind to yourself as you evaluate how you'd like to move forward while the materialistic-ruling Sun in your 6th house of health, order, and service collaborates with your ruling Moon. You may be itching to revamp your space starting December 15 when domestic-ruling Venus enters adventurous Sagittarius. Seek out warm hues and inspiration from your favorite destinations. Starting December 17, single Crabs may feel as though they’re just getting to know themselves in a new way, as love-ruling Saturn enters quirky Aquarius. Take the chance to build up your sense of independence and self-esteem during this powerful transit. If you're in a relationship, you might notice that your priorities are being shifted and that you need to strengthen your confidence — it's time to toughen up that shell. You've got a practical mind when it comes to spending starting December 21 as your money-ruling Sun lights up your 7th house of partnerships, contracts, and business. Now is your chance to inspect how you work with others and strengthen old bonds.

July 23 to August 22

Are you holding back your true feelings, Leo? Understand the importance of vulnerability as you work towards new goals on December 14 at around 11:15 a.m. EST, upon the arrival of 2020's final Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Practice setting an intention of honesty as the ruling Sun in your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, and romance collaborates with emotional Moon. You're feeling invigorated with inspiring new energy starting on December 15, as career-ruling Venus enters excitable Sagittarius. Use this bubbly transit to imagine new solutions, and enjoy teaming up with people who are ready to support your goals. You could on the verge of beginning a new lifestyle starting December 17, as wellness-conscious Saturn enters future-minded Aquarius. This transit could help you to delve into a new practice to help support your physical being. The ruling Sun supports Saturn's goal starting December 21, as he moves into your 6th house of health, order, and service. Where can you cut the fat to help create more balance in your life?

August 23 to September 22

Are you getting what you need, Virgo? Sometimes it can feel as though the weight of the world (and your family) is on your shoulders. Take a moment to unload some of that burden on December 14 at around 11:15 a.m. EST during this year's last Solar Eclipse in honest Sagittarius. After all, you can’t help others without helping yourself first. So power yourself up as the Sun, in your 4th house of family, instincts, and foundations, cooperates with the deep-feeling Moon; set an intention of self-care. Stretch your wings and fly solo starting on December 17 when pleasure-seeking Saturn enters independent Aquarius. Seek out activities and hobbies that make your heart feel full and embrace a spirit of originality. Your work ethic gets an energy boost beginning December 20, when status-minded Mercury enters focused Capricorn. You're ready to take on any challenge that comes your way during this organized transit. Remember to make time for play, as the Sun illuminates your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, and romance on December 21. Indulge in the comforts of the winter season, and share your joy with friends and loved ones.

September 23 to October 22

Are you feeling frustrated by your goals, Libra? It's time to start using your words and speak what you feel on December 14 at around 11:15 a.m. EST. It's up to you to create a powerful intention to find a solution within yourself during the last Solar Eclipse of 2020 in straight-forward Sagittarius. You've got the tools to succeed as the Sun in your 3rd house of communication, thought, and community works with your career-ruling Moon. You're ready to embrace a new way of speaking starting December 19, as communication-ruling Jupiter enters forward-thinking Aquarius. Use this transit to tap into your imagination and strengthen your words to create a cooperative atmosphere. Your work responsibilities could increase starting December 20, as career-ruling Mercury enters disciplined Capricorn. While this transit can help you to reach your goals quickly, don't forget to take time to unwind and relax. Domestic matters come to the forefront beginning December 21, as the Sun brightens your 4th house of family, instincts, and foundations. Take the time to kick back with your loved ones, and enjoy looking forward to a brand new year together.

October 23 to November 21

Are you being realistic with your goals, Scorpio? It's time to check-in and re-evaluate your efforts on December 14 at around 11:15 a.m. EST, during the final Solar Eclipse of 2020, occurring in optimistic Sagittarius. If you feel as though you've lost your focus, or are ready to embrace a new goal, practice visualizing where you'd like to be during this event. Your career-ruling Sun in your 2nd house of finances, values, and possessions collaborates with the secretive Moon to help you realize your dreams. If you're single, get ready to mingle (responsibly) starting December 15, when romantic Venus enters bold Sagittarius. Now is the time to put yourself out on the dating scene and be honest about what you're looking for. If you're in a relationship, this transit may help you bring some excitement back into your life and enjoy heart-to-heart conversations with your partner. Suppose you'd like to consider a different approach to your financial goals. In that case, you'll be happy to hear that there's always a new option to chew over starting December 19 when money-minded Jupiter enters curious Aquarius on December 19. Thinking about how you'd like to gain more influence? Your status-minded Sun highlights your 3rd house of communication, thought, and community on December 21, helping you to connect with people who can help you translate your message to the world.

