Welcome to November! It’s peak fall, and while we’re enjoying hot pumpkin spice lattes and the foliage, the cosmos are giving us an equally...

Your November Horoscope Is Here — Time To Make Your Dreams Come True

Welcome to November! It’s peak fall, and while we’re enjoying hot pumpkin spice lattes and the foliage, the cosmos are giving us an equally tasty glimpse at our lives. The month starts off with the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8, which is going to push intimate relationships and our dreams to the limit. We may decide to change the direction of our lives and reassess our personal goals.

Venus, Mercury, and the Sun glide into Sagittarius on November 16, 17, and 22, adding a more optimistic and hopeful energy to the stars. Adventure is in the air during the Sagittarius new moon on November 23, which urges us to take risks and live on the edge. Expansive Jupiter, the traditional planetary ruler of Sagittarius and Jupiter, turns direct in Pisces on November 23 after moonwalking for nearly four months — bringing us luck and abundance in the days to come.

Manifesting money, the ideal job, and healthy boundaries with others is a perfect way to utilize November’s energies. Anything you desire can happen, if you believe in the dream. Ahead, all the astrological insight your sign needs to make the most of the fall month.


After tightening your wallet and curtailing your spending. you’ll finally receive a financial break in the middle of the month. Before you run out and spend your cash frivolously, listen to the old adage and save some of it for a rainy day. The biggest lesson you’ve learned is that you never know where life takes you or when you’ll need to use your nest egg, which is why it’s good to have one handy and accessible going forward. Having extra money in your bank account will make you feel like the responsible adult you’re becoming.Illustration by barbarianflower


November 8’s lunar eclipse brings you close to your significant other/crush. Now, you have the chance to get deep and connect on an intimate and soulful level together. The caveat is that jealousies and insecurities can peak when Venus, Mercury, and the Sun enter Sagittarius on November 16, 17, and 22. There is an opportunity to evolve and heal your relationship during November 23’s new moon in Sagittarius. However, this depends on if you’re willing and wanting to embrace the higher energy of these planets and transits. Choosing to behave maturely and not act out in a moment of frustration will be key in maintaining the partnership. Decide wisely how you’d like to proceed; think it through and don’t act impulsively in the process.Illustration by barbarianflower


If you’ve ever pulled The Fool in a tarot reading, then you are familiar with the current cosmic energy entering your personal world. On one hand, this is a time of new beginnings and excitement. At the same time, however, The Fool needs to be extra careful in their footing: One step in the wrong direction and The Fool can topple backwards off the cliff. With Mars retrograde aligning with your sun, you have to proceed with care, especially when it comes to making amends with others or starting relationships during the new moon on November 23. The same applies to your career when Jupiter retrograde winds down on November 23. Take a major leap of faith and trust the process — just be particular with your plans!Illustration by barbarianflower


It’s a great month to have difficult discussions with people or give a presentation at work. You’ll be naturally social, and this goes from jovial joking with colleagues to a deeper longing for connection in a very sweet way when the November 8’s lunar eclipse occurs. This is the perfect time to bare your heart and speak your deepest truths with those you care about. These hard-won connections with your loved ones have a magical spark that can enhance your closeness for years to come. As long as you’re able to slip out of your protective shell and be real with others, then your life can blossom in many special ways. Don’t be afraid to show your true self to the world, Cancer!Illustration by barbarianflower


November 8’s lunar eclipse in Taurus is going to change the course of your professional aspirations forever. Working at a job that doesn’t inspire or motivate you towards greatness and growth isn’t the profession that you should be striving for, so it’s time to restart and rejuvenate your career path. The celestial shift coming in the middle of the month gives you an opportunity to evoke the creative side of yourself, allowing you to move towards incorporating your artistry into the work you are wanting to take on right now. Embrace your passions and lean into what makes you happy and sparks your dreams to come alive. If you love what you do, then you’ll find others on the same page as you that do the same.Illustration by barbarianflower


