Welcome to 2023! We start the new year with romantic Venus moving into airy Aquarius, adding intellectualism to matters of the heart. The...

Your January Horoscope Is Here — It’s Time To Release Old Emotions

Welcome to 2023! We start the new year with romantic Venus moving into airy Aquarius, adding intellectualism to matters of the heart.

The full moon in Cancer on January 6 gives us the chance to release old emotions and to clear our auras for 2023. Mars turns direct in Gemini on January 12, after moonwalking for almost 2.5 months (the retrograde began on October 30).

Our energy levels will be higher due to Mars’s forward motion. The same sentiment will be felt on January 18, when Mercury, who’s been retrograde since December 29 in Capricorn, turns direct. The Sun glides into Aquarius on the 20th, followed immediately by the Aquarius New Moon on January 21.

All of these changes coupled with Uranus’ (who is the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius) forward motion on January 22 in Taurus, marks a time of global change and technological advances. The month ends on a high with Venus swimming into its favorite zodiac sign, Pisces, on the 26th. Love, peace, kindness, and tenderness will surround us as we move into a new month. 


The month ahead asks you to reassess your dreams. You may find that your former visions are outdated and don’t reflect your current state of being. Therefore, it’s time to get back to the drawing board — or vision board for this matter — and reflect on the type of life you want.

Close your eyes and think about things that have never been done before in your industry or how you can elevate something in existence in an effort to make it better.

Journal your ideas and make sure that you manifest these visions while you bring them into existence. The more you believe in your work, dreams, and aspirations —- the easier it’ll be to make it happen in reality. You got this!
Illustration by barbarianflower


The new year kicks off with major changes happening to the professional sector of your chart in your current career path — do not stress or fret about these matters anymore!

Things are about to change and become more fluid in your career — especially from unexpected new and exciting work opportunities that are coming your way.

Money matters may take a bit of time to adapt and evolve, but that won’t stand in the way of you being able to fully lean into your professional aspirations and to start the groundwork for any projects that you’ve wanted to build.

Use January 21’s new moon as an optimal manifestation time to attain your goals. Now is the time to shine like the star you are.Illustration by barbarianflower


January 6’s full moon in Cancer has you chasing money that is owed from the past year.

Before you sign up to tackle more projects from your employer, make sure that they’re in good standing before continuing to work with them.

The reason being is that they can easily rack up an extremely high bill that they don’t have the funds for — leaving you high and dry. By the time you’re able to recoup some of the cash (when Mars and Mercury turns direct on January 12 and 18), you could find yourself in a personal financial slump due to their negligence.

Make sure that all of your contracts state specific payment dates and protect your assets to ensure this situation doesn’t happen again. Illustration by barbarianflower


2023 starts off with an intense full moon that connects with your sun on January 6. Releasing the residual drama and emotions from the past year will take a toll on your heart, because it’ll hurt once you’re on the path towards healing, but be rewarding when you are in the recovery phase.

As January progresses, you are taking steps to create stronger boundaries with others to ensure that no one is taking advantage of you.

One of the lessons that you’re taking with you from 2022 into the new year, is the certainty that you will be nobody’s fool again. When the going gets tough, you’re not sticking around to the bitter end. The main focus of the year ahead will only be on you.Illustration by barbarianflower


Unexpected partnerships could elevate your professional standing during January 21’s new moon in Aquarius and Uranus’s direct motion on January 22.

These two astrological phenomenons will give you the opportunity to break out of a rut and to integrate freshness into your life.

The new moon is bringing fabulously talented people into your sphere who want to help you take your business to the next level.

Uranus gives you the chance to see the bigger picture and what potential possibilities are available to bring your company into the future. Being ahead of the curve has always been your priority, Leo, and now you can do it — as long as you have the right team in place to help catapult you towards success in 2023.Illustration by barbarianflower


Getting out of your comfort zone will give you a chance to evolve when Mars and Mercury turn direct on January 12 and 18.

