As the new season begins on June 20, the day of the summer solstice, we’ll be wanting to move towards love and romance . Astrologically, thi...

Summer Love & Sex Predictions, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

As the new season begins on June 20, the day of the summer solstice, we’ll be wanting to move towards love and romance. Astrologically, this summer brings delicious energies our ways — all of which will make us yearn to step outside into the warm breeze and embrace our heartfelt desires.

So re-download Tinder and keep swiping right; here’s a deep dive into what the summer has in store for the love lives of each sign


Although it’s so unlike your tempestuous nature, you’re wanting more than passion in your love life. The summer solstice on June 20 and the new moon on July 9 will urge you to rethink the type of vibe you are yearning to bring into your life. Clarifying what you’re looking for will help you meet a few suitors on July 13, during the yearly Venus-Mars conjunction, and on August 8, during the new moon in Leo. These meetings could lead to a full-on relationship by the autumnal equinox on September 22. Already partnered? Things will get warm and fuzzy with your SO on July 9 during the Cancer new moon, then sensual and dreamy on August 16 when passionate Venus enters Libra. Lucky you!Photographed by Megan Madden.


You’re wanting something more than love — a true partnership in which you can connect with your SO in deeper ways than you ever thought possible. With friendship and mutual respect being the foundation of your relationship, it will be easy to commit — or recommit — on July 13, when Venus and Mars unite in Leo. The rest of the summer will be easy and breezy. The one exception is August 19, when rebellious Uranus’s planetary backspin may put you’ in the mood to rumble. You might start an argument by digging your bullish hooves in the grass, due to rebellious Uranus’s planetary backspin. Other than that, you can expect to be lost in a romantic dream — especially on both July 21, when Venus enters earthy Virgo, and September 10, when Venus enters sizzling Scorpio.

Photographed by Megan Madden.


The end of Mercury retrograde on June 22 and (and the post-retrograde “retro-shade” period on July 7) will open up the door to new relationships. You’re thirsting for excitement and wanting to meet interesting people on July 13 during the Venus-Mars conjunction in Leo. But, being the social butterfly that you are, it’ll be hard for anyone to hold you back from exploring and connecting with a ton of cool peeps. Things will change on August 16 (Venus enters flirty Libra then), when a chance, IRL encounter (no apps involved) brings you face-to-face with someone special. This person won’t be your usual type, and yet around August 30, as Mercury shifts into the commitment-minded sign of Libra, you’ll find yourself wanting to forge a relationship with them. Photographed by Megan Madden.


Love is in the air this summer. But, Cancer, you’ll have to stop using manipulation to get your way or clinging to people who aren’t respectful of your boundaries. A tense Venus-Pluto opposition on June 23 and a Capricorn full moon the very next day will make you feel a need to control your budding situationship or current relationship. Or, your partner could be the one calling all the shots (much to your annoyance). Setting stern boundaries on July 1 (when Mars and Saturn oppose each other) will flip the energy and allow you to change the direction of the relationship during the new moon in Cancer on July 9. Things can and will get better if you minimize the drama and chill.Photographed by Megan Madden.


As summer commences, you’re keeping your heart guarded. It’s not until July 13, when Venus and Mars align in your Sun, that you actually put yourself in the mix and start meeting people IRL. The reason being is that you’re going through major changes in the type of partner you’re attracting — and as of late, you may find yourself only looking for a serious relationship. The reality is, however, that you may have to kiss a few frogs first — but you will find your one and only during the Aquarius full moon on July 23, and you can expect to deepen the commitment during the Aquarius blue moon on August 22. The only date to watch out for is July 1, when Mars and Saturn oppose each other in the sky. During this time, differences may hold you back from stepping up a potential partnership.

Photographed by Megan Madden.