The overall vibe in your life gets an uplifting boost when Mercury shifts into Sagittarius on November 17. Connecting to loved ones is strongly encouraged and can even bring out some emotional breakthroughs allowing you to feel more secure. Relationships in general are going through a phase of reconnection and a facelift when Mercury and the Sun move into Sagittarius on November 17 and 22, followed by the new moon on the 23rd. With Jupiter moving forward on November 23 in the relationship sector of your chart, it’s time to look deep at your partnerships and decide who’s worth being a part of your life. The bottom line is that not everyone in your orb is healthy for your well-being — something you’re starting to see now.Illustration by barbarianflower


The fiery Sagittarius energy can feel a little raw and make your scales feel somewhat unbalanced due to the truthful energy that’s coming out. There is a definite amount of friction between the information that’s being exposed and what’s been felt intuitively. Try not to take things too personally when Venus enters Sagittarius on November 16, as everyone is in the mood to poke at the insecurities of others and argue — which may be too much for your sensitivities. On the positive side, there is a strong feeling of generosity and empathy, and a sense of kindness you’ll want to bring out when you see the bigger picture of your life during the new moon and Jupiter’s forward motion on the 23rd.Illustration by barbarianflower


The lunar eclipse on November 8 is making you reevaluate partnerships. In order to make any relationship work, you’ll need to compromise and find a middle ground. With that said, it’s not beneficial to compromise so much you sweep matters under the carpet. If arguments with loved ones are hitting a fever pitch, then you need to consider whether it’s worthwhile to stay connected with this person. Don’t give up your own sense of peace to appease someone else. When Sagittarius season begins on November 22, you’ll be able to take your power back — even though Mars’s ongoing planetary retrograde (which began on October 30 and will last until January 12, 2023) is stifling your ability to take action and make leaps forward in any aspect of your life. Illustration by barbarianflower


The universe is asking you to focus on yourself over the next few weeks, especially when you experience your solar return on November 22. This alignment shines a light on emotions, people, or situations you've been turning a blind eye to, but it's all in the name of personal evolution. The new moon on the 23rd begins its journey on a high, activating the area of your chart that rules your innermost desires. It’s the ideal time to focus on whatever you want to create and bring to life. Your passions are high and you’re wanting to look forward, not backwards, when Jupiter, your planetary ruler, turns direct on November 23 after moonwalking for almost four months. Change is here. Can you feel it?Illustration by barbarianflower


The lunar eclipse sparks an inspiring moment of joy, encouraging you to take more risks in life. Still, you may not be rushing to invest all your money or jump into a new project immediately — you’re learning the importance of living in the moment and being present (a sentiment that juxtaposes your reflective and cautious nature). You will have plenty of time to make calculatedly impulsive moves once the planets start entering Sagittarius on November 16, 17, and 22, so don’t fret about jumping into decisions on a whim. If you’re in doubt about any impending changes, it’s best to discuss the situation openly and honestly with your close friends or trusted advisors when lucky Jupiter turns direct on November 23.Illustration by barbarianflower


Despite your chill exterior, you are one of the most driven signs of the zodiac. When it comes to your career, no one can come between you and your aspirations — except those who wish to help in your journey. Be open to former coworkers and employers who reach out via LinkedIn and similar platforms mid-month to offer professional leads that’ll prove to be game-changers. They may offer you guidance and advice that can help you skip a few steps and advance quickly from your current position towards a higher level. In return, you’ll offer your time and energy towards helping the local community blossom and thrive through philanthropy. After all, nothing brings you more pleasure than giving back and being of service to those in need.Illustration by barbarianflower


If your luck hasn’t been yielding abundance lately, then prepare yourself for things to change at the end of the month. The weeks ahead are bringing positive shifts to the professional sector of your chart, so be ready for your career to take off and expand in different ways. When your planetary ruler, Jupiter, turns direct on the evening of November 23, you can expect to receive amazing news that will shift the scope of your professional goals forever. Perhaps it’s a promotion or a raise that you’ve been longing for. Either way, you’re attaining everything that you’ve always wanted, which is why you should go for the gold and celebrate your success. Don’t be humble or shy — accept all the amazing accolades coming to you now.Illustration by barbarianflower

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