Love is unpredictable — which is why it's the most popular topic to bring up during psychic readings , intuitive sessions, and other for...

Your Valentine’s Day Tarot Reading Asks: Is It Time To Get Serious?

Love is unpredictable — which is why it's the most popular topic to bring up during psychic readings, intuitive sessions, and other forms of spiritual fortune-telling. And with Valentine's Day coming up, we all have the same question on our minds, whether we're in love, single, or in a situationship: What's in store for our love lives? While we can't tell you your fate, we can take a peak into what might be around the corner for your V-Day with a tarot reading.

A refresher: Tarot is a form of divination that uses a deck of playing cards to give us a sense of direction. And while tarot isn't here for us to predict the future, practitioners of the craft believe that reading these cards can give us the tools to cope with the world around us. Including Valentine's Day.

So, we sat down with Sarah Potter, a tarot reader, professional witch, and color magic practitioner based in New York City, for a collective 2022 Valentine's Day tarot reading to help guide us through this holiday of love.

The Lovers

Before pulling the first card, Potter reminds me that every year is associated with a universal tarot card. This year's card? The Lovers.

If this seems a little too on the nose, remember: This card isn't just about romance. "It's about partnership and connections and relationships, but it's also about the choices we make and the decisions we make based on our personal values," Potter says. "I feel like last year was a pretty challenging year for everyone, and then that made connections and romance and relationships extra challenging."

She points out that 2021's card was The Hierophant, which often brings wisdom and lessons. "Now, we have an opportunity to put those lessons into practice by making better choices for ourselves, especially when it comes to potential partners or how we behave in romantic relationships we're already in," she says.

Potter believes that we're always presented with the same choices over and over again, and only we get to decide if we're going to move differently or repeat our mistakes. Keep this theme in mind as we move through our collective tarot reading! Photographed by Joel Arbaje.

9 of Swords

We're not going to sugar coat this — the 9 of Swords is a challenging card. "This is the card of our fears, our anxieties," Potter says. "This card makes me think of when you can't sleep at night because you're up ruminating, obsessing, over-thinking."

Don't panic! Although not ideal for Valentine's Day, our fears and anxieties never truly leave us. This card is acknowledging those difficulties, and is pushing us us to ask ourselves if we're truly happy with where we're at right now. "This is your moment to acknowledge those feelings in order to feel them, but also make changes," Potter says. "If you are single and wish to be in a relationship, or maybe you are attached and don't want to be anymore, or your needs are not being met, or it just isn't working out and you are not happy — whatever it is, it's probably much worse in your head because you are keeping it to yourself and overthinking it."

The advice here is to try and quit your negative thoughts — whatever you're going through isn't over yet, and you can come out on the other side happier and more content.
Photographed by Joel Arbaje.

4 of Wands (Reversed)

Potter describes this card following the 9 of Swords as interesting, since she usually sees that as a signal of a very serious relationship. "This points to conflicts in our romantic lives and partnerships," she says. "This could be an acknowledgement of incompatibilities, a fear or hesitation to take things to the next level, or being worried about deepening your commitment."

And for those who aren't in a partnership, Potter says this can point to anxieties surrounding love. "I know a lot of people hate Valentine's Day because it makes them think about what they don't have in their life," she says. "Maybe it's 'I don't have the type of partnership I wanted.' Maybe it's 'I wish this was more serious, I wish I was getting engaged, I wish I was at this stage,' or 'I haven't met the right person yet'."

While this sounds like another rough card, being afraid isn't all bad — this emotion can open up our minds and show us what we really want. Potter advises us to take time and explore our thoughts and reflect on the past few years of our lives. We're still in a pandemic, for crying out loud, so feeling anxious or worried about the future of our lives — even our love lives — is totally understandable. The only way to move forward in love is to confront your fears, and this Valentine's Day may afford us the opportunity to do that in a healthy way.Photographed by Joel Arbaje.

9 of Wands

Here's some V-Day positivity: The 9 of Wands is all about resilience. "Circumstances and situations might be hard right now, but you've got this!" Potter says. "If you're single and experiencing dating app fatigue, it's okay! Keep putting yourself out there and find new ways to connect with and meet people. Explore your own interests and join groups or classes that reflect them." Potter advises those who are single to take a break from the apps to focus on themselves, even if it's just for a little while — you can always go back once you feel refreshed and ready.

Again, the message here is to persevere this V-Day. "Don't give up or let go of your dreams, especially if you are single and hoping to meet someone. You just never know what can happen or who you will meet," Potter says. "And if you are in a relationship and hitting a rough patch, this doesn't have to mean it's the end. It's just an opportunity to shift and make changes together to take this relationship to the next level as you communicate and make adjustments."
Photographed by Joel Arbaje.

Wheel of Fortune

This card reiterates the resilience of the 9 of Wands, and lets us know that we always have the opportunity to change things in our lives — whether it's the extravagant Valentine's Day dinner reservations you made, how you've been communicating in a relationship, or how you've been approaching dating.

"What goes up must come down, but it always goes up again. The only constant is change," Potter says. For those who are feeling down this V-Day, know that lows are always accompanied by highs. "It's so important to remain hopeful, keep your eyes open, and focus on yourself," Potter says.
Photographed by Joel Arbaje.

Queen of Pentacles

This Valentine's Day, focus on bettering yourself. "When you feel good in your skin, in your being, in your essence, you radiate it," Potter says. "Who doesn't want to meet the person who is sparkling and shining and having a good time?"

While the cards have obviously been acknowledging that we're going through a rough patch right now, Potter says that this reminds us how important it is to focus on yourself. "It's going to get better — everything will be fine," she says. "Work on your own personal goals and the love will follow, or focus on yourself outside of your relationship."

Whatever makes you feel good should be a priority right now, and Potter advises us to indulge in major self care. Book a V-Day massage for one, get a cute heart-themed manicure, or snag that expensive bed sheet set you've been eyeing for a while. You deserve it.Photographed by Joel Arbaje.

8 of Pentacles

Next up, the 8 of Pentacles. This card is asking us to keep working on ourselves to reach our full potential, whether that's as romantic partners or just being a good friend in our other platonic and familial relationships. Now, we're acknowledging the work that needs to be done, and we can move forward.

"Going back to that 9 of Swords card, you can always improve your situation," Potter says. "Romance and relationships take dedication and patience."Photographed by Joel Arbaje.

9 of Cups

When Potter pulls this final card, she says this is our "dream come true" — it's a good sign that things are looking up.

The overall theme of this reading, Potter says, is that the energy might be difficult in our love lives right now, but that doesn't mean we need to give up. "Everything can change in an instant," she says. "You never know who you're going to meet. It's great to dream about the possibilities, and the dream will come true. You just have to keep going."

Whether you are single or attached, love is all around you — celebrate love, indulge in pleasure, enjoy yourself, and have fun. Even if Valentine's Day ends up being a bust, it'll be a learning experience. There's no time like now to let yourself grow!Photographed by Joel Arbaje.

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