November 22 to December 21

It's time to check in with your hidden self, Sagittarius. Take a break from the barrage of responsibilities and get in touch with your true purpose on December 14, during 2020's last Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, which arrives around 11:15 a.m. EST. It's up to you to set an intention that helps you to reconnect with your goals, as the Sun in your 1st house of self, first impressions, and appearance works with the insightful and emotion-ruling Moon. You're ready to enjoy an idealistic new mindset starting on December 19, when ruling Jupiter enters future-minded Aquarius. Consider how you can channel your talents to help the collective and work with your community. If you've wanted to level up your game at work, you're blessed with a keen eye for detail starting December 20, as career-focused Mercury enters determined Capricorn. Hone your organizational skills and form helpful new habits during this encouraging transit. Your attention shifts towards taking care of earthly belongings starting on December 21, while the Sun lights up your 2nd house of finances, values, and possessions. This transit can encourage you to begin a responsible new budget or savings goal — use your time wisely.

December 22 to January 19

Are you making your feelings known, Capricorn? You've got the chance to seize your desires on December 14, upon the arrival of 2020's last Solar Eclipse at around 11:15 a.m. EST in courageous Sagittarius. It's time to meditate on how you would like to secure more love in your life as your romantic-ruling Moon works with the Sun in your 12th house of inner growth, vulnerability, and conclusion. Single or attached, it's essential to embrace your softer side and let your feelings be known. On December 15, career-ruling Venus enters bold Sagittarius, turning the world into your oyster. You could be feeling more adventurous and be ready to make a move into a different field — use this transit to learn more about your options. Your attention to detail sharpens even more, starting December 20, when schedule-savvy Mercury enters precision-minded Capricorn. It's your time to shine beginning December 21, when the Sun celebrates your 1st house of self, first impressions, and appearance. Dress yourself up, ramp up your self-care routine, and enjoy a little pampering as you enjoy your season — you're sure to have people turning heads. 
January 20 to February 18

Consider how you can incorporate more relationship time into your schedule, Aquarius. You're blessed with the chance to manifest a new plan that helps you to support your loved ones on December 14. Take the time to concentrate on how you can achieve this balance during the final Solar Eclipse of 2020, which occurs in optimistic Sagittarius at around 11:15 a.m. EST. Your love-ruling Sun and wellness-minded Moon are harmonizing so that you can continue to stay bonded over the coming winter months. You could be inspired to bring a little creative flair to your space starting December 15, as domestic-ruling Venus enters idealistic Sagittarius. Create a getaway in your home, sans beach bathroom. Inject color and texture to help keep things interesting while the outside world goes grey. You may feel called to nurture your spiritual side starting December 17, when Saturn, which rules inner growth, enters unconventional Aquarius. Pick up a practice that helps you to connect with your intuition and listen closely. Your affection-ruling Sun brightens up your 12th house of inner growth, vulnerability, and conclusion beginning December 21, encouraging you to love yourself more fully. 

February 19 to March 20

How can you create more balance in your life, Pisces? Get ready to set a potent new intention on December 14, upon the arrival of 2020's final Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius at around 11:15 a.m. EST. Your Sun, which oversees wellness and routines, will collaborate with your creative-ruling Moon, offering you the ideal chance to reflect on how you can take care of your needs and bring life to exciting new projects. Is it time for you to begin a new career journey? Status-ruling Jupiter enters idealistic Aquarius on December 19, offering you new paths for you to explore. What skills are you looking to hone? What partnerships have you wanted to make? Jupiter's movement through this Air sign will open new doors. You may want to get to work on your space starting on December 20, when domestic-ruling Mercury enters hard-working Capricorn. Use this transit to help get organized, and consider how you can improve your foundations. You'll be ready to start scheduling safe hangouts beginning December 21, when your routine ruling Sun shines on your 11th house of groups, friendships, and goals. Do some research on fun new ways to entertain each other from a distance over the holidays so that you can avoid Zoom fatigue.

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