Your pals will have a lot to say about your current relationship this month, especially during the tense Venus-Pluto opposition on June 23; the Capricorn full moon on June 24; the Cancer new moon on July 9; and Mercury’s move into Cancer on July 11. Defending your crush or partner will take its toll on these friendships, as you’ll begin to pull back due to their criticisms. Instead of focusing on the negativity, open your heart to evolving your situationship on July 21 and August 11 when Venus and Mercury enter Virgo, respectively. By the end of summer, you’ll feel as though you’ve extended your heart fully. September 20’s Pisces full moon is a great time for reflection and romance with your boo, and offers an opportunity for you to enter autumn with your relationship on a high note.Photographed by Megan Madden.


Your charm is at a peak on June 27 when loving Venus enters life-of-the-party Leo; you’ll be wanting to flirt with many people (not just one) who cross your path. Keep your options open before settling down with the first person you click with. You will notice that there are many fish in the sea and you can have your pick of the litter toward the end of this month, due to three fortuitous transits: the Aquarius full moon on July 23, Jupiter retrograde’s re-entrance into Aquarius on July 28, and the Aquarius blue moon on August 22. Committed? If so, expect an upwards shift in your relationship this month, in particular around July 13 (when there’s a passionate Venus-Mars conjunction), July 21 (when romantic Venus shifts into Virgo), and August 16 (when the Planet of Love moves into Libra). It’s time that you take things to the next level and recommit yourself to your SO.Photographed by Megan Madden.


This summer you’re not looking for a great romance — but you are having fun showing off your latest infatuation on Instagram to all your friends. Just be aware that the situationship will become more than just a summertime fling by August 19, due to Uranus’s retrograde urging you to work out your relationship issues. No matter how hard you try to resist commitment, you may be getting more serious by Labor Day (even though you’ll do your best to ensure that doesn’t happen and try to sabotage the blossoming romance). If you are currently in a partnership already, then you’ll have amazing life changing relationship news to share with your family and friends on August 8, during the new moon in Leo. Photographed by Megan Madden.


You will feel a sense of emotional relief the moment Mercury retrograde ends on June 22, and an even deeper calmness when it leaves its post-retrograde shadow on July 7. All of your current relationship issues will go away, as well as your pesky exes who resurfaced over the past several weeks. If you’re single then, the Cancer new moon on July 9 is the ideal time to hit the dating apps hard. You may meet a fling on July 13, when the Venus and Mars alignment brings a temporary hookup. Have fun and date around for now. Around August 22’s blue moon, however, you’ll connect with someone on a deeper level. Photographed by Megan Madden.


The summer solstice marks the culmination of all the efforts you’ve been putting into finding and maintaining love. The caveat to your fairy tale romance is that there will be several moments this summer in which your relationship will be tested. June 23 and 24 (when Venus and Pluto oppose each other, followed by the Capricorn full moon) will be a trying time for romance, due to power struggles and triangular situations coming to a head. Learning to keep strong boundaries in your relationship is essential (a lesson you will come to learn by the Cancer new moon on July 9). After that, the rest of your summer lovin’ will be a blast with no worries or stress.Photographed by Megan Madden.


You’re over-compromising in your situationship, which is making you feel like you aren’t being given TLC by your crush. July 13’s Venus-Mars connection in proud Leo brings you to the realization that you’ve been giving too much and not receiving enough. You’ll attract the balance you want on August 8’s Leo new moon, if you take a big step back from micromanaging the dynamic with your boo. This doesn’t mean that you’re ending things; instead, you’ll be able to cool down your overly zealous emotions. Taking the chill and calm approach during the full moon in Aquarius on July 23 and the blue moon in the same sign on August 22 will bring you back to your center when it comes to dating, even though you’re impassioned ATM.
Photographed by Megan Madden.


July 13’s Venus-Mars conjunction motivates you to discuss your feelings with your crush or SO, and to go after what you want. You’ll stop selling your heart short of what it desires and level up your commitment. If you’re single, then you will find love when you least expect it on July 21 when Venus enters Virgo. But you may immediately hit the pause button on the situationship because it’s moving too fast. Don’t pass up on a chance to be with someone who’ll light your fire due to the impracticality of it, though. Most matters of the heart aren’t practical. In romance you gotta trust your instincts.Photographed by Megan Madden.

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