After dealing with two very intense retrogrades for the past few months that made you feel frozen in time, you’re in for a treat.

Now, you are wanting to do things that excite your spirit and elevate your lust for life — rather than trivial mundane activities. Choosing risky passion projects at work over safe ventures will indulge your desire for more creative ventures in the future.

The freedom presented at this time will feel as though a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. Plus, you will push yourself to level up and be empowered by your biggest advocate — YOU!Illustration by barbarianflower


A connection or reconnection with someone special could align you with a new group of friends.

And, this may be extremely helpful for your networking goals. You’ll meet people who are in your industry (or in a career that is closely associated with your profession) that can give you advice, suggestions, and ideas about how you can turn up the heat this year and attain the promotion you deserve.

Even if you don’t agree with their sentiments, it’s important for you to listen with open ears and not criticize their views (unless they are extreme).

You never know what the impact of your opinions and words can have on the outcome or who they’ll report to at the end of the meeting.Illustration by barbarianflower


Finding new and inventive ways to express yourself (like journaling or writing letters via snail mail) will help your birth chart come to life during January 6’s Full Moon.

You’ll find that the more you speak and honor yourself, the easier it is to deal with the ups and downs in your personal relationships.

The reasoning behind this is that now you can have tough conversations with your friends and SO. You won’t have to walk on glass or bury your emotions within yourself to maintain these partnerships.

It’ll feel as though a huge weight is being lifted off your heart, as you are finally able to be yourself and say what’s on your mind. The cosmos are giving you the encouragement to live your truth. Illustration by barbarianflower


Since discovering the recent reversal of fortune in your finances, you haven’t been able to enjoy the good life at the level that you wish you could.

Even though your money situation is a little sticky and stressful at this moment in time, you’re still having fun without refreshing your glass with top shelf champagne and spending your cash on a whim.

Calculated risks are important during January 6’s full moon to ensure that you don’t bet on an expenditure that isn’t worth the money.

Listen to the advice your friends and advisors are giving you in order to win big and to change your current state of financial affairs on January 22, when wildcard planet Uranus turns direct and grants you prosperity and abundance. Illustration by barbarianflower


With Mercury retrograde cruising along your sun until January 18, you’re having major indecision about how you want to lean into the new year.

On one hand, you’re wanting to break free and run away on a new adventure. On the other hand, you want to stay put until you earn brownie points at work that can allow you to have a vacation while still in good standing with your boss.

Truth be told, that’s just an excuse. Don’t hold yourself back from experiencing wonderful and exciting things. You work harder than most, which is why you should reap the benefits of your efforts this year. Cash in your frequent flier points for a trip to Hawaii, Paris, or both! Carpe diem in 2023!Illustration by barbarianflower


Never underestimate the power of your psychic abilities.

Venus's connection to your Sun on January 2 and the full moon on January 6 urges you to tap into your intuition in order to let you know what you want and how you want to proceed with some of your intimate relationships.

Instead of overthinking about matters, you should trust your gut feelings. After all, you know what the right thing to do is.

Your heart is asking you to cut the cord on situationships that aren’t healthy for your emotional well-being during the new moon (which aligns with your sun) on January 21.

Although it’ll be tough on your soul when Uranus turns direct the following day, you’ll know that you made the right decision. Illustration by barbarianflower


After the excitement and drama in your friendship group on January 1, you’re opting to spend the month of January behind the scenes and not engaging with many people.

The reason is that you have enough stress in your life and can’t spend time dealing with other people’s negativity or jewelry — especially when it has nothing to do with you.

Remember, it’s not selfish to focus on yourself — it’s empowering and what you should be doing in order to be happy. You may decide to dip your fins back in the water and head out to a party with your crew on January 26 (when Venus connects with your sun), but only if they remain on their best behavior for the whole evening.Illustration by barbarianflower

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